Mo Xun stood in front of a wide and loud mansion. After a moment, he walked in with Bai Ze.

This was where he accepted Ye Ping as his apprentice, and it was also the old house of the Ye family.

However, the Ye house back then has long since become the He Mansion today.

The originally dilapidated and dilapidated houses have also been replaced by tall courtyards with carved beams and painted rafters.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Mo Xun turned his head suddenly, and a fierce deterrence shot out of his eyes. The servant of the He Mansion who was about to step forward to stop him suddenly stood straight in place as if he was cast a spell of immobilization, with a pair of empty eyes without any spirit.

However, this movement attracted other servants in the mansion.

But these mortals were all imprisoned in place after just a glance. Mo Xun took Xiao Bai and went straight through the inner house as if he was in an empty place.

At this moment, two figures suddenly fell from the air and blocked Mo Xun in front of him.

"Who are you and why did you trespass into my He Mansion?"

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a brown robe. Judging from the fluctuations of his aura, he is actually a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building!

Behind this man, there follows a beautiful girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, with delicate features and delicate and pretty appearance, but her cultivation is a little low, only about the tenth level of Qi Refining.

Mo Xun took a look at the person who came and asked indifferently: "Are you the person in charge here?"

"What did you do to them?"

Before the man spoke, the woman behind him stood up first, with an arrogant anger between her eyebrows, and a condescending tone. At first glance, she is the kind of person who has been spoiled for many years and is used to being bossed around.

The man in brown frowned slightly and glanced at the girl next to him. He is not as ignorant as this girl.

Although Mo Xun suppressed his cultivation, on the surface, he is still a level higher than him.

Don't underestimate this minor realm. If they really start fighting, even two or three of them can't stop them!

No one who can cultivate to such a realm is reckless.

Of course, this woman is definitely not a complete idiot. Without seeing Mo Xun's cultivation level clearly, she dared to ask such questions. She either relied on the man in brown clothes next to her or there was another expert behind her.

As for who this expert is, Mo Xun actually used his spiritual sense to sense it the first time he entered the He Mansion.

In the basement of this inner house, there is a strong man in the late stage of foundation building.

"Yan'er, don't be rude!"

"Second uncle, this person came to my door so unscrupulously, is he really bullying my He family?"

As she spoke, the female cultivator named Yan'er had already taken out a silver sword in her hand and pointed it directly at Mo Xun, looking like she was going to fight if she didn't agree with him.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ze stood up, then imitated Mo Xun, put his hands behind his back, and suddenly squeaked a smile.

But this little adult-like appearance is really funny.

"Little sister, I advise you to calm down. Uncle is very good at fighting. If you anger him, he might kill your family!"

Since she separated from Li Qingying, the little girl has been following Mo Xun. She is very familiar with Mo Xun's fighting ability, especially not long ago, she saw with her own eyes that Mo Xun killed two masters in the late stage of foundation building with thundering means in an instant.

The girl sneered and said disdainfully: "Really? Although my He family is not a big family in Mengtian City, it is not scared!"

After that, she took out a sound transmission talisman and was about to throw it out!

But just at this moment, a deep male sound transmission came from the depths of the inner house.

"Yan'er, please withdraw first. Please invite this Taoist friend to the inner hall to have a chat!"

When the woman heard this, although she stopped her hand movements, the anger in her eyes did not subside at all. After a cold snort, she did not speak again.

The man in brown said "please" expressionlessly, and then walked in first.

Mo Xun had been calm from beginning to end, and he didn't even look at the woman when he passed by her.

In the inner hall of the He Mansion, a middle-aged man with a curly beard had been waiting here early.


After the man in brown came in, the two looked at each other, and the man with a curly beard just nodded slightly, and then motioned the other party to go down first.

After seeing Mo Xun following closely behind, the other party clasped his fists.

"I am He Yunxing, and I meet you, fellow Taoist!"

Mo Xun simply returned a greeting, and then formally looked at this person.

With a burly figure, sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, it seems that he is only one step away from entering the realm of false pills. I think this should be the current master of the He family.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite!"

Mo Xun did not mean to report his life. It was not that he was arrogant, but there was no need.

He came here just to gather information, not to make friends.

"Please sit down!"

After the two sat down, a maid brought tea. After the arrogant girl Yan'er came in, she sat far away near the door and stared at Mo Xun with hostility.

He Yunxing smiled slightly: "My little girl is spoiled, I hope you won't be offended!"

To be honest, facing Mo Xun coming to his door like this, He Yunxing was a little angry in his heart, but after all, he has lived for hundreds of years and still knows how to be patient.

In addition, although Mo Xun came with bad intentions, he did not kill those servants.

From this point of view, it should not be revenge.

Otherwise, with He Yunxing's cultivation close to the peak of the late stage, how could he be so easy to talk to?

Those who have cultivated to this level understand a principle, that is, if you can avoid taking action, try not to take action.

What is the purpose of everyone's cultivation?

It is not for fighting and killing, but for immortality!

"No problem!"

In fact, the style of doing things today is a bit inconsistent with Mo Xun's previous personality. If it were him in the past, even if he wanted to find out something, he would definitely find some local snakes to find out in secret.

It's just that in the current situation of the war between the human and demon races, and there are Yuanying cultivators in Mengtian City, he doesn't want to stay here for too long.

It would be best if he could find out something. If there is no clue, he plans to leave this place in one or two days.

"I don't know what to call you, friend?"

He Yunxing glanced at Bai Ze casually. Although he was a little confused about the combination of the two people in front of him, he didn't think much about it.

In his opinion, with his own cultivation, he can completely suppress Mo Xun.

Besides, there was a helper at the middle stage of foundation building nearby. Even if the other party wanted to cause trouble, they would not be able to make any waves with the two of them working together.

At the same time, he had sent a message to the man in brown clothes, asking him to evacuate the people in the mansion to prevent a real fight from happening and affecting his family.

Mo Xun did not answer, but asked: "Do you know the original owner of this place?"

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