Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 667: Sacrifice and die

Instantly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

This is the difference between the Jindan and Yuanying, which is an insurmountable natural chasm.

Above the Yuanying, one can be called a land immortal. This is not only a recognition of lifespan, but also because in this world, it is the supreme existence.

In astonishment, Mo Xun muttered something in his mouth, and his hands were struggling to make hand gestures, and he kept shouting "hurry up, hurry up" in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to mobilize the red li in his body to perform the sky fire escape.

But in this spiritual domain, even the movement of the Xuantian True Fire was greatly restricted.

As for Sanqing, his heart was in his throat.

However, he could only mobilize the speed of wind attribute spiritual power conversion. When facing the enemy, even a small Jindan cultivator could easily bind him.

Sanqing still recognized Mo Xun as the new host.

Not to mention the endless supply of soul-nourishing wood, at least Mo Xun had never thought of refining him. Even if he used his power, he would always discuss cooperation.

So Sanqing really didn't want Mo Xun to die!

But Mo Xun's spellcasting was obviously a bit futile.

The spiritual realm at this moment was not an ordinary Nascent Soul, but a real great cultivator. Even if the other party was seriously injured, he was still not someone he could easily provoke.

At the same time, a black hand suddenly stretched out from the dazzling white light behind him.

This palm was not real, but condensed by mana.

The palm quickly grew from small to large. In the blink of an eye, it covered the sky and covered the area of ​​dozens of feet, grabbing Mo Xun fiercely.

"Looking for death!"

The energy contained in the palm was almost earth-shaking.

Mo Xun was covered in the shadow of this palm, looking extremely small.

Like a lonely boat, exposed under the shocking waves.

He could clearly sense that everything caught by this palm would turn into nothingness in an instant.

Mo Xun and San Qing were each struggling for the last bit in their hearts.

If San Qing risked being exposed and revealed his feathers, with the hardness of his own feathers, even if the opponent was a spirit, he would not be able to hurt him at all, which would naturally help the two escape.

But in this case, his life-saving feathers would most likely fall into the hands of the opponent.

If a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage got such a divine object, would he still treat him as well as Mo Xun did?

Of course, he could also leave alone by burning his origin at the moment when this giant palm fell.

After all, it would be much easier for him to break free from the spirit realm with his feathered body than to take Mo Xun with him.

But in this case, it would be a bit unrighteous.

As for Mo Xun, he was also quite entangled.

In this case, his methods were basically useless, except for the most important green gourd.

Only by hiding in this treasure can he escape!

But once this happens, the biggest secret that he has relied on for survival since his cultivation will no longer exist.

This is also his last means of saving his life!

Seeing that the giant hand was about to fall, Mo Xun and San Qing were about to use their own methods, when a red light suddenly shot from a distance, as fast as lightning!

Then there was a loud "bang", and the red light directly hit the giant hand.

It was like a meteor falling into a mountain stream!

Two powerful forces exploded at the same time, shaking the originally powerful purple giant hand into pieces.

Then there was a rolling and surging air wave.

Everything within hundreds of feet was thrown out like duckweed.

Although Mo Xun added several layers of spiritual power to protect his body at the first time, the power that seemed to be able to penetrate everything still made him feel the pain of his whole body being torn apart, and his internal organs seemed to be shattered.

When the light faded, the smoke and dust settled.

A man with disheveled clothes and dishevelled hair was seen hundreds of feet away, with blood surging like a madman, and his eyes were looking into the distance with murderous intent.

Right where his sight was locked, a woman in red was lying on the ground, whose life or death was unknown.

The woman's hair was also disheveled at this moment, and the blood and the bright red on her clothes were mixed together, and her breath was faint.

This woman was naturally Xia Muyao who had returned.

As for Mo Xun, he was not much better.

There was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart. The few magic weapons used to protect his body were destroyed or lost, and he was also in a mess.

Like this kind of Yuanying-level battle, he had no ability to participate in it at all.

Fortunately, Xia Muyao blocked most of the impact for him, so that his foundation was not damaged.

However, Mo Xun did not seem to appreciate it at all.

He cursed the stupid woman in a low voice and quickly swallowed two pills.

Purple Saint Tianjun suddenly laughed.

"Good... Really good, everyone is here today, just in time to help you two dogs and bitches!"

Thinking of the scene in the secret realm of the God's Tomb, Purple Saint Tianjun couldn't help but tremble all over.

He was in the late Yuanying stage, the supreme elder of the Eight Star Sect, and was forced to watch his woman having sex with other men. This kind of shame and humiliation is probably the only one in the entire cultivation world.

What's hateful is that this man is still alive and well.

And his woman actually wanted to kill him again and again!

The most ironic thing is that the two of them just staged a touching scene of sacrificing their lives for each other.

The rage of Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch at this moment was simply beyond measure.

He laughed loudly, and his figure immediately became ethereal, and he first rushed towards the direction where Xia Muyao was.

But at this moment, a purple light whizzed past, and directly collided with the oncoming Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch's clone.

The purple light exploded, and flew backwards far away.

In mid-air, another mouthful of blood spurted out, revealing Mo Xun wearing a True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor.

And in his hand, he was still holding a red figure tightly, which was Xia Muyao.

It turned out that the moment he felt the disappearance of the spiritual realm, he used the power of the Three Greens and jumped up without hesitation, exerting his speed to the extreme.

This speed was a bit shocking even for Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch.

But at the moment, Mo Xun was a little miserable.

The purple flame armor that should have covered his entire body and was as dazzling as a god was now half broken off. The Xuantian True Fire on his body was not only weak, but also seemed to be extinguished at any time, as if it would disappear completely with a breeze.

On his exposed arm, the green clothes were already stained red.

Mo Xun forcibly suppressed the spiritual energy running wild in his abdomen and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Sanqing Daoyou, hurry up!"

As soon as the voice fell, he seemed to have teleported and disappeared directly on the spot.

After all these years of fighting and killing, Mo Xun's other skills may be commonplace, but running away to save his life is definitely a subconscious action.

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