After an unknown amount of time, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes.

The blur in front of him gradually became clear!

This was a simple and dilapidated bamboo house, with not much furnishings in sight.

As for him at this moment, he seemed to be lying on a cold bed.

The sun shone in from the window, and outside the house, one could hear the crisp chirping of birds, and occasionally a few distant barking of dogs.

He seemed to have returned to that quiet little mountain village!

Could it be that the two hundred years of practice were all a dream?

No, he could clearly feel that he was holding two things tightly in his hands.

One was the green gourd that he had to protect desperately even before his death, and the other was a feather.

He remembered!

After he rushed into the huge waves, he seemed to be stuck in a muddy area, and his speed became extremely slow.

Not long after, Cha Shan caught up with him.

He almost used all his means, but he was still seriously injured in the opponent's demon king's spiritual domain.

Yu Tianjian, despite consuming the power of the weapon spirit, made an exception and blocked for him three times, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the end, it was Sanqing who helped him block the fatal blow.

But because of this, Sanqing turned into a feather in his hand, and there was no sound at all.

But Cha Shan didn't seem to be much better.

Perhaps it was not his fate, and at this time a huge alien beast happened to pass by, stirring up a turbulent undercurrent, and directly knocked the two people out.

After that, he completely lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he was already in this place.

Then the question came, how did he get here?

Is this place still in the Demon Sea?

Before he could figure out these questions, he was stunned.

Because he couldn't sense the existence of spiritual energy, let alone his spiritual consciousness, even his magic power couldn't be mobilized at all.

He couldn't even sense his own golden elixir!

If it weren't for the green gourd in his hand, he almost thought that his years of practice were just a long and bizarre dream.

He tried to get up, but he couldn't muster any strength. The slightest movement made his whole body feel like it was being torn apart.

Was the injury so severe this time?

Did even the golden elixir break?

If not, why couldn't he feel his cultivation?

He roared while enduring the pain, but he couldn't even lift his wrist.

But even so, he still held the green gourd and feather tightly in his hand.

After struggling for several times, he finally gave up struggling, and a thin layer of sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

Not long after, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the house.

He slowly turned his head to see the appearance of the person coming, but only saw a slender figure through the narrow crack of the door.

But after a long time, he only heard the sound of ding-dong outside, but no one came in.

Mo Xun was alert and didn't say anything at first, until a stick of incense passed, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What's the point of being on guard when he has become like this?

He was able to lie here now, most likely because he was saved by this person, and no matter what the other party's original intention was, he still had to face it in the end.

After thinking about it, he deliberately coughed a few times.

It seemed that he didn't hear it!

After hesitating for a while, he said hoarsely and weakly: "Please come in, sir!"

After waiting for a long time, there was still a constant clanging sound outside, and then a wisp of cooking smoke slowly floated in.

Then, there was the fragrance of steamed rice.

His stomach grumbled unconvincingly.

Mo Xun couldn't help but sigh, how many years has he not eaten grains.

However, from this point of view, this person is most likely a mortal.

It is not uncommon to have human beings in the Demon Sea, but how can there be mortals?

And in such a remote place!

After a while, the footsteps gradually approached, and Mo Xun instinctively tensed his nerves.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and then a pretty girl appeared in front of him.

The woman looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in a coarse linen shirt, dressed very simply, and tied an apron that had been washed countless times in front of her.

But she was a girl after all, and even without makeup, she still looked fresh and attractive.

Her fair cheeks were roasted red in front of the stove, and at this moment, she was holding a bowl of white rice porridge in her hands.

Seeing Mo Xun's eyes open, the woman was stunned for a moment, and then immediately showed a look of surprise.

"Hmm... Hmm..."

The woman put the porridge on the table, mumbling something in her mouth, and kept gesturing with her hands.

She pointed at herself for a while, and then pointed at Mo Xun.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun finally understood.

It turned out that she didn't deliberately not hear it before, but really couldn't hear it!

This is a mute girl!

"Can you understand what I say?"

Although he didn't deal with such people much, he knew that there was a type of mute who could read lips.

But he didn't know whether it was because of the language barrier or because the mute girl didn't know lip language. He said this several times, but the other party still seemed confused.

The mute girl finally pointed to the porridge on the table, and her meaning was self-evident.

Mo Xun could only nod his head in a depressed mood. He almost forgot what it felt like to be hungry.

Because he couldn't move, the mute girl fed him one spoonful at a time throughout the whole process.

Then the mute girl fed him a bowl of soup and applied some unknown herbs to his injured area.

As for the two things tightly grasped in Mo Xun's hand, the mute girl was puzzled, but did not ask.

When she first rescued Mo Xun, she tried to take the gourd and feather to have a look.

But no matter how hard she tried, she could not pry open Mo Xun's fingers.

In her opinion, the things that could be protected like this at the moment of death must be extremely important to this person.

Mo Xun knew that his injuries would either not be cured or would heal on their own, and ordinary medicines would most likely have no effect.

Unfortunately, he now had no consciousness and magic power, and could not take out the Huntian Liquid from the storage bag.

Otherwise, let alone the injuries, even the other party's muteness would be easily eliminated.

Mo Xun forced a smile at the corner of his mouth and nodded gently to the woman with difficulty.

"Thank you!"

The woman seemed to understand this sentence, smiled happily, and then went out again.

Listening to the footsteps of the mute girl leaving, Mo Xun sighed in his heart.

At this moment, he didn't know whether he should be thankful for surviving the disaster or worry about his injuries.

Without cultivation, it seemed that the only thing he could do was to wait!

He could only hope that his body was not damaged, so that he could rely on his own recovery ability to slowly repair the damaged meridians and Dantian.

Time passed slowly in such a peaceful state.

Two people who didn't know each other lived a secluded life in this place with birds singing and flowers blooming.

Mo Xun was sick in bed all day, and the mute girl seemed to often go up the mountain to collect herbs.

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