In the dim room, the candle was about to burn out.

Suddenly, a green light flashed, and when Mo Xun and Yunniang came out of the gourd as usual, they were stunned at the same time.

Because what they saw was not a familiar place at all.

A sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart. Mo Xun took out the black gloves and put them on like lightning, then grabbed the green gourd in front of him. Without time to explain, he sent Yunniang in while the green light was flowing.

And he himself had already looked around vigilantly.

This seemed to be a secret room.

There were no obvious doors and windows around, only in the corner, there was a trace of a tightly closed stone door.

The secret room was empty, with only a set of tables and chairs.

In the middle, there was the soul-calling iron cage he made.

There were several places where the beast core was embedded on the iron cage that had been tampered with, and it was obvious that someone had studied and checked it.

As for the green gourd, it was just thrown on the corner of the table, as if it was treated as an ordinary thing.

Without even thinking about it, he had guessed most of the matter.

Fortunately, this place was not a place for cultivating immortals, otherwise his precious gourd would probably have changed hands.

Of course, if it was in the outside world, no one could easily break into his cave.

Because there was no spiritual energy here, the Soul-Calling Blood Formation could not be continuously activated. Even if he wanted to arrange some protective measures, there was no way, so the emergence of this situation was not beyond his expectations.

Fortunately, there was no one else in the secret room at the moment, otherwise the secret of the gourd would have been exposed.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun sneered secretly.

Since someone invited him here, he would not leave!

He wanted to see who was plotting against him.

Even if the city lord came in person, he had to leave a little memory for the other party!

Then, he entered the gourd again, and came out again in less than a cup of tea.

At this time, he wore a black glove on each of his hands, and a pair of strange boots on his feet.

In order to deal with the intricacies here, he has put in a lot of effort during this period.

He first walked to the hidden stone door, and after a simple exploration, he roughly understood the mechanism.

Because he could not use his spiritual sense, he did not know where he was now.

If he was really in the City Lord's Mansion, that would be good. He could take this opportunity to find clues about leaving this world.

The only trouble was how to avoid many ears and eyes.

Although he was confident, he was not arrogant enough to be able to fight against multiple horizontal training masters in his current situation.

You know, there is not only one city lord in the City Lord's Mansion, but also many elders of this city!

If his whereabouts were leaked, then the entire Shangwu City would definitely not be able to stay.

Maybe the entire Tiankui Realm would be full of his wanted orders.

At least before collecting enough beast cores, he had not planned to flee to the ends of the earth.

Just as he was thinking, a strange place on the wall immediately attracted his attention.

He slowly raised his palm and pressed it against the wall. A ray of green light gradually condensed on his black gloves.

Then, with a bang, the wall tiles fell off, revealing a secret compartment inside.

In the secret compartment, there was a red wooden box.

He took out the wooden box first, but he was not very interested in it. After all, so far, apart from the beast core and the two Qingming grasses, he had not found anything that could make him excited.

But after opening the box, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Inside was a strange feather!

The feather was red, as if it was stained with blood, and there was a faint blood halo around it. Although he had never touched it, he could still feel the strong blood contained in it.

It was really mysterious. He might have been destined to be a bird recently.

First, he encountered the three green feathers, then he had a fight with the Qinggan beast, and now he saw this red feather again.

In any case, this is definitely a treasure, perhaps with more blood and energy than a high-level beast core or even a beast crystal.

He held the feather in his palm, and the Dharma Golden Body Technique was circulated in his body. The next moment, he felt a vast blood and energy that he had never experienced before, which converged towards every meridian in his body like the backflow of seawater.

Mo Xun opened his eyes again, and his eyebrows were already showing surprise.

I didn't expect that after being calculated by others, there would be such an opportunity!

He picked up the feather and looked around. Except for the circle of blood on the surface, there was nothing special.

It seems that this thing should come from some extremely powerful blood beast monster bird.

A feather can have such blood and energy, so you can imagine how powerful the body should be?

But soon, a question came to his mind.

Since this thing can be secretly stored in the secret compartment, it should have been there for a long time, but why didn't the original owner of this thing use it to practice?

Could it be that the blood energy inside is so vast that it has never been absorbed completely?

If so, he really picked up a treasure this time. Maybe with just a feather, he can reach the highest level of horizontal training.

But then, he shook his head again.

He took off his gloves and put the feather in his palm again.

And this time, no matter how he practiced the skills, he could not absorb any blood energy from it.

A flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. It seems that this thing needs to be guided by magic power.

No wonder the blood energy inside is still so rich. It turns out that in the hands of ordinary people, it is just a deaf ear. It is just a decoration.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but chuckle, and threw the wooden box and his soul-summoning iron cage into the green gourd.

Then he looked around again, and when he was sure that there was nothing valuable, he took out several newly refined array plates from the storage bag one after another. It took a whole stick of incense to set up a large soul-summoning blood array in the secret room.

Even after several improvements, this blood array is still a gold-eating beast.

Each time it is activated, more than 20 mid-level beast cores are consumed.

And the duration is not long, at most a dozen breaths.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a high-level beast core, otherwise it can last longer.

But this time is enough for him to implement his plan.

The only purpose of this blood array is to allow the entire secret room to temporarily restore its spiritual energy, thereby stimulating the internal spiritual power array. With himself, even if he faces the city lord with the seventh realm of cultivation, he is not without the ability to fight back.

Even if he was defeated, he had already set up a retreat in advance with a trap array.

After doing all this, he just sat quietly on the chair, looking towards the stone door not far away without blinking.

After an unknown amount of time, the candlelight on the wall suddenly flickered and then went out completely.

The entire secret room was plunged into darkness.

Yesterday's chapter will be added later!

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