"Brother Mo thinks too highly of my little sister. With my current level of weapon skills, I'm far from reaching that level!"

Mo Xun was a little disappointed in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

But having said that, no matter how bad the other party is, he is still much better than a novice like him. Having someone to guide him will ultimately make him faster than trying to figure it out on his own.

The two chatted for a while, and Mo Xun arranged a training place for her and went to the secret room where Ye Ping was.


"Well, that's right. You didn't neglect your practice during the time when my master was away." Mo Xun waved his hand lightly, indicating that Ye Ping didn't need to be polite.

"Disciples must obey Master's teachings and do not dare to slack off for a moment!"

Next, Mo Xun asked about his cultivation situation in detail, answered many questions, and even gave him guidance on his cultivation arrangements for the next period of time.

For half an hour, Ye Ping was thoughtful and kept it in his heart.

This is the advantage of having a master. If you are like Mo Xun before, you have to think about most of your doubts by yourself, and you will inevitably take many detours.

Ye Ping's qualifications are quite good, and with Mo Xun's guidance and sufficient pills, it is impossible to improve slowly.

"By the way, what happened in the city recently?"

Ye Ping pondered and said: "As the wedding of Purple Saint Tianjun approaches, there are more and more unfamiliar faces. I heard that a treasure was released from Tiansheng Pavilion a few days ago. It has been really lively for a while."


Mo Xun was secretly surprised that there was such a thing on the market!

The so-called treasure weapon is actually between a magic weapon and a spiritual weapon, a powerful killing weapon.

This thing is also called a semi-spiritual weapon. What makes it different from a magic weapon is that it can possess a "weapon spirit".

The weapon spirit is equivalent to the "soul" of the treasure, and there are roughly two ways to form it.

One is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and under the essence of the sun and moon, the treasure itself is channeled, and a touch of spiritual wisdom is derived.

The other is to seal the souls of certain monsters into the treasure when refining it.

But no matter which one it is, it will greatly increase the power of the treasure. When fighting, it is like having a powerful helper.

But there are also differences in weapon spirits.

Low-level weapon spirits cannot exist independently of treasures. This is the so-called treasure weapon.

However, high-level weapon spirits can separate into "spirits" and "vessels", or even transform into real spiritual weapons.

According to Gongyang, the number of spiritual weapons in this world does not exceed five fingers at most. To get one of them is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky.

But the next best thing is to have a treasure...

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. The recent good luck made him a little forgetful!

Unless you are in the Nascent Soul realm, this kind of treasure is still a hot potato even if you get it.

"anything else?"

I only heard Ye Ping reply respectfully: "The other thing is that some news has spread from the Holy Light of the Tomb of Gods."

"Oh? Tell me in detail!"

"There are several theories in the market. The most widely circulated one is that it contains the secret of ascending to the divine world, so this time several Nascent Soul monks came here!"

Spirit world?

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. This was the first time since he learned about the existence of the upper world that he heard news about another world.

But after the brief surprise, he put the matter aside.

With his current state, he is probably not qualified to participate in such an opportunity.

After asking some more questions, Mo Xun immediately took out a storage bag and handed it over.

"There are some elixirs and two magic weapons here. You can continue to practice in the cave. If there is any news from the outside world, please continue to inquire!"

Ye Ping was overjoyed. He didn't expect that a random master would be so generous.

"Thank you Master!"

After sending Ye Ping away, Mo Xun began to count the gains from this trip.

He first placed the ram in the portrait, and then opened the secret room. With a flash of blue light in his hand, the whole person disappeared.

In the cyan world, a batch of elixirs have matured again.

During these days, he almost consumed all the inventory he had accumulated over the years, but the harvest was also quite rich.

After planting the rhizomes of those rare spiritual grasses into the black soil, he sprinkled all the collected spirit essences into the white soil.

Finally, there is the seed of the other side flower!

He already has a specific plan in mind as to what use this thing will be used for.

The only thing to consider now is whether more of this thing can be cultivated. After all, there is only one seed, and he doesn't think he can succeed at once.

Moreover, this item has unparalleled advantages in dealing with illusions. Naturally, he would not want to waste it like this!

But how to plant requires careful consideration.

You know, once you are exposed to its smell, you may not be as lucky as the first two times.

The most feasible method is to build a fully enclosed barrier.

He had already thought about this for a long time, and with his decades of formation cultivation, he was somewhat sure of it.

After thinking for a moment, he began to refine the formation equipment.

This kind of small enchantment is not difficult at all!

After doing this, he specially carved out an independent place in the black soil medicine garden, and isolated the entire three-foot range.

In order to ensure watering, he would have to come in every once in a while.

It is a pity that several incarnations cannot have independent consciousness after they are out of his control, otherwise he would not have to do such troublesome work personally.

Speaking of the incarnation, he felt a little regretful.

The incarnation that he left in the Qiankun bag to confuse Bai Li last time, when he looked for it later, there was no trace of it.

He could refine a few more now, but on the one hand, he didn't have time, and on the other hand, low-level incarnations were no longer of much use to him now. As for high-level incarnations, he still had to spend energy and resources to cultivate them, and he was obviously not that rich.

Regarding this matter, he could only make other plans in the future!

Then he sealed his "nose", "tongue" and "body" three senses like last time, took out the seeds of the other shore flower, threw them into the soil, and then quickly threw out a formation flag to completely close the barrier.

In order to be on the safe side, he also arranged an extra barrier on the periphery.

This kind of thing that can take a person's life at any time, even if you are more careful, it is not excessive at all!

After such a toss, half a day has passed.

After leaving the green gourd, he brought the ram to the insect room next door.

Opening the lid of the copper tripod and looking at the insect eggs soaked in the Red Phoenix Danxia soup, Mo Xun suddenly took out an orange-yellow amber.

The amber sealed the legendary ancient fierce weapon, Qianyuan Devouring Insect!

This thing was exchanged for a Lanxin Lotus at the auction, and for this he was beaten by Jiuxuan Zhenren!

"Gongyang, how do you use this thing?"

"Crush it and sprinkle it in!"

Mo Xun frowned slightly: "Is it that simple?"

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