The day after Zhao Qiyuan left, the Weapon Pavilion welcomed another uninvited guest.

Mo Xun had no intention of paying attention to him, but he was the buyer who bought 200 weapons at one time.

Such a big customer was immediately invited to the second floor by him.

"What's your name?"

"I am Qin Bingkun, the head of Jinsheng Hall. Sorry to bother you, Master Mo!"

This was a sturdy man who looked to be in his fifties. He was tall and looked very strong. He had a full beard on his face, which made him look rough and sturdy. His bare arms were thicker than ordinary people's thighs.

If this guy was stronger, he might not be able to get into the door.

Mo Xun stood with him, as if they were an adult and a child.

This man's voice was also very loud, as if he had a built-in amplification effect.

"Master Qin..."

Mo Xun was about to say please sit down, but when he looked at the chair next to him, he thought about it and gave up.

The broken chair was secondary. If he made others look bad, it would be embarrassing.

"I wonder what you want from me? Is it because the number of weapons you ordered last time was not enough, and you are going to order another batch?"

Qin Bingkun laughed dryly. He was being taken advantage of!

"Not really. I heard that Pavilion Master Mo just joined the City Lord's Mansion?"

The two stood there. Qin Bingkun knew his own body shape and physique, so he didn't show any displeasure about it.

There was really no way to deal with his situation. He often had to bring his own tables and chairs to many places.

Sitting with him was like an emperor standing high above.

Although there were many inconveniences in life, he had intimidated many enemies with his size.

Mo Xun nodded slightly. He now had some understanding of the main forces in the city.

As Zhao Qiyuan said yesterday, after Fang Fengyao's death, there were only eight masters left in Shangwu City.

The City Lord's Mansion alone occupied half of them, and the other four had their own halls or sects.

Counting the Seventh Realm City Lord, the City Lord's Mansion was originally superior to the outside world. Now that Mo Xun has joined, the strength of the two sides has become even more disparate.

Jinshengtang is a force that is independent of the City Lord's Mansion.

"That's right, so Master Qin may be a little late..."

While speaking, Mo Xun also took out the guest order and showed it to the other party.

In this matter, there is nothing to hide.

Since he has decided to choose a side, he will not hesitate to waver.

Qin Bingkun laughed.

"Master Mo misunderstood Qin's meaning. I came here today not to win you over to join my Jinshengtang, but to discuss a business with Brother Mo!"

Mo Xun was amused. These people are really familiar with each other. It's not long before they call each other brothers again.

"Brother Qin, please speak!"

"Brother Mo is a straightforward person, unlike that old man Huangfu who is full of bad intentions. He really has the same temperament as Qin. I won't beat around the bush. I guess Zhao Qiyuan's purpose of coming here yesterday is related to the Tiankui Martial Arts Conference in this world, right?"

Mo Xun nodded.

Qin Bingkun continued, "Qin will not say much about other things. Elder Zhao should have already talked about it. What I want to talk about is the matter of entering the Nine Peaks Blood Pool this time. I wonder how much Brother Mo knows about it?"

"I have heard some, but I only know a general idea!"

Mo Xun's words are true.

Yesterday, he only learned a little bit from Zhao Qiyuan, and later he didn't get much useful information from Qi Ruyan.

After all, the Nine Peaks Blood Pool is opened only once every fifty years.

When it was opened last time, many people were not born yet!

Although there are nine masters in this city, there are probably only two or three people who entered the inner cave many years ago.

As for the others, most of them have only advanced to the sixth realm in recent decades.

Qin Bingkun looked around, as if he was afraid that there were ears on the other side of the wall.

"The Nine Peaks Blood Pool can almost be called the top secret realm in this world. Our current city lord broke through to the seventh realm in it. The rich blood here not only helps us body refiners to break through our cultivation, but also contains a kind of blood dragon fish, which is a supreme treasure. Just one fish can extend a person's life by fifty years."

Hearing this, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly widened.

There were even more waves in his heart!

You know, this kind of life-extending treasure is a rare treasure even in the world of immortal cultivation.

Yunniang was still worried about how to prolong her life because she couldn't practice, and someone sent her a sleeping pillow.

According to the level of horizontal training, once you enter the ranks of masters, you can live to at least 150 years old, and every time you improve a realm, you can extend your life by 50 to 60 years.

That is to say, even if one cultivates to the level of a Grandmaster of the Ninth Realm, he is only three or four hundred years old!

Although this life span is nothing in the world of immortal cultivation, it is an existence at the level of an ancestor in the entire Tiankui world.

Capturing the shock on Mo Xun's face, Qin Bingkun stroked his beard and smiled.

He knew that no one could resist such a temptation.

To be honest, this is the third time that Mo Xun has encountered a treasure that prolongs his life.

The first time was the Huanyang True Water mentioned by Fairy Yuehua many years ago, but it may not be easy to get that thing.

First, he has to return to Nanjiang to help Fairy Yuehua take revenge.

In the end, he can only get the whereabouts of the True Water, and he has to go and get it himself.

The key is that it has been unknown how many years since now, and whether that thing still exists is still uncertain!

The second time was the Bailing Fruit encountered in Guixu.

It's a pity that it was blown up in the end!

In the world of immortality, there are four life-extending magical medicines: ice, fire, spirit, and elixir. He was lucky enough to have come into contact with two of them, but he was not lucky enough to get any of them.

I didn’t expect that the fifth type would appear in a place like this!

Although it only extends life by fifty years, it is still a great blessing.

"Is there really such a thing in the world?"

Qin Bingkun replied mysteriously: "Brother Mo, there is no need to doubt it. In fact, this matter is not a secret. Zhao Qiyuan didn't disclose it to you. He probably had other ideas. Let's not talk about these for now. Qin came here just because he wanted to I invite you to form a team. After entering the blood pool, you and I can enter the same cave and catch this fish together. What do you think? "

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

He didn't believe that the other party could be so kind. The two met for the first time today, and to tell them such a secret, and also proposed to form a team and be willing to take a newcomer like him fishing, was a bit too kind.

"Is there any danger in catching this kind of arowana?"

Qin Bingkun didn't hide anything and nodded solemnly.

"Of course there is danger, but it is not during fishing, but from the body-refining masters of the other two cities."

"How do you say this?"

Qin Bingkun sighed lightly and asked instead, "Brother Mo, does he know why there are so few masters in our Shangwu City now?"

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