Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 697: Sound Shocks the Demon Sea

Next, Mo Xun destroyed the second demon island in the same way.

Until the third day, the fifth day...

He alarmed more than a dozen small demon kings and hundreds of demon spirits who wanted to kill him!

In just a few days, the news of a big demon chasing and killing human cultivators spread like a plague throughout the sea area of ​​nearly one million miles.

The most terrifying thing is that wherever the big demon passed, although it was not bloody, it was also a mess.

There were at least thousands of demons who died in his hands!

Among them, there were several demon spirits comparable to the Jindan stage!

For a time, half of the demon sea was in chaos.

Every time he passed an island, Mo Xun would use the local terrain and many demon beasts to create a large area of ​​chaos, so as to distance himself from Chashan, but once he left the place where the demons lived, he would soon be caught up again.

This repeated process led to a stalemate between the two.

What made him feel quite depressed was that during this period, no demon king stepped forward to take care of it.

The direction he was heading to now had already entered the inner sea area.

Going further in, there were not many demon beasts living in large groups.

What was even more difficult was that many demon tribes had already known his intentions. In order to avoid being affected, no matter how he tried, those demon beasts just hid in the cave and never came out.

Without the demon beasts to stop him, this method would be meaningless.

Moreover, during this period, he was ambushed by two little demon kings.

If it weren't for Sanqing's lightning speed, he would have been chopped into meat paste.

Even so, he was more or less injured.

Fortunately, he had plenty of various elixirs on him, so he didn't have to worry about lack of strength for a while.

But now, I don't know how many demon tribes want to get rid of him as soon as possible!

Although no one knows his name yet, his image has become the number one wanted in half of the demon sea.

Mo Xun didn't know that he, who was unknown in the human cultivation world, had become famous in the demon territory.

And in this way!

If this matter was reported back to Juntian Mountains, it would definitely cause a sensation!

At the edge of a magma lake with flames rising to the sky, a dying big-eared spirit flame raccoon was lying.

The whole body of this monster was covered with wounds!

Even the huge ear on the top of its head was cut off.

At this moment, a faint halo lingered on its body, constantly absorbing the essence from the magma under it.

If Mo Xun was here, he would definitely recognize at a glance that this beast was Chi Yan who had traveled with him before.

Chi Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and then a blue seashell flew out of his body.

In the blue light, an illusory figure slowly appeared in front of him!

Upon closer inspection, this person was actually Mo Xun's true face.

Chi Yan stared at the illusion for a long time before he suddenly woke up.

"Isn't this Brother Bai?"

When Chi Yan saw the wanted notice in the seashell, he was a little dumbfounded!

He never thought that the transformed silver loach that had been traveling with him before was actually a human cultivator.

What's more exaggerated is that this human race was not only safe and sound under the pursuit of a great demon king, but also stirred up the entire demon sea and ranked first on the demon hunting list!

In another dark cave.

Xia Muyao endured the severe pain and pulled out the bone tooth thorn on her shoulder. She simply treated the wound, and a red light flashed in her hand, and a few more storage armors appeared.

Not long ago, she had just experienced a siege.

Two little demon kings, with five or six demon spirits, blocked her halfway.

After killing several people in a row, she escaped narrowly!

Just when she was about to count the spoils, a blue seashell suddenly flew out of the storage armor.

Then, she saw something exactly like Chi Yan.

After a long time, she sighed silently, with a complex expression on her face.

"You'd better not die too quickly..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she rushed out of the cave, and in the air, after finding a direction, she immediately turned into a rainbow light and disappeared.

In the market that was temporarily prosperous due to the war on the front line of the human and demon races.

This is a rest building that mainly sells spiritual tea.

At this moment, the building is crowded with people and noisy. In this place of all kinds of people, there are people who come here to inquire about the news, and there are also several people who gather around a table. After the ban is set up around it, it becomes a small exchange meeting.

In the corner, there is a woman in black clothes with a veil on her face.

She did not deliberately hide her cultivation. The realm of the middle stage of the Jindan made those who wanted to come forward to ask for money immediately give up their thoughts.

Many people looked over here and quickly retracted their gaze.

Although fighting is strictly prohibited by the Demon-Exterminating Alliance, as long as you are not crazy, you will not take the initiative to provoke a Jindan cultivator.

Not far from her, several cultivators were talking in a low voice.

Sometimes they talked about the recent war, and sometimes they talked about where the secret realm was opened.

"Brother Ming, do you know what happened to the demon clan recently? Why did they suddenly slow down their offensive? Is this war coming to an end?"

The person who spoke was a foundation-building cultivator wearing a gray robe.

"Hehe... The end? It's still early!"

The answerer also had the cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building.

It was already late autumn, but the man was holding a fan in his hand. But upon closer inspection, the fan was shining with golden light, and it should be a magical weapon of good grade.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

The man holding the fan hesitated for a moment before taking out a jade slip from his storage bag.

There are no restrictions around the table where the few people are sitting, but anyone who wants to eavesdrop can easily know what they are talking about.

It is not impossible to even peek at the contents of the jade slips with spiritual consciousness.

However, the cultivation of several people is not weak. If you want to peek, you have to weigh your own strength.

The others took turns to look at the jade slips, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Who is this senior? He was able to escape the pursuit of the great demon king. He dared to go deep into the demon clan's hinterland alone just by relying on the late stage of pill formation. He also turned the demon sea upside down. I have been here for two years. Why have I never heard of it in thirty years?”

The fan holder smiled and said: "Not only you, but also the ancestors above are full of doubts now. I heard that they have sent messages to their respective sects to find out the background details of this senior as soon as possible."

A person next to him suddenly stroked his beard and interjected: "Do you think this senior is a casual cultivator like us?"

Several people looked at each other and then smiled at each other.

Everyone seems to think that this possibility is really slim!

The content of this short chat was naturally heard by the woman in black on the side.

She was originally in low spirits, but when she glimpsed the portrait in the jade slip with her spiritual consciousness, she was suddenly stunned.

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