This sudden sound startled Mo Xun.

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, and his head fell into a brief blank.

In fact, he had probably guessed something in his mind, but this kind of thing was so unbelievable that he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

The two of them looked at each other like that, and in the quiet cave, they could only hear their own heartbeats.

The atmosphere is so weird that it makes people confused.

Immediately afterwards, Nalan flicked his red sleeves, and Mo Xun suddenly felt an oncoming strong wind.

While feeling horrified, he was about to dodge, but his whole body tightened, as if bound by a powerful force. Not only was he unable to move, but even the magic power in his body seemed to be frozen.

But when the strong wind passed by, there didn't seem to be any pain that he had expected.

But the next moment, the clothes on his body were suddenly torn apart, and the fragments flew around.

The relic beads on his neck were broken off and scattered on the ground.

Mo Xun was like a skinned lamb, just standing there naked without any hair!

But not to mention, in the dim blue, the bronze skin has well-proportioned lines. From the chest to the abdomen, it is full of masculine muscles. The whole person stands there, as tall and straight as a steel needle!

Mo Xun was a little stunned at this moment.

Even when the green gourd he had been keeping in his arms fell, he didn't react.

Think about it, he has lived for more than a hundred years, when has he ever shown such sincerity in front of others?

What's more, in front of a powerful and beautiful woman?

If there was a crack in the ground at this moment, he could not wait to get into it immediately.

It's a pity that now, except for his eyelids which can still blink up and down, even his fingers are as stiff as if they have been poured into lead water.

Nalan, who was on the opposite side, was obviously slightly stunned.

Especially when she saw the dark and dense jungle, a blush suddenly rose on her fair and pretty face.

Perhaps the previous anger made her lose her mind a little.

But after actually taking action, he couldn't help but hesitate again.

However, this contradictory psychological contrast only lasted for a short breath, and her eyes regained their determination.

She slowly turned her head and stared at the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord beside her.

It seemed that he wanted to see some painful reaction on his face.

The so-called grudges of pleasure, sometimes, do not necessarily have to take the life of the other party. When the hatred reaches a certain level, slowly watching the opponent's life worse than death may be able to truly eliminate the pleasure in the heart.

This is the situation for Nalan at this moment!

A person can accumulate hatred for hundreds of years, and one can only imagine how twisted his heart is!

But she seemed to have underestimated the state of mind of this late-stage great monk, or in other words, Xia Muyao's weight in his heart was not to the extent that it could drive him crazy.

Purple Saint Heavenly Lord just closed his eyes tightly, his face expressionless.

But the more this happened, the more it obviously aroused the anger in Nalan's heart.

"Okay, you're fine!"

Nalan snorted heavily, and there was a bit more ruthless determination between his brows.

With her slender hands, she gently pulled the ribbon around her waist, and her bright red shirt slowly slid off.

Immediately afterwards, a flawless white jade body appeared before Mo Xun's eyes.

The skin on the body is really tight, and if it is more, it will last a moment, and if it is less, it will become thinner.

The legs are as slender as white jade, straight and slender.

It can be said that the attitude is strong and far-reaching, and it is true, the texture is fine and the bones are even, the cherry fan mouth is soft, and the willow waist is small!

When women see such a figure, they will inevitably be envious.

The hatred in her heart has completely covered up her shame about her self-esteem. In other words, even if there is shame, it should be the real Xia Muyao, and the person next to her should have been killed by Qian Dao hundreds of years ago. A man who was cut into pieces.

"Yi Guangling, don't you want to appreciate your woman's virginity?"

Purple Saint Heavenly Lord is motionless, like an old monk in meditation!

Except that his breath was slightly disturbed due to mood swings before, at this moment, he seemed to be free from external interference.

But Mo Xun on the side was in trouble!

Facing such a beautiful woman, it would be pure self-deception to say that he had no reaction at all.

The moment the other party took off his clothes, a surging heat flowed out of his body uncontrollably, almost as if every inch of his body was on fire.

By now, no matter how stupid he is, he can still see what's going on.

The woman in front of me is probably being controlled!

But having said that, what method can even Nascent Soul cultivator control?

It's just that there is no point in discussing this issue now, because right now, he is about to face an unprecedented absurdity.

It's so ridiculous that he wants to be raped by a female bully!

In the past, he might still have some expectations, but he couldn't accept it in such a way.

And there is another person next to him, and above his head, there is a shadow wall stone!

I'm afraid it won't be long before he is completely famous in the world of immortality.

And he will become the first alchemy monk in history to become famous in this way.

Actually speaking, this is nothing.

After all, he has always been extremely indifferent to fame and the like. The worst he can do is change his appearance in the future and stop showing his true colors to others.

The main problem now is that no matter whether this Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch can escape today, the entire Five Elements Sect will regard him as a mortal enemy, and he will probably have to spend the rest of his life on the run.

This is the most fatal point!

Women are everywhere, and there are also many beautiful women. With his current status, where will he lack women?

It's just a question of whether he wants to or not!

He is not so blinded by lust that he would provoke a rose with thorns, and this thorn is also poisonous!

But what can he do now?

His body is stiff, his magic power is solidified, and even the Xuantian True Fire, the only thing he relies on, cannot be summoned.

While he was thinking wildly, the jade body had already walked towards him.

Two men and women who met each other sincerely, but were extremely unfamiliar, just stared at each other like that.

One was full of hatred in his eyes, and the other was dull and a little flustered.

Then, a slender white finger gently touched his chest. After a feeling like an electric shock, he fell backwards.

Then, a piece of red silk slowly fell down and covered his face.

He was pushed down!

Mo Xun had never thought that such an absurd thing would happen to him.

If the roles of the two were exchanged, it might be reasonable, but now, what kind of explanation is it?

He felt that his outlook on life was about to collapse!

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