Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 742 Smiling Tiger

After sending Qi Ruyan out first, Mo Xun came to the living room of the mansion.

"Pavilion Master Mo, how about you try my newly arrived tea?"

Mo Xun ignored the tea cup signaled by the other party and said straight to the point: "If Mr. Huangfu has anything to say, please just say it directly. You and I know many things well, so I don't think there is any need to point it out, and you and I are not idlers either." , As for politeness and the like, I think it’s better to skip it!”

Most people would be embarrassed when they hear this.

But Huangfu's face was extraordinary, and he immediately said smoothly: "Pavilion Master Mo is quick to talk, and he has a good temper for me. In that case, I won't beat around the bush."

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, these words sounded so familiar.

It seemed like everyone would say this when talking to him.

"Before talking about this matter, can I first ask if the matter of the Red Feather Sect has something to do with you?"

Mo Xun frowned. There were only two people in the hall at this time. His mind was wandering, thinking about whether to kill this person now.

After a simple weighing, he suppressed the idea for the time being.

On the one hand, it doesn't make much sense, and it might even get you into trouble.

After all, the news that he came to the first floor is no longer a secret.

On the other hand, there is no complete certainty!

Now, unlike the last time he killed Fang Fengyao, he didn't have the right time and place.

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Huangfu Xin added: "This matter is very important. Please tell me frankly, Master."

Mo Xun's face was dull, and there was no change at all from his mood to his expression.

No matter what Huangfu Xin's true intention was, there was no need for him to admit it.

He is not completely unaware of the rumors from the outside world. But with his current reputation, no one would dare to come to him as long as he doesn't want to talk about it.

In fact, even if he admitted it, it wouldn't be a big deal.

After a moment, Huangfu Xin suddenly stroked his beard and laughed.

"Since Pavilion Master Mo didn't speak, I took it as acquiescence. It's no wonder. After all, this matter is too important. Even if I were the one, I wouldn't admit it easily. However, Pavilion Master, don't worry, I and that party Feng Yao is not very good at dealing with him. The reason for asking this is not to avenge him, but because he has a business to negotiate with the Pavilion Master. "

Mo Xun sat quietly on the chair and listened with no expression on his face.

He also has a lot of helplessness sometimes.

When he came to this world, he originally wanted to be a simple businessman, earning beast cores in a low-key manner.

But the trees want to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Things are like beans leaking from the basket, coming to the door one after another.

Until now, he has been involved in an increasingly complex whirlpool.

He sighed in his heart, sometimes people should not be too capable, otherwise even if they want to keep a low profile, their strength will not allow it.

Huangfu Xin finally got a little impatient. He didn't expect that despite his kind words, the other party would still be so disrespectful and not respond at all.

The smile on his face gradually faded.

Mo Xun felt the coldness on his body and sneered with the same disdain.

The two of them looked at each other with disdain, and the atmosphere seemed a bit strange for a moment.

The air was filled with the smell of tension.

It seems that the next moment, they will all rise up and attack simultaneously.

"What does Pavilion Master Mo mean by this? Do you think I am not treating you well?"

Mo Xun's eyes sharpened and he said word for word: "So what?"

The entire hall suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Huangfu Xin clenched his fists in his sleeves, took a deep breath, and snorted secretly.

"Do you know how many years have passed since no one dared to speak like this in front of me?"

A murderous intent flashed in Mo Xun's eyes.

"I don't know, but what Mo knows is that the last time he said this in front of me was already dead. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try, Mr. Huangfu."

Silence, silence again!

"Hahaha... It is indeed a newborn calf. This courage alone is definitely the only thing I have seen in these years. If this is the case, I will not go around in circles with you. Since you can do it without anyone noticing, Under such circumstances, killing Fang Fengyao and looting all the hundreds of years of accumulation of the Red Feather Sect must have involved some kind of special method. As for what this method is, I don’t care. The business I want to do with you is to use the help of With your ability, help me pick up something.”

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, it turned out that this old guy was waiting for him here!

What did you think it was? You asked him to steal it.

"Master Huangfu, I think you have found the wrong person. When I first came to this city, I have never heard of the Red Feather Gate you mentioned. As for me, I am just a blacksmith who can only make ordinary weapons. I don’t even have the ability you mentioned.”

After that, Mo Xun was ready to get up and leave.


Mo Xun paused, not understanding what the other party meant for a moment, but then, Huangfu Xin's very bewitching voice came to his ears again.

"Fifty high-level beast cores. I think the Pavilion Master has been building weapons for so long, but he has never received a high-level beast core yet, right? Oh... By the way, I almost forgot, Akabane must be There should be some in the treasure house of the door, but even so, I’m afraid it’s only this amount at most, right?”

Mo Xun turned to look at the other party.

He was really a little frightened by this person's handwriting.

Indeed, in a store that has been open for such a long time, not to mention trading high-level beast cores, even middle-level ones seem to be few.

I got it from the Red Feather Sect, which converted into only thirty or forty high-level beast cores.

He secretly wondered if Tianyilou was so rich, or if the thing the other party wanted was too expensive.

Could it be a beast crystal?

Mo Xun secretly shook his head. It shouldn't be. Otherwise, the other party was so confident in letting him go. Wouldn't they be afraid that he would run away?

To be honest, Mo Xun was really tempted.

High-level beast cores would not only greatly improve his cultivation speed, but also allow him to set up a longer-term large blood formation, which would be of great help to him leaving this place in the future.

Fifty high-level cores would be equivalent to 500,000 low-level ones!

He had to sell at least 100,000 ordinary weapons to accumulate such a number.

Seeing Mo Xun stop, Huangfu Xin smiled again.

As the saying goes, people die for money. As long as the price is right, he believes that there is nothing in this world that cannot be done.

"Master Mo, can we continue to discuss in detail now?"

Mo Xun did not speak, but he sat down again.

"What do you want to take, and where is it?"

Huangfu Xin glanced outside the house, and after a moment, he suddenly lowered his voice a little and slowly said: "City Lord's Mansion!"

After hearing these three words, although Mo Xun did not show much surprise, his heart was moved.

For a moment, he seemed to feel that the skinny smiling tiger in front of him seemed to be more pleasing to the eye.

During this period of time, he was planning to go to the City Lord's Mansion for a walk!

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