Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 584 True and False Ram

He felt that his behavior could not be described as crazy, but simply insane, as he committed suicide to survive!

This reminded him of the ancient tomb in Xunyang County. It was the illusion created by the Wuhuan Flower that almost forced him to commit suicide!

According to common sense, this method would probably not work.

If suicide could remove the illusion, wouldn't those illusion arrays and illusions be too easy to break?

He could do this because he really had no better way.

According to the time calculation, the efficacy of the first illusion had exceeded the limit!

If he delayed any further, it would be too late!

Just as he was about to swallow the poison, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

The originally dim secret room suddenly became pitch black, and he seemed to be trapped in a huge vortex, his body being driven and falling down continuously.

This scene made Mo Xun happy instead of surprised.

Then, a dazzling white light flashed, and he couldn't help but close his eyes, and then his head was dizzy for a short time.

When his consciousness became clear again, what he saw in front of him immediately made him happy.

Looking at his palm again, it was empty, where was the trace of poison!

That thing was refined by him in the second illusion, and it disappeared at this moment, which meant that he had returned to the first illusion.

At the same time, his cultivation level also returned to the early stage of Dan formation!

The jade slip left before was still lying quietly in front of him.

He jumped up quickly and rushed out of the secret room. This cave was the place where Gong Yang had given him to practice before.

Could it be an illusion?

He muttered to himself twice, and then shook his head gently. The two illusions seemed to be nothingness, but the personal experience was extremely real, and there was no confusion between true and false as he had guessed before.

This is probably the mystery of Wuhuan Dan!

Although this experience seemed ordinary, it was actually full of dangers. Especially the period of waiting was the most tormenting time he had ever gone through.

If he had been a little later, he would have taken the poison pill. As for the result, he really couldn't imagine it!

While sweating coldly, Mo Xun remembered Gong Yang.

This old guy, wouldn't he have never come back?

He then searched around twice nearby, and indeed did not see any trace of Gong Yang coming back.

For the next period of time, Mo Xun fell into anxious waiting again.

Because the time for the first level of illusion was almost up!

Before entering the illusion, he sealed a large number of illusion-releasing pills in his body. Once the deadline was reached in reality, they would be automatically unsealed. By then, he would have woken up.

In addition to this, Gu Qingqing would also find a way to wake him up.

But what should Gong Yang do then?

Just when he was a little anxious, a noisy sound suddenly came from outside.

Mo Xun was delighted at first, but soon, he frowned secretly.

Hearing the noise, why are there two people?

He quickly opened the door of the secret room and disappeared like a gust of wind.

When he came out, he was stunned to see two identical rams standing in front of the cave.

What's going on?

Not only are the two people similar in shape and clothing, but their behavior is also the same.

"Boy, come and help me, this is the old man's inner demon. If we don't subdue it, you and I will be dragged here!"

"Bah, Mo boy, don't listen to this person's nonsense, he is the inner demon, I am the real one!"

"Old demon, you dare to pretend to be me, I swear to kill you!"


The two were like copied twin brothers, you said something and I said something, frowning and cold, the three inches of gray under the chin was almost curled up by anger.

Mo Xun seemed to understand a little bit in his heart.

Most likely, it was the old guy Gong Yang who was wandering around in the illusion and happened to awaken the inner demon hidden deep in his memory, and then this scene happened.

But this is a bit troublesome. How to distinguish between true and false?

"I will kill you!"

After that, the two rushed towards each other at the same time and fought in mid-air.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose up, and the sky was full of rosy clouds. The powerful impact of magic power made Mo Xun's heart shudder, and he quickly retreated.

Then, a ball of fire suddenly broke out in the air, and the area within a radius of dozens of feet was suddenly shrouded in a sea of ​​fire. The surrounding forests, mountains and rocks were lifted into the sky by the powerful aftermath, and a violent rumble sounded in his ears at the same time.

Fortunately, Mo Xun ran fast and barely avoided the aftermath of this conflict.

But the original cave collapsed directly like a landslide and was buried by the mountain.

Mo Xun couldn't help muttering to himself: "Is this a duel of strength at the peak of the Jindan stage?"

He suddenly remembered that Gong Yang had warned him to avoid fighting in the illusion as much as possible?

Who knew that the other party would make such a big noise!

Mo Xun hid high in the clouds, looking at the strong fluctuations of magic power in the distance. With his ability, he couldn't participate in this kind of fight at all.

The two were like two angry beasts. Because they had no external objects such as magic weapons, they could only attack each other with magic.

Sometimes, they even fought physically!

In a short while, the whole valley was tossed by them beyond recognition, and flames were everywhere.

In the smoke and dust, two figures in white were like ghosts, and their speed was extremely fast. Whether it was pinching the formula to cast spells or dodging and colliding, it was really dazzling.

In the mountain stream, it was like experiencing a landslide!

After half an hour, the earth-shaking feeling gradually subsided.

When the smoke and dust cleared, two old men with white hair and beards stood in the air, their clothes were torn, blood was flowing from the corners of their mouths, and their bodies were covered with scars. They were breathing heavily, but they still showed no weakness in the confrontation.

Looking at their exhausted appearance, Mo Xun opened his mouth in surprise. If they continued to fight like this, they would probably die together.

Since one of the two is a demon in the heart, he is equivalent to another ram. Whether it is magic power or means, they must be evenly matched.

Fighting like this is tantamount to competing with himself. It would be strange if he could win!

"Boy, what are you still standing there for? Come and help me!"

"Boy Mo, don't listen to him. Once this old demon succeeds, you will return to the real world with him. This demon will surely slowly confuse your mind. It won't be long before your entire consciousness will be completely controlled by it."

Mo Xun first looked to the left, then to the right, and for a moment he was a little overwhelmed by the two identical voices.

Although it is not clear which one is true, these words are absolutely correct.

If the inner demon is mistakenly brought back to the real world, who knows what terrible consequences will occur.

In fact, logically speaking, the safest way for him now should be to leave both of them in the illusion.

Or take advantage of the fact that they are fighting and both are injured, and kill them both!

Sorry, I have been delayed for a few days due to family affairs. I will resume updating next time!

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