Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 474: Spiritual Spring Opportunity (Two in One) (12)

Chapter 474: Spiritual Spring Opportunity (Two-in-One)

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gong Yang suddenly asked angrily: "Boy, didn't you say that you would give me the lotus seed?"

Mo Xun's face was covered with frost, and his tone was even colder.

"Who told you that I only have one lotus seed?"

Gong Yang was speechless, and asked in disbelief: "Do you really have a second one of this thing?"

Perhaps because of the previous anger, Mo Xun had no way to vent, so he sneered and said without hesitation: "Don't say three thousand years, even if you want ten thousand years, I can still take it out!"


Back at the auction, Mo Xun's face has returned to normal.


Faced with Gu Qingqing's question, Mo Xun did not explain much, but just nodded lightly.

After this incident, he did not bid again in the next auction.

Originally, he was in a good mood because of finding Bai Li and bidding on a large number of treasures, but because of such an episode, most of it was gone.

Sure enough, he was still too weak!

On the second day, after all the cultivators had handed over the auction items and spirit stones, the auction was finally over. After Jiuxuan Zhenren gave his speech, the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently.

Everyone was startled, and the whole cave was in chaos.

Mo Xun's face also changed slightly, thinking that he had fallen into a trap again.

But soon, everyone heard a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha... Don't panic, everyone, this is a little opportunity that Shi gave you at the end."

Then, this tremor became more and more violent, but thanks to the protection of the magic circle in the cave, although it seemed to be earth-shaking, there was no stone falling above the head.

Jiuxuan Zhenren's reassurance pills did play a role after all.

The panic of the people was quickly calmed down, but the doubts in everyone's hearts became more and more serious.

After all, no one who can cultivate to this level will not cherish his life.

And you have to know that everyone who can come here is carrying a treasure. In this situation, it is not ruled out that the Jiuxuan Sect will be tempted by the money and want to wipe them out.

Just as everyone was guessing what medicine was sold in the gourd, a deafening rumble suddenly came from the ground.

"Friend Mo?"

Among all the people, the most flustered one is probably Gu Qingqing.

After all, they have cultivation, and if they encounter any danger, they can still escape in time, but because her magic power is sealed, even if she wants to do something, she will have no way to deal with it.

Gu Qingqing, who was standing unsteadily, had already hugged Mo Xun's arm with both hands, fearing that the other party would leave her at the critical moment.

But now both of them are wearing men's clothes, so close, it seems a bit strange.

Fortunately, at this juncture, the others have been busy with their own affairs, and no one noticed them.

Mo Xun was about to speak when he felt that the spiritual energy around his body suddenly changed.

Then, a stream of extremely pure and rich spiritual energy seemed to spurt out from the ground, instantly filling the entire cave.

A mist slowly rose in the originally dim space.

These mists quickly condensed into drops of water, floating in the air.

"What are you waiting for? If the spiritual spring under the island is exhausted, this opportunity that comes once in a thousand years will end."

The ethereal voice like a huge bell in the ear immediately woke everyone up.

At this time, no one needed to remind them. Those who had already stood up and were ready to fly away when they saw that the situation was not right, sat down again, and hurriedly operated the internal skills, eagerly absorbing the misty spiritual liquid floating in the air.

Everyone realized that Jiuxuan Zhenren had chosen this place for the auction, and it turned out that there was another deep meaning.

There is probably a pool of spiritual spring under this island.

The abnormality that just appeared must be that someone broke the spiritual spring and released all the spiritual energy inside.

Seeing this, Mo Xun also began to breathe without hesitation. Just as Jiuxuan Zhenren said, such an opportunity is not something that can be encountered at any time.

Gu Qingqing's face was also full of excitement.

The sudden crisis first made her experience a brief fear, and then she realized that it was an opportunity, and she became ecstatic again. However, when she learned from others and prepared to absorb spiritual energy, she remembered that her magic power was sealed, and even breathing and practicing qi could not be carried out.

