Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 69 Yin-Yang Harmony Sutra

Mo Xun took the storage bag in his hand, pointed the bag mouth at the ground, and then injected spiritual power into it. Then he heard a rustling sound, and a pile of things poured out of it.

The most of them were gold and silver, which sparkled brilliantly under the sunlight.

Although Su Yunshang was born rich, she couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw so many yellow and white things. Her eyes flashed with golden light.

Mo Xun was better. Since he cultivated immortals, he had no feelings for these things outside of his body. He was just surprised!

The two of them roughly estimated that there were probably at least thousands of taels in total. I don't know how long Yue Qingfeng had saved them!

It took the two of them an incense stick of time to put these gold and silver, as well as some useless things aside.

Of the remaining things, the first thing Mo Xun noticed was naturally books and the like.

While Su Yunshang was curiously studying a stack of talismans, Mo Xun picked up a thin booklet and flipped through it casually.

"Yin Yang He Huan Jing"

This is a non-attribute Qi training method.

The so-called non-attribute means that no matter what kind of spiritual root, it can be practiced.

Of course, this method has advantages, but it also has flaws.

Although there is no requirement for the spiritual root of the cultivator, after practicing, the mana will be weaker than that of the cultivators of the same realm.

Mo Xun opened it and took a look. He was most interested in things like techniques and spells.

After flipping through it for a while, he was surprised to find that the so-called Yin Yang He Huan Jing was a secret method of dual cultivation.

You only need to find a partner with spiritual roots and practice together until you reach the peak of Qi training. You can greatly increase the chance of impacting the bottleneck of foundation building through the intercourse of Yin and Yang.

Foundation building bottleneck?

Seeing this, it seemed as if an invisible door was opened for him.

He originally thought that the peak of Qi training was already the ultimate goal of the cultivator, but now it seems that there are other realms behind it.

With this in mind, he looked forward to going to the real world of immortal cultivation.

So what comes after the foundation building?

His current Fiery Art only has the skills for the Qi Refining Stage, and there is no mention of the foundation building and so on.

He could not see the difference between this skill and other immortal cultivation skills, so he roughly scanned it, but when he saw the last few pages, he was surprised.

These last few pages were handwritten, and they seemed to be the insights from the previous practice, but they put forward a new theory, or should be called improvement.

Through the improvement of the Hehuan Sutra, the original male and female dual cultivation skills in it have become dominated by the man, who practices by picking the female's yin when having sex with the woman.

And most importantly, the object of the pick does not need to have spiritual roots.

In other words, as long as you continue to absorb the female's yin, you can quickly improve your cultivation.

Of course, this approach will have a big disadvantage, and in the end, men will become more and more feminine in both character and body.

He couldn't help but think of Yue Qingfeng's shrill voice. He was afraid that this person might have practiced this improved secret method.

However, it was not clear whether this improvement was made by this person.

If so, Yue Qingfeng could be considered a genius.

Not only did he change the method of mutual improvement between men and women to unilateral absorption of primordial yin, but he also changed the object of practice to even mortals, which was almost equivalent to creating a new method.

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