Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 740 She Deserves to Die

Mo Xun grabbed the woman's arm and headed for the backyard.

But before he had gone far, a loud shout came from behind him.

"Asshole, let go of your dirty hands!"

This voice came almost with the whistling wind, and then a long sword was less than ten feet behind him.

Mo Xun turned around suddenly, raised his hand and punched!

Then the two figures bounced back.

"Sword Qi!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. Although he was a little caught off guard in the response, he did not let go of the woman's hand.

The man in front of him looked about thirty or forty years old.

He was seven feet tall, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, holding a four-foot long sword in his hand, dressed in white, and looked heroic and extraordinary!

What surprised Mo Xun was that the other party's cultivation was only about the fourth realm, but he actually practiced sword Qi.

This kind of sword Qi is condensed from blood Qi!

It is somewhat similar to the effect of spiritual power.

Speaking of surprise, the man in white was no less surprised than Mo Xun.

In this move just now, apart from the sneak attack, he used at least 90% of his strength, but who knew that he was easily resolved by the other party.

Judging from the age of this man, he is obviously younger than him. Could it be that his cultivation is not weaker than his?

"Who are you?"

Seeing the man's anxious face, his eyes always lingering on the woman next to him, Mo Xun didn't understand the relationship between the two.

If they are not a pair of siblings, they are lovers.

However, the probability of the latter is obviously higher.

At the same time, the movement between the two finally alarmed the guards and servants in the mansion.

In the originally small courtyard, dozens of black-clothed strong men with weapons soon surrounded him.

One of the leading guards first glanced at Mo Xun coldly, and finally set his eyes on the man in white.

"Master, what happened?"

"This thief dared to hold Miss Seven hostage in Tianyi Building. He really doesn't know whether to live or die. Let me take him down!"

The man in white pointed his sword, and his aura burst out again, and he was about to rush forward first.

But the next moment, everyone was stunned!

Because at the same time the man said this, Mo Xun took a step and came to him.

Then, a slap was slapped, and the man in white flew backwards directly, and then fell to the ground in embarrassment in the astonished eyes of everyone.


Mo Xun looked at the scene in front of him indifferently, but in his heart he was thinking, what the hell is this!

If it were placed in the world of immortal cultivation, these minions would not survive for a breath.

Then there was a silence that could be heard when a pin dropped.

A breeze blew, and a slight rustling sound came from the treetops above his head.

Mo Xun looked around, and everyone's faces were stunned except for fear!

A fourth-level strongman was slapped away like this?

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

Mo Xun frowned, and his figure disappeared again. Then there was another crisp slap, and the young man in white, who was called the cousin, flew out for the second time.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone in the face. He has lived for decades and has never been humiliated like this.

The boundless anger has made him lose his mind!

While roaring, the young man in white had blood on his face, and the long sword in his hand had long disappeared. He stretched out his two arms and rushed towards Mo Xun frantically.

"I'm going to kill you!"

But before the words fell, the scene was quiet again.

The young man in white stood there stupidly, not daring to move. His two sandbag-sized fists were still raised in the air, and his eyes were full of deep fear.

Just because at this moment a long sword was against his forehead.

He recognized this sword, it was the magic weapon he was proud of!

He couldn't remember the souls who had died under this sword.

He didn't know how many times he had humiliated others in this way, but now, the retribution came back.

Feeling the coldness coming from the tip of the sword, he swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

Then he knelt down with a plop.

"Big... Big brother, I was wrong!"

At this moment, he finally understood why others wanted to humiliate him.

It was because the gap in strength was too big!

Mo Xun showed a hint of sarcasm on his face and slowly moved the long sword to his neck.

Every time the blade moved an inch, the heartbeat of the man in white would stop. He had never felt so close to death.

Perhaps it was out of bad taste, Mo Xun suddenly said: "Give you a choice, between you and this woman, one must die, who do you want?"

The man in white opened his mouth, and didn't know how to speak for a while.

But Mo Xun's long sword moved slightly, and a stream of blood flowed down the man's neck.

The man suddenly shuddered and said hurriedly: "She...she deserves to die!"

The sneer on Mo Xun's lips became even more intense, and then he raised his sword, blood gushed out, and something flew out of the man's body.

Looking closely, it turned out to be the other party's ear!

The next moment, the man screamed and covered half of his cheek, and the whole person was trembling on the ground with fear.

Mo Xun then let go of the woman's arm.

After the girl called Miss Seven regained consciousness, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. It was unclear whether her eyes were sad or angry. She just stared at the bleeding young man in white, as if she had completely forgotten Mo Xun's coercion against her.

Everyone present was also stunned. At this moment, even a fool could see that the person who came here was not a good person at all.

At this moment, a sound like a bell came to everyone's ears.

This sound seemed to come from the sky, with a strong murderous aura.

"Master Mo, you come to my Tianyi Building this time. Are you ready to be an enemy of me openly?"

Then, a thin figure slowly walked out of the crescent door.

This is an old man who looks to be in his fifties, wearing a blue robe. If you don't look at his face, you will give people the feeling of a weak scholar.

But on his thin cheeks, there are a pair of eyes as sharp as a hawk.

If it were someone else, he would be a little insecure in his heart under the intimidation of the other party's momentum.

But Mo Xun still stood there calmly with one hand behind his back.

"Are you Huangfu Xin?"

"Little boy, how can you call the master's name directly!"

Then, an old man in a black robe behind Huangfu Xin suddenly jumped up, leaving a shadow in the air, and his fingers turned into claws, grabbing towards Mo Xun like a gust of wind.

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"A powerful person in the fifth realm!"

The moment the other party jumped into the air, he moved his feet and disappeared.

Then there was a loud bang, and the two figures retreated rapidly in the air at the same time.

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