This series of emotional ups and downs was like a drowning person who accidentally found a floating wood in the river, but as soon as he reached out to hug it, it turned out to be a crocodile.

Perhaps only he knew the sadness in it.

"Friend Mo..."

Gu Qingqing's anxious tone was filled with a bit of grievance and crying.

Mo Xun opened his eyes, first looked at her, then pinched a few Taoist formulas on his chest, quickly tapped a few times in the void, and then ignored her.

As if he was afraid that this short delay would miss the opportunity.

After Gu Qingqing groaned, she did not have time to check her body and also merged into the absorption army.

The whole cave was quiet again.

A circle of light flickered around everyone. Above their heads, the spiritual mist formed by the spiritual energy liquid could be seen almost with the naked eye. It was like pouring back and quickly injected into everyone's body.

This state lasted for a whole day.

Until the fog in the cave began to dissipate, everyone opened their eyes one by one.

Their faces were all filled with satisfaction to varying degrees.

"It seems that you all have gained a lot. This auction is completely over. Shi is here to wish all of you colleagues to achieve enlightenment as soon as possible. After ten years, I hope to go to the grand event again! "

Everyone was overjoyed and stood up, cupped their hands, and thanked the several rooms suspended above their heads.

Until someone suddenly shouted: "Several seniors have left!"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, but no one noticed when these Nascent Soul monks left.

The first ones to react were those adventurers who always liked to kill people and seize treasures, did things without scruples, and considered themselves to be powerful.

Right now, there is no high-level monk in charge!

Then, Mo Xun felt several unscrupulous eyes wandering over him.

But soon, someone spoke again.

"Fellow Taoists, there is no need to look for it. My master and several seniors have gone to have a banquet elsewhere. You can leave the island on your own now. If any fellow Taoist wants to consolidate his cultivation here, our sect has specially prepared a training place. A disciple will guide you to where you want to stay.”

These words are naturally addressed to those guys with evil intentions.

Master Jiuxuan must have expected this situation a long time ago, and would make some arrangements even if he left this place.

After all, everyone came here for the name of "Jiu Xuan". If something happened on Bixia Island, I'm afraid no one would dare to come to his auction again in the future.

Of course, as for leaving the island, that's another matter.

When no one was paying attention, many people had already secretly left the cave, including Mo Xun, who always cherished his life.

Together with Gu Qingqing, the two of them flew in the wind at their feet and flew quickly in one direction in the darkness.

Although the auction is over, the various restrictions on the island have not been removed.

I'm afraid that Master Jiu Xuan is also afraid that someone will cause trouble by fishing in troubled waters, so he even imposed certain restrictions on high-altitude flying.

As for Gu Qingqing, Mo Xun has no plans to re-seal his magic power.

According to his idea, in the next period of time, this woman will be needed for help, there is no need to restrain her, and since he has what the other party needs in his hand, he is not afraid of this person suddenly changing his mind.

Furthermore, even without the seal, the restriction he left in the other party's body is still in effect.

As long as it is within the scope of his consciousness, there is no need to worry about losing control.

Just as he thought before, the best way to find help from the other party is to induce him!

All the way away from the island, Mo Xun had noticed that many of the jade trees in Qionglin that he had seen before had begun to wither and wither, and the aura in the air had become mottled.

Presumably once the spiritual spring leaks, the entire island will be completely deserted!

Half a day later, the two came to another unknown island and hid temporarily.

The flight up to this point has been smooth sailing without any trouble. We only bumped into a few fellow passengers who were rushing on their way. Although the faces looked unfamiliar, it didn’t take much thinking to guess that most of these people were the same as them. I just left Bixia Island and put on a new disguise.

Fortunately, we have never encountered a powerful and unpredictable person, and everyone is cautious, so they avoid each other just when they meet.


"Hey, what is the cultivation level of the person you want to kill?"

