Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 413: One wave after another

Taking advantage of the smoke and dust, Mo Xun suddenly had an idea. With a flash of green light, his figure blurred for a while, and then reappeared in the original place.

On his head, the exquisite ring was still on it. One hand held the black ice gourd, and the other hand tightly grasped several talismans.

In addition, a translucent high-level shield was also added to his body.

However, what was a little puzzling was that his cultivation level had dropped to the initial stage of foundation building.

When the smoke and dust settled, except for the red-faced monk in the middle, the others all fell to the ground in dust.

The red-faced man was not without any injuries.

At least there were several tears on his gray-white clothes, and the hair on the back of his head was also a little messy.

Although there was no expression on the red-faced man's face, his red eyes showed uncontrollable anger.

He suddenly roared, and then opened his mouth and spit out a golden rainbow halberd, which flew out of his mouth with great momentum and headed towards Hu Weizhou first.

Hu Weizhou's face changed, and he hurriedly recited a spell, and then the whole person disappeared into the mud under his feet.

However, the rainbow halberd in the air seemed to have spirituality, and it turned a corner in the air and stabbed towards an open space.

Then there was a loud "bang" and white smoke rose. Hu Weizhou screamed and flew out from the ground, and fell to the side in a very embarrassed manner. At the same time, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

After the rainbow halberd missed the attack, it changed direction again and stabbed towards Hu Weizhou's back.

At this critical moment, a whisk fell from the sky and collided with the rainbow halberd with a "bang".

The whisk was bounced off on the spot, and the rainbow halberd continued to move forward.

But it was precisely because of this moment of obstruction that a wisp of white smoke rose from where Hu Weizhou was.

The rainbow halberd penetrated the white smoke and missed again.

When Hu Weizhou reappeared, he had already come to Qingyi's side!

The rest of the people also recovered after this brief defeat.

Especially Ye Wuya, who endured the severe pain, swallowed the pill while grabbing the powder and smearing it on his broken arm, which made his facial features almost distorted.

Just when the red-faced man wanted to continue to control the rainbow halberd and launch an attack again, several different kinds of magic weapons had already floated in the air.

Above Hu Weizhou's head, the small holes on the surface of the black umbrella emitted dark light needles and shot into the distance.

Ye Wuya made a single move with one hand, and the weight flew high, and then it fell down with a bang.

As for Yue Wusi, he controlled a set of flying swords and constantly harassed and attacked around the red-faced man.

Qingyi Fairy raised her whisk and shot out a beam of white light.

Above Mo Xun's head, white ice crystals fell like snowflakes.

At the same time, Hu Weizhou and Yue Wusi threw out several formation flags in succession, and in a breath, they formed a small trap again.

The five people attacked together, and the momentum was naturally not small.

In an instant, the huge cave was once again filled with rosy clouds and powerful mana fluctuations.

A layer of light black smoke lingered around the red-faced man in the middle, blocking all attacks.

At this moment, a strange black shadow secretly flashed out of the passage, passed the center of the battle, and quickly went towards the Bailing fruit tree.

"Asshole! Dare to snatch food from my hands!"

As the voice fell, the golden rainbow halberd flew out again and slashed at the black shadow.

In an extremely harsh metal collision sound, sparks flew everywhere, and then the black shadow bounced away, revealing a strange face with a familiar look.

This person was holding a curved short knife in his hand, but there was a big gap on the blade.

And this person's face, perhaps because of the resistance just now, the blood was surging.

If Mo Xun and the other five had the time to take a look at this person, they would definitely recognize him at a glance. This person is one of the late-stage masters behind the young man in gorgeous clothes at the auction.

But the five people are now trying their best. They only sensed that someone else came in, but they didn't have time to check carefully.

However, this red-faced man is really powerful. While fighting against five peak foundation-building masters, he can still distract himself to take care of these.

Before the late-stage master could stand firm, the rainbow halberd stabbed again from his side.

At this moment, another figure rushed out of the passage, swung a long whip, hooked the rainbow halberd, and tried to pull it down from the air.

This person is another guard of the young man in gorgeous clothes.

However, the magic weapon of this Jindan cultivator is not something that he, a late-stage foundation-building cultivator, can easily shake.

Under the huge power of the rainbow halberd, this person not only failed to hold him back, but was pulled to the ground by the rainbow halberd.

After the two late masters appeared, the young master surnamed Qian finally showed up, and behind him, there was a stunning beauty, who was the Lei Hai Yao Ji that he bought at the auction with tens of thousands of spirit stones!

For a moment, in this cave that had never been inhabited for a thousand years, ten people gathered at the same time in just a cup of tea!

No, maybe at this moment, it should be eleven!

On this side, the five people and the red-faced monk, one attacking and one defending, seemed to form a short stalemate.

On the other side, the two late masters fought hard with the spiritual golden rainbow halberd, and bursts of rumblings were emitted from time to time.

It can be said that the red-faced guardian of Wuchang Tower is currently dealing with two late-stage foundation-building monks and five peak monks at the same time with his own strength!

Presumably, this is already the limit of this person's strength!

Qian Tongtian, who came in later, was only in the early stage of foundation building, but at this moment, it seemed that he might be the only person who could decide the outcome of this battle!

But Qian Tongtian didn't seem to have any intention of intervening.

He looked around the situation in the field, and then his greedy eyes fell on the Bailing fruit tree in the distance.

Then, in full view of the crowd, he walked slowly past the crowd, with a faint sneer on his lips.

But just when he thought that this longevity fruit was almost in his pocket, a strong spiritual wind blade suddenly flew in the narrow passage and went towards his vest.

Although Qian Tongtian looked like a playboy, he was not incompetent. With a chill in his heart, he quickly dodged and at the same time, a body protection talisman was activated by him.

With a muffled "bang", the wind blade was blocked by the body protection light shield and did not penetrate at all, but made him stagger forward a few steps.

Then, two figures emerged from the passage again.

One was the monk surnamed Wen who wanted to seek revenge on Qian Tongtian in the sea of ​​thunder.

The other was the short man holding the iron gallbladder.

Both of them were in the late stage of foundation building.

But what was strange was that there were three people in the group at that time, but now there was one less.

I don’t know if that person couldn’t find this place for a while, or was buried in the restriction in Guixu.

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