Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 678: The Heavenly Symbol Clan

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at the neatly arranged green wooden shelves.

Under Xia Muyao's puzzled gaze, he took a step forward and slapped his palm hard.

With a "boom", the wooden shelf broke into pieces, splashing a bunch of debris.

Then a golden light flashed, and a pale golden page of book appeared in the debris.

The page was densely engraved with lines of strange runes.

Mo Xun hurriedly picked it up, but after a closer look, he was a little confused.

In addition to the runes, there were many tadpole characters on it that were difficult to understand.

Xia Muyao, who was standing aside, was curious and looked at it, also showing a puzzled look.

Fortunately, Sanqing suddenly spoke at this time.

"This is the Heavenly Rune!"

"Heavenly Rune?"

"Yes, it seems that this lost space is indeed somewhat connected to the upper world where I am."

Mo Xun asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

"The Heavenly Rune Clan is a very mysterious race in the upper world. What this clan is best at is drawing talismans. It is said that their runes can communicate between heaven and earth, and have unpredictable powers. There is also a very rare boundary-breaking rune that can travel between various interfaces."

Traveling between interfaces?

Mo Xun was a little shocked.

If this is true, wouldn't this thing be more powerful than all the escape techniques?

In case of any danger, directly breaking through the interface is the best way to escape.

This thing is a life-saving artifact!

"Do you recognize the tadpole characters on it?"

"Hehe, this saint is not talented, but I just happen to recognize this text!"

Mo Xun's eyes lit up. Although he was itching, he knew that now was not the time to say these things.

He then moved with the wind under his feet, quickly shuttling through the entire secret room, with a constant rumbling sound in his ears. Those originally neat wooden shelves soon turned into piles of sawdust under his palm wind.

And in his hand, there were already 72 more pale gold pages.

On each page, different runes and words were engraved.

From beginning to end, Xia Muyao never said a word, just standing quietly aside.

She was very curious, how did this person discover the mystery in the wooden shelf?

In such a place, even her consciousness could not leave her body, let alone a Jindan cultivator?

And the palace protection formation that was broken before seemed to reveal that the person in front of him seemed to know this place very well.

In addition, the little girl who appeared just now, with her eyesight, she could tell that it was a transformed beast, and as for the feather, there must be something strange hidden.

It seemed that the longer he spent with Mo Xun, the more mysterious he showed.

What kind of person is this...?

Where did he come from?

Question marks kept circling in Xia Muyao's mind.

Mo Xun walked up to Xia Muyao with a thick stack of golden pages in his hand.

"Fairy Xia, this thing was discovered by me, so I can only copy the contents on it for you, is that okay?"

"No need, I can't understand it anyway? It's just... do you know the words on it?"

Mo Xun shook his head.

"I don't understand it either, but this thing is likely to come from the upper realm, so I plan to study it. Since the fairy doesn't want it, then if I find other good things later, the fairy can get it first."

Xia Muyao nodded gently, and her impression of Mo Xun changed a little bit.

The other party can say such words, at least it means that he is an upright person.

After the two went out, they did not rush to open the next secret room, but sat down to recover some mana.

Even Xia Muyao was a little overwhelmed to break several restrictions in a row when her cultivation was suppressed.

While resting, Mo Xun took out the previous "Magic Seal Golden Body Sutra"

As soon as his consciousness entered the jade slip, he immediately felt a flash of ecstasy in his heart.

This was not a simple magical spell, but a horizontal training method.

Ever since he knew that the Qianyuan Fruit could increase the strength of the body, he had always wanted to find a body training method to practice. Unexpectedly, by chance, he got it like this.

The key point is that this method is very likely to come from the upper realm!

After a simple study, Mo Xun became more and more excited.

Judging from the name, it should be a Buddhist magical power, but the breathing rules in it completely follow the Taoist system.

The reason for this situation is that it is likely that it has been modified throughout.

However, for Mo Xun, these have no effect at all.

He himself has no beliefs, and does not reject any kind of training system. Even if it is a magic skill, as long as it is suitable, it can be used.

The method is divided into three chapters and 27 levels.

The first chapter is about refining the skin. After it is completed, one can initially possess the magical powers of an arhat, being invulnerable to swords and spears, not afraid of water and fire, with a punch that can collapse mountains and a force that can shake the earth.

The second chapter is about refining bones. After the great success, one can be immortal!

Although this sounds a bit exaggerated, on the other hand, it shows that after the inner bones are cultivated, there are very few things in the world that can break the defense.

The third chapter is about cultivating tendons and blood. After a small success, one can condense a golden body, and at that time, one can crush the void with one foot.

Mo Xun felt his heartbeat speed up a bit.

The things from the upper realm are indeed extraordinary.

If this thing spreads out, I am afraid that the entire world of immortal cultivation will be boiling.

He carefully put away the jade slip and checked the skills brought out by the incarnations.

When Mo Xun saw an article called "Small Zhoutian Ziwei Treasure Mirror", his heart suddenly moved.

If I remember correctly, the magic weapon that Xia Muyao used before was just a bronze mirror, right?

Rather than saying that this is a practice method, it is better to say that it is a method of using a spiritual weapon.

It not only introduces the method of refining the Ziwei Treasure Mirror, but also has matching magical powers.

With the level of the weapon refiners in this world, the spiritual weapon may not be refined, but with improvement, it is not impossible to refine a replica of the magic weapon or treasure.

The magical power of the treasure mirror on it may also have a certain reference for Xia Muyao.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun planned to give this jade slip to the other party.

But before he could speak, a muffled sound suddenly came from outside.

The two jumped up at the same time, looked at each other, and quickly left the palace like a gust of wind.

When he looked outside, Mo Xun frowned immediately.

Outside the palace protection barrier above their heads, a person was constantly bombarding the formation, trying to break the ban and enter.

This person was not unfamiliar to them, it was the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch who had a life-and-death battle a few days ago!

Xia Muyao snorted coldly, and the bronze mirror in her hand flashed, and she was about to fly forward.

Mo Xun hurriedly stopped her.

"Don't worry, he can't get in for a while, and it won't help if you go over like this."

Seeing Xia Muyao looking at him with cold eyes, Mo Xun added: "Maybe after he comes in, it will be easier for you and me to start!"

Happy National Day!

I'll take a day off tomorrow to attend a wedding!

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