In the dim cave, the two of them sat in a corner far away from each other. They had been getting along like this for less than half an hour.

Mo Xun felt the changes in his body and felt quite satisfied.

It seems that this kind of pure spiritual energy is not only very beneficial to cultivation, but it also seems to be able to subtly nourish the meridians in the body, thereby improving physical fitness.

Unfortunately, time is a bit short!

He was even silently calculating that if he could absorb all the spiritual power in the spiritual spring by himself, it would not be long before he could try to break through the initial bottleneck.

I don’t know how Master Jiuxuan discovered the underground spiritual spring.

If he mastered this method, it would be much better than taking drugs all day long!

"In the early stage of pill formation, you have just reached your peak state!"

When Gu Qingqing heard this, she frowned slightly, but soon relaxed her brows.

As long as the opponent does not break through to the mid-term stage, with the combined strength of the two and careful preparation, it is not impossible to win.

"After I help you kill people, can you promise to give me the things?"

Mo Xun smiled and nodded.

"Fairy, please rest assured. I swear to my inner demon that I will definitely keep my promise!"

"In addition to Xuanming Dragon Armor, I also want that Lihuo Ginseng!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth curled up, and he smiled a little playfully: "Isn't this request a bit too much?"

Gu Qingqing smiled sweetly, but it didn't contain any charm like before.

I'm afraid she also knows that her tricks are in vain when it comes to people like Mo Xun.

"What's too much about this? Are you allowed to just sit on the floor and raise the price, but not allow me to pay back the money on the spot?"

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"Yes, but only if you and I succeed!"

In fact, for him, this matter is the simplest.

If he is willing, he can grow as much of this elixir as he wants.

Another gain this time was that I got the recipe for the bottleneck elixir, which was an unexpected surprise.

Gu Qingqing was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Mo Xun to agree so happily.

She couldn't help but speculate that there must be a huge hatred between the other party and the person she wanted to kill, which made him so reckless!

"Don't worry, as long as you keep your word, there will be no problem on my side..."

At this point, Gu Qingqing suddenly changed her tone and asked: "By the way, does your enemy usually travel alone, or does he have companions?"

Mo Xun pondered and said: "It's not clear now, but the last time I saw him, there were two other people around him."

Gu Qingqing hurriedly asked: "What is his cultivation level?"

"He is also a Jindan cultivator!"

Hearing this, Gu Qingqing's face immediately became ugly, and her tone was also full of dissatisfaction.

"Daoyou think too highly of me!"

Mo Xun smiled and responded: "Fairy, please rest assured. I am not a fool. If it is impossible, even if you don't say it, I will not force it. The time when I can ask you to help must be when that person is alone."

"Hmph! If that person is not alone for ten years, do I have to accompany you for ten years?"

"That's not necessary. Let's take the wedding of Zisheng Tianjun as the boundary. If we still can't find an opportunity to take action during this period, the cooperation between you and me will be automatically cancelled. How about it?"

Gu Qingqing hurriedly asked: "How about the reward?"

Mo Xun was suddenly amused by this woman and couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking? Since it's cancelled, how can there be a reward?"

"What do you mean by this, Daoyou? Are you going to let me spend a few months with you in vain?"

Mo Xun shook the folding fan in his hand and said indifferently: "Fairy, if you think it's not worth it, you can leave now!"

This sentence choked Gu Qingqing's words that were already on the tip of her tongue.

The cave suddenly became quiet.

The morning light that was about to break in the sky sprinkled on the two people, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

"It seems that I have no choice?"

Mo Xun smiled slightly, and just as he was about to speak, his eyes suddenly focused.

The mark he left before had a reaction!

But surprisingly, the mark pointed not to the magic seal, but to the golden rainbow halberd that he auctioned off first!

But it didn't matter. Whether it was the gray monk or the black-robed man, he would go to meet them.

The only thing to be vigilant now was whether the two people were in the same group!

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