Before Mo Xun could answer Yun Shang, Master Yue suddenly became furious and crumpled the half-made talisman into a ball and threw it on the ground.

Seeing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but frown. Why?

Could it be because the talisman just now was not successfully made?

At this moment, the door was pushed open with a creak, and the maid from the day came in. After a salute, she said: "Master, the next disciple has been waiting for a long time. Would you like to summon him now?"

Master Yue took a few deep breaths and asked with an unpleasant face: "Man or woman?"

It was the first time that Mo Xun heard Master Yue speak, and he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, just because the other party's voice seemed a little shrill, like a woman!

He looked at Su Yun Shang on the side, and their eyes just met. From each other's eyes, he also read the same doubts from each other.

The maid glanced at Master Yue and said cautiously, "It's a man!"

"Tell him to wait a moment and bring in a female disciple first!"

The maid opened her mouth, hesitant to speak, but finally agreed and went out.

Not long after, the maid brought in a dark-looking woman in her thirties. Master Yue looked up and showed a bit of disappointment on his face, but in a flash, he covered it up well.

"Hello, Master!"

As soon as the woman entered the door, she knelt down. The moment she saw Master Yue, her face could not hide the excitement.

"Stretch out your hand!"

The woman hurriedly rolled up her sleeves and raised them high. Master Yue touched the other's pulse seriously.

After a moment, he said with a look of heartache: "Alas! It's a pity that you have no spiritual roots and have no chance to be immortal!"

After hearing this, the woman's face was immediately disappointed.

"Don't be discouraged. Although you can't practice Taoism, since you have become my disciple, I will definitely give you some immortal medicine to strengthen your body and ensure that you live a long life."

When the woman heard this, she was delighted again and kowtowed to Master Yue to thank him.

However, Master Yue raised his eyebrows and said, "It's just that it's very difficult to refine this immortal medicine. If you show it to me easily..."

Speaking of this, Master Yue suddenly stopped and looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, the woman didn't know what the other party meant, so she quickly took out a heavy bag from her arms and handed it over with both hands.

"Master, please don't hesitate to give me medicine. I will never forget your kindness."

Master Yue took the bag, weighed it in his hand, secretly opened a gap, and a silver light suddenly appeared inside.

Immortal Yue smiled and said, "In this case, I will be disrespectful to refuse. Yuxin, take her to get a Hualing Pill."

The maid next to her said "yes", but the woman suddenly said, "Please give me a few more pills. I have a husband and a pair of children at home. They are also willing to become your disciples and serve you."

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to answer, the woman hurriedly took off the jade bracelet on her wrist and the gold hairpin behind her head, and held them in both hands to offer.

Seeing these two things, a trace of greed flashed in Immortal Yue's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Well, since she is your family, I will give you a few more pills!"

Then, with the woman's thanks, the maid took her out.

"Hey, why does this fat man look like a liar?"

Mo Xun shook his head lightly. Just as Su Yunshang said, he also felt that this man was a liar.

But then again, a cultivator who can display such magical powers came here just to cheat a few taels of silver?

Next, under the leadership of the maid, more than a dozen men and women were brought in one after another, but Master Yue handled them in different ways.

In just a short while, this man had already pocketed hundreds of taels of gold.

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