The most important thing is that these sculptures are all in the form of strange beasts.

Every one of them looks as ferocious as a hungry tiger or a wolf looking at the grasshoppers, looking extremely fierce.

Coupled with this weird and quiet atmosphere, it seemed like he could come back to life at any moment.

Some of them, Mo Xun knew, and had even seen in the outside world before, while others seemed a bit strange, as if they only existed in ancient times.

Counting in one circle, there are eighty-one!

The most conspicuous one among them reached a height of five to six feet, almost as high as the dome.

The moment he saw this beast, he immediately thought of the skeleton in the stone tablet.

Judging from the appearance, the two are roughly similar in shape.

This thing looks like a tiger, with extremely slender limbs, and a long single horn on its forehead.

Mo Xun unconsciously matched the description of Bai Ze in his mind with it.

With the head of a sheep and the body of a lion, with a single horn on the head, it communicates with yin and yang and knows all things, so it can attract good luck and avoid bad luck!

From this point of view, it is not that this thing has nothing in common with Bai Ze.

In other words, the two are closely related by blood.

"Ram, can you recognize this thing?"

Although Mo Xun didn't explicitly point out which one, with the tacit understanding between the two, there was no need to say more.

Gongyang quoted scriptures for a long time, but still couldn't explain why.

This situation can probably only be due to two reasons.

Either it was so long ago that not even a single word was left in the ancient books, or this thing was some kind of mutated spiritual beast that few people knew about.

Mo Xun's eyes fell on the stone platform in the center of the hall.

The stone platform is more than two feet long and about ten feet high. It is surrounded by carvings of dragons and phoenixes, and some strange runes are carved on it.

On the stone platform, there were some large vessels and formation flags that were so rotten that they were almost unrecognizable.

Behind the stone platform, there seemed to be a huge pit.

Looking from a distance, it is a square shape with a scale of twenty or thirty feet.

When he took a closer look, he was stunned for a while.

I saw a large number of animal bones scattered inside, and almost half of the pit, which was nearly seven to eight feet deep, was filled.

The bright red blood had long since dried up and settled at the bottom of the pit, turning into brown mud.

"Is this... a sacrificial pit?"

Gongyang pondered for a while before speaking: "This animal bone pit should be used to practice some kind of magical power, summon some kind of existence!"

"Summon...some kind of existence?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. When it came to cultivating magical powers, he could probably understand it, but summoning them was a bit difficult to understand.

Gongyang's tone suddenly became a little more solemn.

"Yes, and judging from the sculptures around us, the chance of the latter may be even greater."

"How do you say this?"

Gongyang did not answer his question directly, but explained: "The so-called summoning technique is a profound method of communicating with another world through certain sacrifices. If the spell is successfully cast, a powerful person can be summoned from another world. The presence."

Mo Xun's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Is it possible that this kind of magic can also connect the two worlds?"

The ram sneered disdainfully. "I know what you want to say, but the gates between the two realms are not so easy to open. Even summoning can only be regarded as borrowing the power of the other realm."

"How can I borrow it?"

"This matter cannot be explained in a few words. I will explain it to you in detail later when I go out."

Although Mo Xun was full of doubts, he also knew that now was not the time to talk about this.

However, several clues in his mind seemed to be connected in an instant.

Prisons full of strange beasts, animal bone pits, summons, another world, the Fuso Sacred Tree, connecting the three realms, and wandering souls...

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"You mean, someone once communicated with the underworld here?"

Gongyang said with rare admiration: "It seems that you are not stupid after all!"

After thinking about this, when he looked at the bones at his feet, Mo Xun's heart couldn't help but feel a little more ups and downs.

In fact, this kind of thing really subverted his cognition.

A question from many years ago came to his mind again.

"Is there really a netherworld in this world?"

In other words, in which world can the dead souls be found?

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent for a long time, Gongyang naturally guessed what he was thinking. However, even Master Cang Kuo had not found the real answer to this matter, so there was no way to talk about it.

"Whether there is a netherworld or not, I dare not make a conclusion, but one thing I can be sure of is that those who cast the spell in those years probably failed...or to be precise, it should have been interrupted, but recently, for unknown reasons, the spell has been cast. The festival restarts and connects the two worlds."

Mo Xun nodded clearly. This judgment was basically consistent with what he thought.

This also explains the appearance of the Holy Light in the Tomb of Gods.

But in this case, the situation may not only be complicated, but also dangerous.

If it really penetrates the underworld, doesn't it mean that more ghosts and evil spirits will appear here now, or in the near future?

Fighting with beasts and fighting with people is a real existence after all, but how can ghosts and the like resist?

If Bai Ze hadn't fallen asleep yet, he would still have some confidence, but now, he really has no idea.

He carefully recalled everything he had learned over the past hundred years, and it seemed that there was not a single spell that could specifically restrain ghosts.

He had never come into contact with the art of exorcism!

As for the magic tools, there seemed to be a few.

First of all, there was the Soul-Calming Bell, but this thing seemed to be used to deal with the Yuanshen.

But is the Yuanshen considered a ghost?

Also, before entering the Ancient Moon Sect, he had bought a few items in a small shop to guard against soul cultivators, but those things might not even be considered magic tools.

He had heard of some soul cultivators and ghost ways over the years, but he had never encountered them.

The only time was when Ji Chong held the ghost flag.

Mo Xun felt dizzy for a while.

To this day, he still couldn't accept the existence of the underworld, let alone any summons.

Mo Xun couldn't help but stroke his forehead. Fortunately, he didn't really encounter any ghosts.

Even if the two really guessed right, it would take some time.

He then searched in the storage bag for a while before taking out a strange wooden sign and a string of bells and placed them in front of his chest.

If it weren't for this atmosphere, he would have wanted to laugh at himself.

These two things were used during the Qi Refining Stage.

It's rare that he still hasn't thrown them away after so many years.

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