Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 691: Another Illusion

He was in the late Jindan stage and fought against the little demon king. Although he took advantage of the Jade Sky Sword, he still felt excited.

With this experience, Mo Xun felt more confident.

But this state did not last long. Cha Shan suddenly showed his true form and transformed into his original body Qinggan.

Although this Qinggan monster looked only four or five feet in size, the momentum it exuded was several times stronger than before.

What was even more terrifying was its speed.

Mo Xun just heard a piercing hissing in his ears, followed by a strong wind, and a huge wing hit him firmly.

Then he flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

Sanqing said "Huh" in surprise.

"After this guy merged with the blood of the phantom bird, he actually mastered a little illusion."

Mo Xun fell heavily to the ground, feeling that his internal organs were about to be shattered.


He vaguely heard these two words in his buzzing head.

After a brief moment of trance, he finally understood that it was not the opponent's speed that was fast, but that he was misled by the illusion.

While he was stunned, he saw Xia Muyao, who was not far away, was also caught off guard and was knocked back dozens of feet in succession.

But Xia Muyao was a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, and her magic power and consciousness were much higher. Even if she was attacked by the illusion, the impact was limited.

But he was different!

Not only was he suppressed in terms of realm, but now he was also blessed by the illusion, so he was naturally difficult to resist!

Suddenly, another gust of wind came.

When he realized the danger, it was too late!

Fortunately, the silver light of the Jade Sky Sword in his hand flashed, and a circle of faint light curtains lingered around him. At the same time, with the cooperation of Sanqing, he was like teleporting, and he directly retreated a hundred feet from the original place.

Even so, he was still swept by the residual power of the magic power, and his throat was sweet, and he almost spit out blood again.

Before he could stand firm, the strong wind came again.

This time, it was the Jade Sky Sword that helped him share most of the power, and with the help of Sanqing, he narrowly avoided the fatal blow.

Just as he staggered to stabilize his body, the emotionless voice of the Jade Sky Sword came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

"In my current state, I can't take the initiative to attack more than twice a day, remember!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Jade Sky Sword fell silent.

Mo Xun's heart trembled.

I don't know when, his reliance on the Jade Sky Sword has far exceeded other treasures.

But most of the time, he used his magic power to activate it.

Almost every time he used it, he had to consume at least 30% to 40% of his spiritual power.

That is to say, if he couldn't quickly recover his magic power, he could only force it to use it three times at most.

It's not that the Jade Sky Sword took the initiative to come out of the sheath to protect its master, but it was very rare.

I didn't expect that this kind of active attack would have a limit on the number of times.

It seems that as a weapon spirit, Gu Yutian can't control this treasure at will.

In fact, if you count carefully, Yu Tianjian has only taken action a few times in these years.

The first time was in the secret realm of the God's Tomb that year, when Yu Tianjian helped him block a sneak attack from Zi Sheng Tianjun.

The second time was not long ago, and it was Yu Tianjian's attack that broke Zi Sheng Tianjun's dark magic body.

These two times, probably because it only took action once that day, so there was no such statement.

And just now, Yu Tianjian helped him block the impact twice in a row.

That's why he was issued a warning-like notice!

In other words, Yu Tianjian can no longer help him take the initiative to resist!

As soon as he thought of this, the white light around his body flashed and disappeared completely.

After Mo Xun stared at the long sword in his hand for a moment, his mind moved, and he quickly summoned the Xuantian True Fire.

In the blink of an eye, a layer of purple flame armor with a faint flame glowed around him.

After half a year of recuperation, Chi Li was able to use the complete Heavenly Spirit Armor even though he had not fully recovered.

At the same time, he was fully confident that the opponent had definitely misled him with an illusion during the attack.

Because he had clearly seen the opponent fighting with Xia Muyao before, but the next moment, the huge green figure had already appeared in front of him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer.

Speaking of illusions, although he was not an expert in this field, he possessed the most powerful illusion treasure in the world.

In the past, he rarely used the illusionless flower fruit when fighting against the enemy.

It's not that he had never thought about it, but there were too many factors in the victory or defeat.

On the one hand, he still couldn't accurately grasp the effect of this illusion. If he went too far, he might even fall into it.

On the other hand, most of the opponents he encountered now were much stronger than him in cultivation. He was really not sure how much effect this thing could have on high-level cultivators.

Especially in front of such an expert in illusion!

But he clearly remembered what Gong Yang told him back then: to defeat illusion with illusion!

But how to use it next, maybe he still needs to think about it.

After escaping from the battlefield, Mo Xun turned his head and looked at the Wulu Nebula Disk among a group of Qinggan evil ghosts.

Because of the two sneak attacks just now, the Nebula Disk was interrupted and no one was controlling it. At this moment, it was surrounded by dozens of illusory Qinggan beasts, opening their bloody mouths and biting them continuously.

As Mo Xun's mind went, the Nebula Disk started to spin rapidly again.

Countless black lights and white clouds shuttled among the beasts again, killing the remaining green-faced fangs with extremely sharp means.

Looking at Xia Muyao, I don’t know whether it was because of her lower realm or the influence of illusion, she was almost suppressed by Cha Shan.

Mo Xun snorted coldly, put away the Jade Sky Sword, and took out the Qiankun Bow.

He drew the bow and arrow like flowing water, and shot a cold arrow when Cha Shan was about to chase Chen Sheng.

At the same time, he sent a message to Xia Muyao.

"Close your six senses and retreat to the side first!"

As the voice fell, the sharp arrow and the whistle had already arrived in front of Cha Shan.

Then it exploded with a bang, instantly enveloping the opponent in a sea of ​​fire.

To say that this flat-haired beast is really thick-skinned.

The flames only lasted for one or two breaths, and were fanned away by its two huge wings, and the opponent seemed to have not suffered any damage from head to toe.

Mo Xun had expected such a result.

This Qiankun Bow might be effective against those below the middle stage of Jindan, but it is impossible to hurt those above Yuanying!

But his purpose was obviously not like that.

Because in the blooming fire, there was a faint fragrance, which was difficult to detect if not carefully distinguished.

This fragrance naturally came from the Wuhuan Flower Fruit.

However, Mo Xun did not use a whole fruit, but smeared a little.


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