Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 738 Spiritual Roots

"It's Fellow Daoist Mo, where are we?"

Hearing the weakness in the other party's voice, Mo Xun had a long-bearded tone.

"It's a long story. How do you feel now?"

"Alas! It's hard to put it into words. Even if the soul power dissipates too much, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up for long. Are we going to escape now?"

Mo Xun raised his hand and waved, and several pieces of soul-nurturing wood floated in front of him.

"You need to recover for a while, and then I'll tell you in detail."

Then, he started to talk about the important things since he came here a few months ago.

After burning the incense for a long time, Sanqing said in deep thought: "According to what you said, this place may be sealed in a certain barrier, but such a large formation does not seem to be like something from the lower world, and No one can arrange it. By the way, you said there is no spiritual energy here, so where is it now? "

Regarding this point, Mo Xun naturally had something to say.

"There is a kind of blood formation here, which can form a separate space and isolate a small area from the outside world. Only in this blood formation can spiritual power be used temporarily."

Perhaps due to his weak soul power, Sanqing just looked around without asking in detail.

"What are your plans now?"

"After these few months of investigation, I have found some ways to leave this place."

Next, Mo Xun told what he had learned recently.

Now, for him, there are probably three ways to go.

The first is to find the compass of the Akabane Sect in order to locate the weak points of this formation. This is also the most feasible plan.

The second is to continue to improve the blood array, which can extend the time and expand the scope while compressing consumption, and then enter the gray fog at the border, relying on mana and spiritual consciousness to find a way out there bit by bit.

But this method is somewhat like finding a needle in a haystack.

And according to what Qi Ruyan said, everyone who entered it would eventually be killed, and no one would be spared.

Fortunately, he has a green gourd in his hand. If he encounters any danger, he can be more protected than others.

The last one is the boundary-breaking talisman!

After hearing what he said, Sanqing couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Because no matter which one of these, it is not easy to achieve, or it can be said that it is difficult to achieve in the short term.

"Fellow Taoist Sanqing, I wonder if you have ever encountered a similar situation when you were in the upper realm?"

Mo Xun had no one to discuss with him at the moment, so he could only ask tentatively.

Just as Sanqing said, this large formation does not seem to be from this world, or it may be said that it is the hand of a monk above Nascent Soul.

"The upper realm is so vast. Even if I have never seen it, it does not mean that it does not exist. There are many powerful mansions that are hundreds of thousands of miles away. It is not difficult to create such a closed barrier. , but even if I have encountered it, with your current cultivation and methods, what can you do in front of this level of formation? "

Mo Xun sighed and nodded. He didn't understand this.

In the final analysis, it is still because his level is too low.

Sanqing suddenly said jokingly: "Didn't you say that this place is suitable for body training? Why bother to go out again? It will be just in time to practice your golden body skills to perfection. By then, in the realm of horizontal training, you can directly reach the state of physical training or body integration." , maybe one punch can break the entire interface, wouldn’t it be great?”

A hint of bitterness appeared at the corner of Mo Xun's mouth.

Let’s not talk about whether this place has the conditions to cultivate to a great master. Just the time spent in this process is not equal to him.

After all, he entered Taoism through cultivating immortals and worked hard for hundreds of years before he achieved what he has achieved today.

It seems that if he takes one step further, he will be able to condense the Nascent Soul and reach a thousand-year lifespan. If he changes his cultivation body, it will be like starting all over again.

For Sanqing, it doesn't make much difference where he stays.

Because it doesn’t require practice at all!

Thinking of Shouyuan, Mo Xun immediately asked: "Let's talk about this for another time. Do you know whether people without spiritual roots can practice?"

"Spiritual roots?"

Sanqing was stunned for a moment and thought for a long time before reacting.

"It should be possible. I remember that among your human race, there seems to be some special means that can allow people to develop spiritual roots."

To Mo Xun, these words were like a drop of nectar in the desert.

He hurriedly asked: "What can I do?"

"I'm not sure about this. After all, our Saint Race cultivates bloodline. Once you have bloodline inheritance, you can master your innate magical powers. What I can only tell you is that there is indeed a way in the human race to make ordinary people develop spiritual roots. Specifically, What, I can only investigate it in person after you get to the upper realm."

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but look up in the direction of Yun Niang.

This seemed to give him hope, but that hope was extremely elusive!

He is still far away from Yuanying, so how can he talk about going to the upper world?

Even if there is such a possibility that he can ascend in the future, by that time, I am afraid that Yun Niang will have already turned into a handful of loess.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

I don’t know whether taking Yun Niang away from the village was a good thing or a bad thing?

But this was the first time he heard that one could cultivate immortality without spiritual roots!

This inevitably made him yearn for the so-called upper world even more.

It didn't take long for Sanqing to fall into a deep sleep. As for the next time he wakes up, he doesn't know when it will be?

On the second day, the Arms Pavilion once again received a big deal.

A total of five hundred weapons, each with an average of fifty beast cores, made Mo Xun another small profit.

What he didn't know was that Hall Master Qin of Jinshengtang had been scolding his mother in the house for a whole night.

Mo Xun took this opportunity to hang a notice at the door, clearly explaining the two recent large transactions with Jinshengtang, and also wrote down the words of praise from Qin Bingkun himself.

Since there is such a living signboard, it must be used in vain!

Soon, the name of Nanjiang Weapon Pavilion spread to most of Shangwu City.

At the same time, as the news of Mo Xun's appointment as a guest official of the City Lord's Mansion spread, those colleagues who originally wanted to cause trouble immediately stopped.

Although after the incident of Hu Tianchuan some time ago, there were rumors that Mo Xun was at the Grandmaster level.

But after all, it was only a small range!

Now that the City Lord's Mansion has endorsed it, the emergence of a new Grandmaster in this city soon became the second most important news after Fang Fengyao's tragic death, shocking the entire Shangwu City like a whirlwind.

One day, when Mo Xun was explaining the skills to Yunniang when no one was in the shop, a panicked young man suddenly ran in from outside the door.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Mo?"

The man was dressed in a short blue shirt, and it was obvious that he was a servant of a certain family.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Yes, I am!"

The man then fell to his knees with a plop and said hurriedly, "Mr. Mo, my daughter was taken away by the people from Tianyi Building. Before she left, she told me to find Mr. Mo. Please help her!"

There is still one chapter left, and I will make up for it tomorrow night!

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