Because not far from here, the two of them simultaneously detected with their spiritual sense that a barrier was not closed, and there was a man in the middle stage of foundation building sitting there, sipping wine and eating side dishes, looking very comfortable.

And the tree planted in this barrier was the Qianyuan fruit tree.

With a simple thought, the two guessed the reason.

It was probably because the Five Elements Sect promised to apologize to the guests yesterday, so today they specially opened the barrier for picking, but for some reason, the guarding disciple had not had time to close it.

Faced with such an opportunity, how could Gu Qingqing let it go easily?

But just as she was about to go over, she was grabbed by Mo Xun.

"Are you crazy? You are so blatant, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?"

Although the mountain gate is empty now, and there is no Nascent Soul cultivator sitting in it, how can such a large sect be easily exploited?

A junior who has built a foundation is indeed nothing to them.

Even so, the two of them could make this person disappear completely without making any sound, but who knows if there would be other early warning methods in such an important place. If an elder in the late stage of Jindan came at random, they would be overwhelmed.

Of course, Mo Xun was not unwilling to be tempted, but how to sneak in without alarming the other party required careful planning.

Gu Qingqing naturally understood the reason in her heart. She just wanted to get closer to check.

As an old hand here, this Fairy Gu is much more experienced than Mo Xun.

After thinking for a while, she raised her mouth slightly and came up with a plan!

Gu Qingqing then pinched the Dao formula and silently chanted the spell in her mouth. Suddenly, she turned into a wisp of green smoke. When she reappeared, she had changed clothes and her appearance had completely changed.

Seeing this familiar face in front of him, Mo Xun couldn't help but be surprised.

Because the other party had turned into Wei Qian at this moment.

This dress must be the one that was just taken off from Wei Qian.

After reacting, Mo Xun immediately understood her plan.

But... will this work?

"Don't just stand there, just become a maid!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Does it have to be like this?"

Gu Qingqing pretended to stroke the hair beside her ears, trying to make her temperament more similar.

"Or you can stay here and see how I will do it!"

After saying that, Gu Qingqing ignored him and turned to leave, but before she took two steps, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared beside her.

This person was also dressed in red, with fair and tender skin, and three thousand black hair falling down. She looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, with a bit of immaturity between her eyebrows, beautiful eyebrows, pink lips and a beautiful nose, like a beautiful girl from a small family, a beautiful embryo with bright eyes and white teeth.

But on that delicate face, it seemed a little dull.

In terms of posture, it was even more awkward.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingqing suddenly laughed with her hands covering her stomach.

"Is it so funny?"

After a long time, Gu Qingqing recovered, and tears almost came out of her eyes.

"As the saying goes, appearance is determined by the heart. It seems that fellow Taoist likes this tune!"

It turned out that the stunning beauty in front of him was transformed by Mo Xun.

Mo Xun snorted coldly and glared at her angrily. If it weren't for the Qianyuan fruit tree, why would he be so?

After a while, the two beautiful women, each holding a basket, floated away with lotus steps.

The man in the middle stage of foundation building who was drinking suddenly smelled a fragrance, and his head, which was already slightly drunk, suddenly sobered up a little. When he saw the two people approaching from afar, his eyes lit up, and he stood up quickly with a flattering smile.

"Junior Sister Wei, you are so polite. I wonder what you are up to?"

When the two heard this, they had a rough idea in their minds.

They probably guessed it right. The two Qianyuan fruits should have been picked by Wei Qian early in the morning.

Gu Qingqing glanced at the wine and food on the table and joked, "Brother, you are so free!"

"I just have nothing to do. Would you like to have a drink?"

The man smiled awkwardly, but his eyes were on Gu Qingqing's towering chest.

Mo Xun noticed this detail and found that after the transformation, this woman was exactly the same as Wei Qian from head to toe, except that the breasts on her chest retained their original appearance!

Women, I am afraid that even when they are about to die, they will not forget to look in the mirror!

Gu Qingqing smiled and shook her head. She was calm and composed in every word and action. Mo Xun, who was watching from the side, had to admire her outstanding acting skills.

"It's really a good job to look after the Spirit Garden. No wonder so many people want to enter your Musheng Hall. Even my little sister is very envious!"

"Junior sister, you are joking!"

Gu Qingqing saw the other party's eyes and walked around behind her, and hurriedly pulled Mo Xun's sleeve.

"Junior sister Yao, why don't you meet senior brother!"

Although Mo Xun knew that he couldn't be shy at this moment, it was just that he was not used to dressing up as a woman for the first time. Under Gu Qingqing's pulling, he reluctantly bowed, but his posture and expression were a little stiff.

But he didn't know that it was precisely this shy and timid look that made the gatekeeper feel more and more attractive.

Ordinary women, because of practicing martial arts, are either as cold as ice or as passionate as fire. It is really rare to see such seductive eyes.

The man hurriedly stepped forward, chuckled and helped him up, but the moment the two touched each other, Mo Xun clearly felt that the other party, intentionally or unintentionally, also touched the back of his hand.

With Gu Qingqing's insight, all this naturally did not escape her eyes.

If she had not been in this environment, Fairy Gu would have been shaking with fear!

At this moment, Mo Xun felt as if he had eaten a fly, and was extremely disgusted.

For a moment, he really wanted to slap out a palm and kill this ignorant thing in front of him.

In his life for so long, he had never been teased by a man?

Not to mention that he was a junior!

"I don't know what to call you, Junior Sister? Who is your uncle now, and where are you on duty?"

Hearing this series of questions, Mo Xun suppressed his anger in his heart, and just as he was about to speak, Gu Qingqing spoke for him.

However, there was a bit of anger in his tone.

And he also threw a very skilled wink.

"This is Junior Sister Yao Ni Si, what are you doing, Senior Brother? I've been here so many times, but I've never seen Senior Brother so concerned. Why do you treat Junior Sister Yao so favorably?"

Mo Xun was speechless. No matter who this woman pretends to be, the coquettishness in her bones is hard to hide.

But speaking of it, who the hell is this Yao Ni Si?

"Junior Sister is making fun of me again. I just suddenly found that Junior Sister Yao looked unfamiliar, so I was curious!"

Seeing that the two of them were not talking about business and were chatting, Mo Xun hurriedly urged them to send a voice message: "Be careful, or something will happen!"

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