It was really funny. It turned out that since he left, Yunniang had not left the room for a day.

She had not eaten, had not drunk water, and had not gone to the toilet for a whole day.

When Mo Xun saw her, the little girl was shy and her face was almost blue and purple!

For someone like Yunniang who had lived in the village since childhood and had hardly left the mountains, it would take some time to adapt to the outside world.

In addition, it was difficult to communicate, so she was slower than ordinary people in accepting new things.

He could even imagine how surprised the little girl would be when she went to the world of immortal cultivation in the future and saw those immortal cultivators who were flying in the clouds!

He had something to teach her in the future!

He suddenly remembered Chashan who was swept into the waves with him.

If this big monster was not dead, it would probably have drifted into this world as well!

It was just that there was no spiritual energy in the local area, so it was probably a problem for it to even transform. There was no need to worry about encountering it in such a place where humans were active.

But the other party should be better off than him. After all, the demon race is good at cultivating the body, and they are just like fish in water in such a place!

The two moved to Qi Ruyan's shop overnight. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the woman, she had already cleaned up the house in the backyard.

From the next day, the two lived a secluded life.

Qi Ruyan would send people to deliver some rice every once in a while, and the pots and stoves were all ready, so there was no need to worry about this.

Yunniang was born in a farming family, so she opened up a vegetable garden in the backyard.

Although Qi Ruyan was curious about Yunniang's origins, he didn't ask much.

Mo Xun was immersed in the research of the blood array most of the time.

Now that he has a large number of beast cores, he can verify many of his previous ideas.

The only problem is the refining of the array plate.

Now he can't use the pill fire, nor can he refine the materials with mana, so he can only choose the most primitive way, which is iron casting.

So within two days, the sound of clanging and dinging could be heard in the courtyard day and night.

Most of the neighbors knew that the shop had changed its owner, and they could occasionally hear some iron forging sounds, but no one had seen the owner come out.

At first, some people came to the door curiously to inquire.

But Yunniang couldn't hear it, and Mo Xun was too lazy to pay attention, so gradually everyone ignored the existence of this family.

Until one day, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the room.

With a bang, Mo Xun seemed to be thrown out from inside and fell in Yunniang's vegetable garden in a very embarrassing way.

Even the tiles on the roof fell off several times.

The wooden door was directly hit with a big hole, and the ground under his feet trembled slightly.

Fortunately, it was just blood out of control, which damaged some furniture.

But the little girl had never seen such a situation before, and she was a little scared on the spot.

Anxiously, she helped Mo Xun up, and only after she was sure that he was not injured did she breathe a sigh of relief.

But this was just the beginning!

For the next half month, Mo Xun spent almost every two days with a big explosion and half a day with a small explosion.

Although Yunniang didn't know what he was doing, she lived in fear every day.

Every time she saw Mo Xun falling out in a mess, she would secretly wipe a few tears.

The little girl had no intention of growing vegetables, and she stood guard at the door all day, fearing that Mo Xun would play her to death one day.

The room in the backyard, which was originally luxuriously decorated, was almost turned into a dangerous building, and the beams were about to collapse.

As for the people on the street, they were even more frightened every day.

Often, when they were dreaming at night, this would happen without any warning.

The door of the store was knocked every two or three days. If the security in the city was not good, the gang might have come in.

Several shop owners even agreed to take turns squatting outside, as if waiting for the owner inside to come out and have a good discussion.

However, Mo Xun had already fallen into a state of ecstasy.

Just like when he was studying the Five Elements Formation, he would not have come out of the room unless he had to eat grains.

Fortunately, hard work pays off. Just when the beast core in his hand was about to run out, a hearty laugh finally rang out in the courtyard.

Then a dishevelled, madman-like man ran out.

Yunniang was still cooking in the kitchen when she was dragged into the room by Mo Xun in a hurry.

I saw a very strange thing placed in the broken house with only four walls left.

How to say it?

This thing is square, like an iron cage.

However, there are grooves carved on the eight corners of the cage.

In each groove, there is a blood-colored thing inlaid.

Around the cage, I don’t know what material it is made of, and there are large and small strange patterns carved.

It looks like words, but also like ghost paintings!

This cage can just accommodate two people standing inside. Mo Xun pulled Yun Niang and stepped in.

To be honest, with his attainments as a master of formations for hundreds of years, a mere blood formation is not difficult for him.

There are two main troubles.

One is refining. He can only use furnace fire to forge it like a mortal.

The other is testing. Because there is no spiritual sense to predict danger in advance, and it is impossible to suppress the riot of blood and qi through magic power, so there are often things that lose control.

Fortunately, he has trained his muscles and bones, and at most only used the energy of the intermediate beast core. Even if he is injured by this riot of blood and qi, it is still within the tolerable range.

As for the improvement, it was much simpler.

He first copied Qi Ruyan's original formation.

But no matter how it was modified, it could not reduce the consumption of blood energy to below the intermediate beast core.

After thinking hard for a long time, he roughly understood the reason.

Qi Ruyan's formation method probably came from her ancestor.

The many blood formations in this place were probably also learned by those people from the formation of immortals.

But the innate conditions of this place and the unique properties of blood energy are very different from spiritual energy.

The spiritual formation can cover an area through the formation flag, because the spiritual energy can spread in the air and thus form a piece.

But blood energy does not have this feature, so it can only be built with some medium void.

As a result, a lot of energy is wasted on these bridge-like media.

After figuring this out, he directly took a different approach and eliminated those media one by one to make such a strange thing.

To be honest, this thing itself is actually a large formation plate.

In other words, he only needs to stimulate the blood energy in the array disk to seal off an independent blood array space.

But the appearance is a bit unbearable!

The two of them stayed in it, like pets trapped in it.

But now is not the time to care about these.

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