Spring goes and autumn comes, and the yellow sand outside has gone through thirty cycles from rampage to peace.

When the morning sun rises again, Dongyang City begins to be prosperous as it was in the past.

Decades of time have passed in the blink of an eye!

In the secular world, some people have grown from children to grandfathers, and some have been promoted from young men to ministers. Their black hair has turned into white hair. Perhaps the country is still the country of a certain family, but I don’t know how many people have changed on the dragon throne.

As for the gods in the clouds and mist, it’s just a longer nap!

The breath exuded by Mo Xun in the formation is so strong that it is suffocating.

The rich spiritual energy around the entire formation seems to be boiling.

However, if you are careful, you can find that there seems to be some disorder in this huge breath.

And Mo Xun’s complexion now is also quite abnormal.

On his red face, his eyebrows are tightly furrowed, and he looks painful as if he is struggling to support himself.

There was only one wood attribute power left to be condensed.

At this moment, the power in his body was several times that of the peak of foundation building, and it almost burst his Dantian.

According to the principle of the Five Turns of Mixed Yuan, he needed to integrate the power of each attribute into his body one by one, and then slowly condense it. After it reached the extreme, it was sealed in the Dantian, and when the five spirits gathered, they were finally released at the same time, and five powerful true essences were used to jointly attack the bottleneck.

Because of the limitation of his spiritual roots, he replaced the lack of water attribute with water spirit objects in order to balance the power of the five elements. As for whether it would succeed, he could only leave it to fate.

Of course, there were only two consequences of such a risky behavior.

Either it would soar into the sky and successfully cross that threshold, or it would be...

Eternal damnation!

These two extreme results, Mo Xun had obviously made full considerations at the beginning of his retreat.

Should he live the rest of his life in lingering pain, or take a desperate gamble and move one step closer to the Great Dao? Since he started practicing, he seemed to have never thought of the second choice.

At this moment, he would not hesitate at all.

But when he was refining the last attribute of mana, a little accident occurred.

He overestimated the endurance of his Dantian.

"Gong Yang, will this method work?" Mo Xun asked this question with great effort, veins popping out all over his body.

At this moment, he was somewhat grateful for his foresight. Fortunately, he had this old man by his side. Over the years, he had been on the verge of going crazy and wandering for many times.

Sometimes, experience is something that is difficult to exchange for even more spiritual stones and treasures.

Especially this time, although the method of advancement he chose had precedents, few people tried it. Until now, almost every step he took was equivalent to crossing the river by feeling the stones, with no reference.

The absorption, condensation, sealing of mana, the fusion of the five elements, and the coordination of formations, no matter which one, he is doing something that his predecessors have never experienced.

If you are not careful, it is not as simple as failing at the last hurdle. A hundred years of practice will inevitably be ruined.

So at every critical moment, he would ask Gong Yang's opinion, and after discussion, he would act according to the law.

Just like now, when the Dantian can't support it, Gong Yang's suggestion to him is to condense this last attribute of mana in the meridians first, then move it to the Dantian, and then impact it.

But in this way, the burden on the meridians of the whole body is enough to make him drink a pot.

"You have no choice now, there is no second way to go!"

Gong Yang's tone is also full of solemnity.

To be honest, at this point, no matter what considerations he has, he doesn't want Mo Xun to fail!

"Fortunately, your meridians are different from those of ordinary people, and your dantian is wider, otherwise you would have exploded and died ten years ago."

Mo Xun was a little sad.

He couldn't help but think of the bloody Qilin fluid in the Moon Star Palace. If it weren't for Luo Xi, he would have really missed a treasure.

Presumably, the changes in his body now are related to that pool of blood.

But just when he condensed the last ray of magic power and was about to seal it, a strong blood suddenly surged up, and his body was like a raging sea, and a mouthful of thick blood suddenly flowed out of his mouth and nose.

Afterwards, with several "bangs", his skin suddenly exploded.

Followed by this, his head began to dizzy.

His consciousness gradually became scattered.

The ram in the sea of ​​consciousness shouted several times in succession, but never received any response.

As his consciousness became blurred, the skills that were originally running in his body also stagnated.

Without any way to dredge it, the spiritual energy that was stagnant in the meridians began to flow out of the body surface.

His breath also quickly weakened.

