Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 532 Entering the God's Tomb

Mo Xun was secretly glad, thanks to this phantom car, otherwise, even if he had wings this time, he would not be able to escape misfortune.

At this moment, he could only pray, that old guy didn't have much patience!

Also, under full speed, this precious car, which has high hopes, should not fall apart midway.

Because he had already heard the squeaking sound of the car body at high speed.

It stands to reason that with his cultivation level, he would not damage the magic weapon, but this car is obviously a second-hand product, and there may be some problems in the first place, otherwise, it would not have fallen into his hands.

As for Gu Qingqing, he wasn't too worried.

After all, he is a pill-forming monk, so he is not so fragile.

After taking the elixir, the other party's aura has stabilized a lot.

This kind of injury would eventually require her to meditate and recuperate on her own, but Mo Xun didn't bother to help her release the confinement in her body right now.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked behind him. This time, he probably really offended the old woman to death. For more than an hour, she still had no intention of giving up.

Fortunately, with all his strength, he was able to keep a certain distance from it for the time being.

Right now, all we can do is spend money.

But after a while, he found some clues.

The old witch behind him may have originally possessed the cultivation level of Nascent Soul, but due to the injury, it seemed that he was unable to use all his strength. Otherwise, even if he had a flying magic weapon, it would not be considered an advantage compared to the level of Nascent Soul.

Crossing an unfamiliar mountaintop, Mo Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows. Although the night was shrouded in darkness, he could still clearly see the direction of the mountain below.

This place seems familiar!

But for a moment, I didn't think about it.

Not long after, when he saw the light of fire in the distance, his mind suddenly realized.

Then he quickly took out a jade slip and browsed it quickly.

After a moment, a strange look suddenly appeared on his face. Unexpectedly, he accidentally bumped into the place where the holy light of the God's Tomb was.

He couldn't help but touch his chin and began to ponder. At the same time, his eyes fell on Gu Qingqing.

After thinking for a short time, he suddenly made a seal with his hands and shot several seals towards Gu Qingqing from a distance.

It's just that this inexplicable spell didn't seem to have the slightest effect.

Gu Qingqing's face was still weak and pale.

But Mo Xun, on his side, nodded lightly.

Then he took out the green gourd. As the green light flashed, Gu Qingqing's whole body suddenly disappeared.

It turns out that what he just did was just to make the other party unconscious for a while longer!

With this woman's greed, it would be great fun if she woke up in the gourd!

Then he suddenly stopped in mid-air, jumped out of the carriage, flicked his long sleeves, and put away the phantom.

He turned around and looked behind him. Although the night sky was as calm as water, Mo Xun knew clearly that it wouldn't be long before the old witch would catch up.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the firelight at his feet. After hesitating for a moment, it turned into a ray of light and rushed straight into the mountain stream.

Before he even landed on the ground, he noticed that this was an extremely hidden valley, surrounded by towering mountains. It was probably in darkness every day, except at noon.

The mountains are rolling and the bushes are thick!

In the darkness, there was still thick fog.

What surprised him was that deep in the valley, it seemed as if a war had just occurred. Within a thousand feet radius, soil was flying and vegetation was scattered, making the ground look like a mess.

The entire ground looked like a mineral vein that had just collapsed!

It seems that the group of Nascent Soul monks have really found the location of the Holy Light and entered it.

Above the ruins, there are about a hundred people patrolling at the moment. Most of them are foundation-building monks. There are also two leaders, one in the early stage of pill formation and one in the middle stage. They are all wearing sect robes. It is obvious that the Five Elements Sect remains in the outside world. The guarding disciple.

There was a deep pit where dozens of people gathered.

In the pit, there seemed to be a dark hole, with the hole facing upwards, and smoke was continuously coming out from inside.

The area of ​​the cave entrance is not very large, about ten feet.

Two alchemy monks were sitting cross-legged not far from here.

Just the moment Mo Xun appeared, the two of them jumped up at the same time, and even the nearby foundation-building monks all looked over.

"Who is coming here?"

Mo Xun smiled and cupped his hands. Although he was anxious in his heart, his face remained calm.

"I was a guest at your sect yesterday. I suddenly heard that there was a celestial phenomenon happening here, so I came here to join in the fun. I guess I didn't go wrong?"

The reason why Mo Xun dared to directly state his purpose was because he saw the ground around him was densely covered with messy footprints. In addition, when the holy light of the God's Tomb appeared, tens of thousands of monks attending the wedding ceremony all ran over in a swarm. , a simple thought, you know that the Five Elements Sect does not restrict outsiders from entering this place.

Since he could enter openly, he would not force his way in foolishly.

But after saying this, the two people opposite them frowned.

"Why are you so injured?"

Only then did Mo Xun realize that he had forgotten to change his clothes in order to rush on the road.

But this is not a problem.

"To tell you the truth, I just met an enemy not long ago, so..."

Mo Xun spread his hands and smiled awkwardly...

When the two of them heard this, they became even more confused. They suspected that this person entered the Holy Land of God's Tomb to avoid being chased, right?

But even so, they actually had no reason to stop them.

After all, the Supreme Elder kept them here not to block the way, but so many people went in, just in case something happened, there would be someone from the outside to help.

As for who wants to go in, no matter whether they are disciples of this sect or not, no matter their cultivation level, there are no restrictions.

Although this God's Tomb Forest is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Five Elements Sect, this matter is now known to the world, and even if the Five Elements Sect wants to monopolize the opportunity, it is already unrealistic!

After discussing, the elders of the sect decided to be more generous. As for who will get the opportunity in the end, it depends on their ability!

You know, although there are many people this time, the Five Elements Sect at least occupies a small half of the strength, so even if they compete with others, they are not afraid at all.

At this moment, another escape light in the sky fell rapidly.

Mo Xun thought to himself, it's bad!

This old thing came too fast.

Of course, the two in front of him naturally noticed the newcomer.

But before they could react, Mo Xun's feet moved with the wind, suddenly passed by the two people, and without saying anything, he jumped directly into the dark cave.

The two saw this scene, although they were a little unhappy, they did not take action.

When their eyes fell on the old woman who had just appeared, their hearts jumped at the same time.

Mo Xun, who was in the early stage of Jindan, came here, but who knew that he would provoke an old monster who could not see through his cultivation.

In their hearts, while criticizing Mo Xun's boldness, they were ready to step forward and salute.

But the old woman, perhaps she was furious, or she thought that the two people wanted to block her way, and she immediately shouted angrily: "Get out!"

Then she slapped out with a palm!

Poor these two elders, before they could react to what happened, they flew out with a cry of pain.

To say that this person is really unlucky!

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