Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 51 The Power of the Whip

Mo Xun thought about it. The last time he used the whip was when he was driving cattle. But he thought that beating people and beating animals should not be much different.

He also wanted to see the power of this magic weapon.

He slowly injected spiritual power into it, and the whip emitted a faint fluorescence.

The green-clothed woman saw this and her eyes lit up. There was greed in her eyes. She hurriedly ordered the men around her: "Go, you can kill the people, but don't break the long whip!"

After that, a big man with a knife rushed towards Mo Xun again, but this time, Mo Xun did not dodge. He held the long whip in his hand and swung it at the man and the horse.

The long whip was swung in the air, and there was a sound of breaking through the air. Before the whip reached the opponent, a pressure was released, and a transparent air wave exploded in the air, coldly hitting the man's face, body, and brown horse, like countless ice knives in the cold winter, scratching the skin.

After a miserable neigh, the horse under the man bent its front legs and fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust, and the man on the horse was thrown out by inertia. Mo Xun quickly dodged and avoided the man and the horse.

After landing, the man was cut all over his body, his skin and flesh turned inside out, his clothes were blood red, and he no longer looked like a human. After a weak groan, he was motionless and breathless.

Looking at the brown horse lying on the ground, it also had bloody wounds all over its body. Its four legs were like being cut off by swords and were hanging on the horse, dangling. Only the wheezing breath was left from its nose, and it looked like it was dying.

At this time, not to mention other people, even Mo Xun could not help but stand there in a daze. He never expected that the power of this soft whip would be so terrifying.

The tip of the whip just now did not touch the opponent at all, but it could hurt the enemy invisibly, which shows that this magic weapon can achieve the release of spiritual power.

You know, according to the Fiery Art, the release of spiritual power is a kind of ability that can only be mastered after the late stage of Qi Refining, that is, after the ninth level of Qi Refining.

The fire control technique he is practicing now can release flames when it reaches a certain level. In a sense, it is the embodiment of the release of spiritual energy.

When Mo Xun thought of this, his heart immediately became hot, and at the same time he was secretly annoyed at his previous stupidity, guarding the treasure mountain without knowing it.

If he had known the power of the whip earlier, he would not have been so passive when fighting with Hu Tianming that day.

However, after this incident, he had a deeper understanding of magic weapons.

For a cultivator, if he had a powerful magic weapon, his combat effectiveness would probably be improved by several levels.

The green-clothed woman on the opposite side was as shocked as Mo Xun after seeing the power of the whip, and her desire for the whip became stronger.

"Come on, everyone. Whoever can grab the whip will get a reward of 100 taels!"

As soon as these words came out, the men who had been frightened by the power of the long whip swarmed towards Lin Yi.

Looking at the group of people who had just forced him into a panic, Mo Xun sneered, and the wind control technique was performed under his feet, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared again, he came to the side of the group of archers, jumped into the air from a distance, and before they could react, he swung his whip, and countless invisible blades in the air flew towards the other side. In the blink of an eye, two or three more people, along with their mounts, fell down wailing.

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