The most terrifying thing was the peak magic power sealed in the Dantian. Once it was out of control, one of the five elements would be missing, and the balance between the two would be broken. Just the chaotic and surging spiritual power alone would flatten the area within a radius of dozens of feet, not to mention his body.

At this time, even the usually calm and composed Gong Yang was terrified and completely panicked. He even wished that he was Mo Xun and could stop this crazy advancement immediately.

The vast amount of spiritual energy that overflowed, liquefied into mist, like a cloud, covering the entire formation, rolling and boiling, and then quickly dissipated around.

The blood that oozed out of the body dyed his whole body red.

The chaotic Qi was still rushing left and right in the meridians, and the sounds of bones and muscles breaking continued to come out of the body.

At this moment, a figure jumped into the formation.

After seeing the almost human-like Mo Xun in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed. That delicate face immediately turned pale.

"Senior Mo..."

Wen Yue shouted several times in succession, but still did not wake him up, because he did not know what was going on, and he did not dare to step forward and take action rashly. For a moment, he became an ant on a hot pot.

Just when she was at a loss, a strange and old voice sounded in her ears.

"Inject mana into his body quickly!"

Wen Yue was startled again and quickly looked around, but at the end of the empty field of vision, where was the third person?

"who is it?"

Could it be said that Senior Mo's serious injury was due to this person?

"If you continue to delay, he will be hopeless!"

"who are you?"

Green light flashed in Wen Yue's hand, and an exquisite long sword suddenly appeared, which was the Qingyun Sword!

At this moment, the girl's cultivation has reached the peak of foundation building. Compared with before, her delicate eyes are obviously a little different. It seems that they are no longer as dull as before.

"You don't have to worry about who I am, just know that I won't harm Mr. Mo. Right now, he has a big problem with his cultivation. He lacks wood attribute spiritual power in his body. If this momentum is not curbed in time, I am afraid that he will be destroyed in a matter of seconds. , the Dantian will burst, and even if Daluo Jinxian comes to earth, he will not be able to save him. "

Wood attribute spiritual power?

How could the other party know that what she practiced happened to be the wood attribute technique?

At this moment, she had all kinds of questions in her mind.

But before she could continue to ask, Mo Xun's body suddenly began to swell.

"That's too late……"

As soon as Gongyang finished speaking, he saw a flash of white light, and Wen Yue sat in front of Mo Xun without hesitation. A pair of palms as white as suet pressed against the other's bloody chest.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of pure spiritual power flowed out from the catkins.

But what Wen Yue didn't expect was that the moment she came into contact with Mo Xun's body, the magic power in her body could not be controlled by herself. It seemed that it was attracted by a powerful force, and flowed into Mo Xun's body crazily like sea water pouring back. .

In panic, Wen Yue originally wanted to stop her power in time, but when she felt Mo Xun's aura gradually stabilizing, she stopped again, bit her teeth lightly, and looked at Mo Xun like that, letting him go. Absorbing his own magic power unscrupulously.

I don't know how long it took, but a bitter smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Wen Yue's mouth, and then she slowly closed her eyes.

As for Mo Xun, after receiving this pure spiritual power, the five elements in his body converged and slowly began to stabilize, and the restless spiritual energy finally became soothed.

Until unconsciously, I started to wake up.

And the moment he opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him, his head suddenly buzzed.

All he saw was an old woman with silver hair, wrinkled skin, and an almost dry body, sitting in front of her.

"Boy, don't be distracted at this critical moment!"

The ram's voice was not very quiet, but in Mo Xun's ears, it was like deaf ears.

This is... Wen Yue?

"Ram, what's going on?"

Just as Gongyang was about to answer, he saw Wen Yue opposite and his eyelids suddenly moved.

Then he slowly opened his eyes, and the moment he saw Mo Xun clearly, a faint smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

For an instant, time seemed to stand still.

The two of them looked at each other like that, one was full of astonishment, and the other's eyes were so complicated that it was hard to describe.

Relief, satisfaction, and deep pain!

Immediately afterwards, the pair of blood-stained dry palms slowly left Mo Xun's chest. Under the stunned gaze of the other party, Wen Yue's body gradually disappeared. In a moment, it turned into countless cyan fluorescence, floating around. in the air.

Looking at the glow in the sky, Mo Xun's mind seemed to go blank, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Boy, if you don't hurry up, you will let Miss Wen down!"

"Ram, what on earth is going on?"

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