Once here, Mo Xun is familiar with the place.

After all, he spent fifty years in the second illusion drifting in this sea of ​​monsters.

A rainbow light in the sky cut through the sky and headed straight for the Wan Yao Ruins.

The so-called Wan Yao Ruins is actually deep in the sea, but it is said that there is another world in it, forming a world of its own.

If I remember correctly, this place belongs to the jurisdiction of a demon king named Jin Sheng.

All the demons who can be called kings must be able to transform!

According to the level of the monsters, the monster kings can be divided into three levels.

Level seven is the quasi-monster king, which is also the most basic transformed monster, and its strength is about the same as the late stage to the peak of the Jindan.

However, this name has not been widely recognized in the sea of ​​monsters. It is more like a self-proclaimed title. In many places, people like to call it a demon spirit.

According to Mo Xun's speculation, the last sneak attack on Mengtian City was mostly done by demon spirits.

Level eight is considered a small demon king, even if it encounters a Yuanying early or even middle stage strongman, it has the power to shake.

The one encountered in Juntian Mountain Range before was of this level.

The ninth level is the Great Demon King, which is equivalent to the late great cultivator of the human race in terms of realm. No matter which one, in the sea of ​​demons, they are all powerful.

As for the tenth level demon beast, there may be one, but Mo Xun cannot touch it at his level.

Just like the cultivator of the Divine Transformation, he even heard that there is no Divine Transformation in this world.

But from the information revealed by the Jade Sky Sword, it is completely the opposite.

After all, Gu Yutian reached the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and he must have been exposed to more than him.

His common sense of cultivating immortals now is basically known to the public, even if there are some higher levels, they mainly come from Gongyang.

But when Gongyang was sealed, he was only at the peak of the Dan Formation.

In other words, he still has a half-understanding of the secrets after the Nascent Soul.

Fortunately, with the experience of the owner of the Red Moon Manor in forming the Nascent Soul, at least when he condenses the Nascent Soul in the future, he will not be completely blind.

Mo Xun originally wanted to release Bai Ze as well. The little girl was originally a beast, and the aura she exuded was different, but not much different.

The key is that she can occasionally provide cover for him and reduce suspicion.

But who knew that the little guy was now obsessed with alchemy and didn't want to come out at all.

Mo Xun had no choice but to give up!

In this way, it took nearly a month of flying before it was close to the jurisdiction of Jinsheng Island.

"Brother Bai, if you and I go together on this trip to the ruins palace, even if we meet the little demon king, we can still fight a little bit!"

The person who spoke was a big-eared spirit raccoon,

calling himself Chi Yan, a seventh-level transformed demon spirit.

The one called "Brother Bai" was naturally Mo Xun.

It's interesting to say that just seven or eight days ago, the two of them simultaneously targeted a sixth-level anaconda, and because they refused to give in, they fought.

But just when they were fighting hard, a little anaconda demon king suddenly jumped out of the cave.

The two of them put aside their prejudices and cooperated with each other to escape.

After this, they got to know each other. Later, they talked and found out that their target was the Wan Yaoxu Palace of Jinsheng Island!

Mo Xun smiled and nodded.

"Brother Chi's Qingyan Magic God is indeed powerful. I hope you can help me when the time comes!"

The two talked and laughed all the way, as if they had known each other for many years.

The reason why Mo Xun was interested in the anaconda was because he had suffered from it in the past.

If he was not the owner of this beast, he would not be chased by Bai Li and finally fell into the bloody fog of the boundless sea and came to Xihezhou, where he was unfamiliar with the world.

Although he benefited a lot here, he still felt depressed.

If he returned to Nanjiang one day, and Ji Chong happened to be alive, he would definitely settle the account.

After a few days of conversation, Mo Xun benefited a lot.

Without saying too much, at least he had a general understanding of how to enter the ruins palace and the situation inside the ruins palace.

According to Chi Yan, as long as you set foot on Jinsheng Island, when the ruins palace opens, any demon beast above level six will feel the sea gate under the island open, and then you can enter it by following the guidance of the breath.

After entering, two different directions will appear.

One points to the Ice Extreme Forbidden Land, and the other leads to the Sky Fire Road.

This is basically consistent with what Tan Taihong said before about the Ice and Fire Forbidden Land.

These two are the only way to the ruins palace. You can reach the final destination by choosing any one.

In theory, this Wan Yao Ruins Palace is a treasure trove opened specifically for the demon race.

But every time, there will be human cultivators mixed in.

This is unavoidable because Jinsheng Island is too big.

When the ruins palace is opened, any demon or cultivator on the island who meets the conditions can sense the breath of the sea gate.

And the location of this sea gate is not only not fixed, but there is more than one.

Even if all the demon beasts on the island are sent out to guard, it is difficult to miss one.

As for the dangers in the ruins palace, it is even more shocking.

Let’s talk about the ice and fire forbidden land first, which is directly known as the grave of the trialists. Once you step into it, there is no chance to turn back.

It is said that less than 10% of people can walk out of the forbidden land.

Although the entire Ruins Palace is open to beastmen above level 6 and cultivators above the Jindan stage, those who can pass through these two realms either have a strong guardian, are extremely powerful, or have a secret treasure that can resist ice and fire.

Of course, after hundreds of openings, the predecessors have also summed up a lot of experience.

For example, the two maps in Mo Xun's hand contain routes to avoid the crisis of the forbidden land.

However, this route may have some variables.

Because the distribution of ice and fire will change to varying degrees over time.

As for how much it changes, it depends on luck.

There is no restriction on spiritual consciousness and mana in the Ruins Palace, which means that once you enter, you may encounter both Jindan and Yuanying cultivators.

The entire opening time is about two years.

Once the time is up, there will also be a sea gate to guide. If you don't come out at that time, you will be left there forever.

Someone once wanted to stay and wait for the second opening before going out.

But two hundred years later, when the later comers entered again, let alone seeing people, they couldn't even find corpses in the end.

Some people say that this place is not from this world.

Those monks who disappeared in it are likely to have been teleported to another world.

This statement is not without reason.

After all, there is no secret realm in the entire Xihezhou that is as mysterious as this place.

When it is opened, it covers the entire Jinsheng Island, and at the same time there is a sea gate transmission with erratic whereabouts. It is not something that the monks of this world can arrange at all.

Since it is not owned by this world, it is very likely to lead to the upper world. Therefore, every time it is opened, it will attract many Nascent Soul monks.

On the one hand, it is to find treasures, and on the other hand, it is to spy on the secrets leading to the upper world.

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