Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 71 Testing Spiritual Roots

Mo Xun ignored Su Yunshang, then held the stone in his palm and tried to absorb the spiritual energy inside. After a while, he tried the red and black stones again.

After a long time, he handed the jade stone to Su Yunshang and said, "Try to absorb the spiritual energy inside, see if it works?"

Su Yunshang looked at him suspiciously, but still followed Mo Xun's instructions and tried to absorb it.

"Hey, the spiritual energy here is so pure! What is this?"

Mo Xun did not answer her, but handed the red stone over again.

"Try this again!"

Su Yunshang reluctantly tried again, but after a moment, she frowned and closed her eyes again. She repeated this two or three times before asking doubtfully: "Why can't I absorb the spiritual energy in this?" ?”

Mo Xun looked at Yun Shang's confused expression, suddenly jumped up and laughed, "My guess was indeed right!"

Su Yunshang saw him looking a little crazy, and the corners of her mouth twitched!

"Are you okay?"

Mo Xun held the flaming jade in his hand and organized some words, still feeling a little excited.

"Although I don't know what this stone is called, it is obvious that it is used for cultivation..."

Seeing Mo Xun suddenly stop, Su Yunshang curled her lips in disdain and thought: Do you still need to say such a thing?

"Then what?"

"It's just that the spiritual energy in the stone is divided into different attributes. Only those with corresponding spiritual roots can absorb it and practice."

As he spoke, Mo Xun picked up a stone and explained with a smile: "This red one corresponds to the fire attribute, this cyan one should be the wood attribute, and the black one in your hand is probably the water attribute!"

Su Yunshang looked at the black stone in her hand, then at the stone held by Mo Xun, and asked speechlessly: "Are you so happy just because you discovered this?"

Mo Xun blinked, shouldn't he be happy?

Su Yunshang couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Making a fuss out of a molehill!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth...

he? Making a fuss out of a molehill?

At this moment, he really wanted to slap him!

He exhaled a sullen breath and continued, "Do you still remember the spiritual root attributes Yue Qingfeng mentioned?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"Originally, I was thinking about how to test our spiritual roots, but now that we have these stones, it's much easier!"

Su Yunshang thought for a while and suddenly said: "You mean, as long as the spiritual energy in a stone with any attribute can be absorbed by us, that means we have some spiritual roots?"

"Not bad, not bad, my brain finally opened up!"

Su Yunshang snorted coldly, and the two of them continued to rummage inside, and finally, they gathered five colored stones.

They are red, white, green, black and yellow!

Su Yunshang had already tried two before, and then she took the white, green, and yellow stones and tried them one by one until she threw away the last stone. She clapped her hands and said with a smile on her face: " It seems that this lady has Tianlinggen, hehe..."

Although Mo Xun had already guessed the other party's spiritual root attributes, when he heard these words, he couldn't help but feel a little envious in his heart.

He had actually tried the three attributes of fire, wood, and water just now, and found that only black stones could not absorb them. In other words, it was certain that he had at least two spiritual roots, fire and wood.


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