Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 573: Netherworld Division

Surrounded by mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist, it’s a beautiful place where you can find seclusion and ask others!

Mo Xun may not know what this place will look like tens of thousands of years from now, but what he sees now is definitely a good place for seclusion and cultivation.

"This place is now occupied by a five-star sect called Tianqing Sect. Its leader and I had a relationship back then."

Mo Xun nodded understandingly. There were countless five-star sects like this in Xihe Prefecture.

The only difference between five-star and six-star is whether there is a Nascent Soul cultivator sitting in charge!

"So, you knew Luo Xi's origins after you saw her message?"

Gongyang shook his head and said with a smile: "Where I went, there were not even one thousand, but eight hundred. If I hadn't happened to pass by this place, how could I have remembered it?"

Mo Xun asked again: "What do you mean by the great gift you just mentioned? Do you want to introduce this leader to me?"

The ram glanced at him angrily, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"I'm really worried about your IQ. Even if this person is still alive, even if I introduce him to you, when you return to reality, you still don't recognize him?"

Mo Xun touched his nose nonchalantly. He also felt that his head seemed to have twitched just now.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, that is, in my time, there was an extremely powerful organization in the entire world of immortality called the Netherworld Division, which was somewhat similar to the Wuchang Tower you offended before. I even suspected that the two were probably the same. A kind of inheritance relationship.”

Mo Xun frowned slightly. It had been a long time since he heard any news about Wuchang Tower. Perhaps the scope of the organization's activities was limited to the Eastern Region.

"To tell you the truth, I also joined the Netherworld Division back then!"

Hearing this, it piqued Mo Xun's interest.

"In the Netherworld Division, are there divisions such as purple-faced protectors and red-faced Rakshasa?"

"This is natural, but at that time, the color of the mask was not used to distinguish levels. Each member's mask would have a code name engraved on it. Just like when I used to call it Dixie to the outside world, the entire member organization was named after the Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth. In other words, apart from Mr. Pluto and the elders of the Tianzi generation, I can be regarded as the core hero. "

Speaking of this, the male sheep's tone revealed a bit of pride.

But from Mo Xun's point of view, what's there to be proud of as a hawk and dog of an assassination organization?

At the same time, he thought to himself that judging from the hierarchy and naming methods of the Netherworld Division and the Impermanence Building, it was indeed possible that there was a certain connection between the two.

But then again, what does this have to do with him?

Could it be that the secrets of the Netherworld Division are hidden here?

But even though there are inextricably linked connections between the two, they are still thousands of years apart, so even knowing about them is of little use.

And to be honest, as long as Wu Changlou no longer comes to trouble him, he will be happy to be on the same page with him.

Moreover, if a fight really breaks out, he doesn't have the capital to deal with them.

"You've talked so much, what do you want to say?"

"Young man, you have to eat your food one bite at a time and listen to your words every word. You are not in a hurry anyway, so why are you in a hurry?"

The male sheep glared at him angrily, a little annoyed when he was suddenly interrupted.

"This leader of the Tianqing Sect, like me, was an elder of the Earthly generation in the Netherworld Division at that time..."

Mo Xun blinked in surprise, still seemingly confused.

"During a mission, I happened to recognize this person's identity, and also discovered a huge secret. What do you think it is?"

Mo Xun was speechless, where could he guess?

"What? Is it possible to bring the dead back to life?"

Gongyang said excitedly: "Even if he can't come back from the dead, he's almost there. This man can condense a fake baby in an instant!"

"Condensation fake baby?"

"Yes, I was also curious at the time. In fact, the mission was not troublesome, but I encountered some accidents later. A Nascent Soul monk was killed in the middle. A few of us fled in panic. Later, when I turned back, I happened to bump into How this person killed the opponent, and this person's realm is clearly in the late stage of pill formation, even the peak is a bit far away, but in a short period of time, he has the strength of the Nascent Soul stage! "

Mo Xun asked doubtfully: "Is it possible that he is hiding his cultivation?"

"To tell you the truth, I thought the same way at the beginning. In order to find out what happened, I took the risk and followed him secretly..."

Mo Xun quickly interrupted him and said: "Wait a minute, since this person already possesses the strength of Nascent Soul, couldn't he have been discovered given your state at that time?"

"This is the key point I want to tell you. After killing the Nascent Soul cultivator, his realm dropped directly to the early stage of pill formation and he was seriously injured. This gave me an opportunity to take advantage of!"

Mo Xun suddenly realized that he might have understood.

Through some means, this person can raise his cultivation to a great level in a short period of time, but the price is obvious.

He pondered and asked: "Why do you think this is a fake baby, rather than some kind of secret method?"

In Mo Xun's view, the so-called fake infants can temporarily possess the same abilities as Yuanying monks, including realm, magic power, spiritual consciousness, and various other means.

Gongyang smiled mysteriously: "Just follow me!"

The two walked through a dense forest and stopped at a towering cliff.

The mountain wind is howling, and the cliffs here reach into the sky!

Gongyang suddenly jumped down without any warning. Seeing this, Moxun hesitated for a moment and then jumped as well.

This peak was a thousand feet high, with narrow and long sides, and the end was out of sight. The forest was lush and green. In just a moment, they landed at the bottom of the cliff.

"I want to make it clear to you in advance. I dare not guarantee whether the thing will still be there when you return to the real world. Although I have never taken it out until my memory, it is possible that Cangkuo came here again after forming the infant. Therefore, the specific situation depends on your luck."

Moxun thought, if there is really a good thing, can Cangkuo still give it up?

You know, Gongyang and Cangkuo have slightly different personalities, but they are from the same source.

Based on Moxun's understanding of this old thing, it is obvious that he is not a good man or a believer.

Gongyang looked around with a sly look, and then pushed away the weeds in front of the two people.

This cautious action made Mo Xun laugh. He might have forgotten that the two of them were in a illusory world at the moment. Was it necessary to do this?

As the saying goes, one's true nature is revealed inadvertently!

It can be seen what kind of sneaky things the other party went through when he was a thief.

Thanks to the great god certification of the big boss Xinyousui. The recent updates are a bit weak, but I still get the help of fellow Taoists. I am really ashamed. I will definitely work hard to update in the future!


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