Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 476 Blood Supply Contract

The atmosphere seemed peaceful, but the two knew that they would be at loggerheads if they disagreed.

But they all had doubts in their hearts, and they would not rush to take action before they solved their confusion.

Mo Xun had taken out the sound transmission talisman from his sleeve, but now he quietly clenched it into his palm.

Seeing that Mo Xun stopped talking, the gray-clothed man continued, "Okay, you and I don't need to test each other anymore. As long as you explain the origin of this long halberd, I will let you go!"

Mo Xun turned his head and glanced at the Golden Rainbow Halberd, and suddenly smiled disdainfully.

"Are you threatening me?"

At this moment, Mo Xun seemed to have guessed the other party's identity.

Or, he could more or less understand why this person would buy this second-hand magic weapon at a sky-high price.

He thought that the Eastern Region was thousands of miles away from here, and the people and things he had come into contact with before would not easily intersect again, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated the scope of activities of this group of cultivators.

This golden rainbow halberd originated from the red-faced man of that day.

Then the person in front of him is about to be revealed!

I just don’t know whether the other party is the old friend or enemy of the red-faced Rakshasa!

In Mo Xun’s heart, he is more inclined to the former!

“So what?”

The two looked at each other, and the quiet cave suddenly became a lot more tense.

“I have a question. If you can answer it first, I will tell you the origin of this long halberd.”

The gray-clothed man said calmly: “Ask!”

“What is the relationship between the owner of this halberd and you?”

The gray-clothed man suddenly smiled strangely: “No comment!”

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun’s face suddenly changed, and then his whole person suddenly rushed to the side. Almost at the same time, a thick black tail whizzed past where he was originally standing, making a very crisp and bright sound of breaking through the air!

The accompanying strong wind directly whipped his body shield, almost making him lose his balance.

Before he could stand firm, he heard a "boom" and then his feet shook violently.

Then, an ugly, lizard-like monster fell in front of him.

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly focused and he couldn't help but blurt out!

"Level 6 Poisonous Scale Beast!"

This creature was covered with black scales, each of which was nearly a foot in size. In the dim light, it flashed a frightening luster.

When the fat body fell, it occupied half of the cave. It was about ten feet high. Including the tail, it was two or three feet long. The four lower limbs were as thick as millstones. When it moved slightly, the ground shook slightly.

The dark head was like a small mountain, with pits and bumps on the surface.

Mo Xun knew that the bulging small bags were filled with deadly poison.

A pair of blood-red eyes were particularly dazzling in the dim light, like two blood-red lanterns hanging in the air.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Mo Xun caught a glimpse of the gray-clothed man at the entrance of the cave, who was folding his arms and watching coldly!

When he thought of the terrifying thing just now, which was hiding above his head, Mo Xun felt a chill on his back!

Could this poisonous unicorn beast be this person's spiritual beast?

But soon, he denied this idea.

You know, the sixth-level monster beast is at least equivalent to the strength of the early stage of Jindan, and this person's realm is only on par with it, how can he control such a fierce creature?

"I don't know if you are willing to tell me the origin of this halberd now?"

The moment the monster appeared, Mo Xun had already taken out the wind and thunder stick flashing with lightning in his hand.

This thing has never been used since it was obtained.

Of the six magic weapons back then, only this thing and the Qibao Tianling fan were relatively easy to use. As for the Qiankun bow, it could not be used in this small space.

Just as he was wondering, Gong Yang suddenly said, "Find a way to get out as soon as possible!"

Mo Xun naturally knew this, but his current situation was a bit awkward.

He, the gray-clothed man, and the poisonous scale beast, the three of them were currently standing in a triangle.

And the gray-clothed man was guarding the cave entrance at the moment.

If he went straight to the cave entrance now, it would mean that he would have to put the poisonous scale beast behind him, which would likely form a passive situation of being attacked from both sides.

If he failed to hit it in one blow and failed to break through the gray-clothed man's defense, he would inevitably be attacked by the poisonous scale beast.

"Gong Yang, why can this person control a spirit beast of the same level as him?"

Generally speaking, even if he is a beastmaster, the spirit beast he controls must be at least one level lower than his own cultivation.

If it is the same level or higher, it may be difficult to even apply the beast seal.

Even if he controls it by force, he will always face the danger of being bitten back by the spirit beast.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The relationship between a cultivator and a spirit beast is roughly equivalent to that between a master and a servant. Without sufficient strength to deter, even those beasts with little intelligence are unwilling to obey.

The so-called beast seal is nothing more than a special restriction!

If the cultivation is not as good as that of a spirit beast, even if it is branded with such a restriction, it will be easily broken free.

At that time, what will be faced is not going their separate ways, but a fight to the death!

After all, in many cases, spirit beasts succumb to beastmasters out of coercion and intimidation. Once they break free from the mark, whether for revenge or to prevent the remaining restrictions from continuing to work, they must kill the original owner.

Another reason is that the resources consumed when raising spirit beasts are no less than those consumed by cultivators.

Since there are so many resources, why should the beastmaster waste them on spirit beasts instead of advancing with himself?

Even if he can occasionally assist in fighting, it will cultivate a big worry!

Gongyang said without thinking: "This person and the poisonous unicorn beast probably have some kind of contractual relationship, not the way of beast taming!"

Mo Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Blood supply contract?"

"I'm afraid it's almost the same!"

Mo Xun fell silent immediately, and couldn't help but think of a book he had read before.

This "blood supply contract" is a bit similar to the meaning of blood oath, but it is a blood contract signed between the cultivator and the monster, thus forming a relationship of worship.

That is, the two use blood as a guide, and through the ancient curse technique, the life and death of this person and the beast are completely tied together.

The cultivator provides resources, and the spirit beast assists in fighting the enemy!

Such a relationship is roughly different from the method of beast taming.

One is that the two are no longer servants, but equal status, and the other is that they live and die together!

In simple terms, if one of them dies, the other cannot survive!

Of course, this blood contract is not lifelong, it depends on how far they have progressed when they cast the curse.

Perhaps it is the Nascent Soul, or perhaps a higher realm. Once both of them reach that level, the curse will collapse and lose its effect.

As for what exactly is this mysterious thing called curse, Mo Xun cannot explain it clearly because he has never come into contact with it.

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