Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 565 Fairy, please respect yourself

"Brother Mo, my little sister has a doubt. I wanted to ask you last time. Is it convenient?"

Mo Xun saw her looking at him constantly, with a strange look in her eyes. He thought he had seen some secret, and then pretended to be calm and said: "Please tell me!"

"You...are you hiding your cultivation?"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then realized that the other party must have noticed the sudden increase in his cultivation.

Speaking of this, Mo Xun was somewhat proud of himself. Not long ago, he could still see traces of his unsteady realm that he had just broken through not long ago. Unexpectedly, he went to the Five Elements Sect, but there was a vague connection with Gu Qingqing. The feeling of being evenly matched.

It's just that the opportunities for this kind of improvement are really less.

If he takes a break, maybe he can try to conceive a baby within ten years!

Then there was the magic stick named Yue, who was quite talented in this area. A Qi Refiner could develop such methods of extracting Yin and replenishing Qi.

It's just that he is a little unclear. Is this kind of thing only good for him, or will both men and women benefit?

It's a pity that with his current ability, he can't see the changes in Yuanying monk's cultivation level in detail.

In Gu Qingqing's opinion, this is one of the reasons.

The other one was Mo Xun's escape from Purple Saint Heavenly Lord.

This is obviously unrealistic for a monk who is in the early stage of pill formation, but if he hides his cultivation, it would be more or less justified.

After a brief deliberation, Mo Xun suddenly smiled and said: "Well, since you have seen it, I will stop pretending and am not afraid to tell you that in fact, I was originally a Nascent Soul monk, but I fell down due to an injury later! "

Gu Qingqing suddenly opened her eyes wide, but after a moment, she curled her lips in disdain.

"Do you think this girl is a three-year-old child?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows deliberately.

"What, you don't believe it?"

Gu Qingqing snorted coldly: "Forget it if you don't tell me, I'm not interested in knowing anyway!"

Mo Xun suddenly remembered something and asked quickly: "By the way, can you help me find out about a sect?"


After the two chatted for a while, Mo Xun said goodbye and left.

For the next period of time, the two of them did not go out, and each was busy with his own things in the secret room.

Gu Qingqing seems to be practicing some kind of secret technique, and occasionally she can hear some serious noises.

Mo Xun put most of his energy into studying the various classics he bought.

Regarding the seal of the Jade Sky Sword, it was easy for him to solve it, but "Tianmu" and Bai Ze still had no idea.

After sealing the Jade Sky Sword, he can enter and exit the cyan gourd at will.

On the one hand, it is to check the growth of Wuhuan flowers and fruits. After all, this thing will be the most important thing related to his next step of cultivation.

On the other hand, priority is given to refining the incarnation of the ram.

In this matter, I was very familiar with it, and it was almost completed in just a few months.

While doing these things, he naturally put weapon refining at the top of his priority list.

However, after planning for so long, what is puzzling is that he still has not really started. In addition to studying theoretically every day, occasionally he will ask Gu Qingqing for advice.

At the beginning, he felt a little embarrassed because he always asked ridiculous questions, which provoked a burst of ridicule from Gu Qingqing. She also persuaded him more than once to give up and focus on the right path. , but over time, he got used to it.

The daily exchanges between the two are not limited to these.

Mo Xun asked the other party for advice on how to refine weapons, while Gu Qingqing learned various magic formations from him.

Poor this girl, she is used to lying to others, but she never thought that one day she would be cheated.

Mo Xun sometimes has a headache. He can't imagine how irritable the other party will be when this secret is revealed one day.

Of course, they will also discuss some cultivation experiences. After all, they are in similar realms and encounter roughly the same problems.

But this is what Gu Qingqing is most confused about.

According to her previous judgment, Mo Xun's true state should be in the middle stage of pill formation, or even in the late stage.

She originally wanted to ask for advice from him, but who knew that every time we talked, the other person didn't seem to feel much better than her?

Then the question arises, where does this sudden increase in cultivation come from?

"Hey, did you get some incredible opportunity in that secret realm?"

Mo Xun sometimes feels strange that the female cultivators he knows always seem to have this kind of leaping thinking.

The two of them were clearly talking about cultivation issues just now, why did they get involved in the secret realm again?

"How can the fairy say this?"

Gu Qingqing suddenly walked up to Mo Xun with gentle steps, took his arm involuntarily, and put half of her body against his body. She leaned very close to him with a delicate face that was lightly pinked, and then charmingly With a sweet smile, the air was suddenly filled with a refreshing fragrance.

Mo Xun immediately became a little confused. Ever since he warned the other party before the last auction, Gu Qingqing rarely showed such frivolous behavior in front of him.

But now, what's the point?

Mo Xun felt a little vigilant in his heart. He had seen this woman's charm before.

"Brother Mo, how is our relationship with you?"

Mo Xun frowned in surprise and said coldly: "Not very good!"

Gu Qingqing's face visibly stiffened, and she secretly used a little strength to hold the hand on Mo Xun's sleeve.

Thinking of Gu Erniang, she has seen countless men in her life, and there are countless men who have fallen at her feet. But how come she happened to meet such a man who doesn't understand romance?

Could it be that this man really has a love affair with men?

Or is she old and no longer attractive, and can no longer arouse the interest of men?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingqing snorted in her heart and unconsciously straightened her chest. She didn't believe that there was still a man she couldn't get!

Her actions were pitiful to Mo Xun.

Perhaps before experiencing that kind of thing, he was more curious about women, but after tasting the marrow, he would have an indescribable impulse from both psychological and physiological aspects.

Just by rubbing that soft mass, he felt numb all over his body, and then his lower abdomen immediately became hot.

Seeing that the other party was going to take further action, he pushed him away and stepped back two steps.

"Fairy, if you have anything to say, please speak directly!"

But then again, why should he hide?

If it were in the past, he would have turned hostile directly. He never liked this kind of unclear courtesy, especially after the experience with Nalan, which made him deeply realize that things that are delivered to the door are often either thorny or hard to swallow.

Seeing Mo Xun's slightly flustered look, Gu Qingqing's face regained the confidence of the past.

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