But being able to do this is obviously enough!

Sometimes he was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry. He was obviously a fierce soldier with a high ranking in the spirit insect world, but he was always used as a pioneer.

It seems that after going out this time, he should explore more of the abilities of this little insect.

The purple snake with divine thoughts attached to it was like an eye that left Mo Xun's body. It returned to his side after a full stick of incense.

After retracting the divine thoughts and a short pause, he saw him moving forward carefully, walking and stopping, occasionally flicking his fingers, using spiritual power to stimulate blood qi, and accurately hitting those hidden mechanism buttons.

He passed by without triggering a single trap.

After going down about ten feet, the corridor finally became flat, and several forks appeared at the same time.

This place was marked on the map, each connected to four treasure houses. Mo Xun first chose the one on the right and walked in quietly.

After about a few dozen feet, there was another huge stone door.

However, in front of the door, there was a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged.

This man had a calm and steady aura, and he was motionless like an old monk in meditation.

Mo Xun knew that this was at most a fifth-level body refiner. After all, the entire City Lord's Mansion, including the City Lord, only had four Grandmasters.

No matter how important this place was, it would never be guarded by a Grandmaster.

As long as he had not entered the sixth level, he was sure that he could take him down in one fell swoop before the other party could react.

However, killing was not the real purpose of his trip, and there was no need for it.

A green light flashed in his hand, and he took out a small porcelain bottle. After opening it, a faint fragrance wafted out of it.

At the same time, Mo Xun waved his robe sleeves, and the fragrance went straight to the sitting man like a breeze.

The moment the man smelled the fragrance, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and it seemed that he was about to check it out alertly, and then the whole person tilted and fell down.

Mo Xun smiled.

Bai Ze configured this thing, and last time he was unconscious for a whole cup of tea without noticing it, let alone ordinary people.

I'm afraid that this person will not wake up in two or three days.

Now deep underground, he is not worried about making any noise. With the concentration of magic power, he directly reached out to push the stone door.

But this time, he failed to push it.

Soon, he found a small groove the size of a thumb in the corner.

It seems that this door needs a key.

But this is not difficult for him. He put on gloves and pressed them tightly against the groove. The next moment, the stone door opened with a low rumble.

Mo Xun looked around and stepped in with a flash.

It was pitch black inside. When he raised his hand, he threw several fireballs around. The underground space, which was a hundred feet wide, immediately appeared in the jumping flames.

This place turned out to be a warehouse for storing weapons.

There were all kinds of weapons and shields piled up inside, and even chariots for conquering cities.

Seeing these, Mo Xun immediately lost interest.

Although these axes, knives, and forks could be exchanged for beast cores, it was unknown when they could be sold.

The key point was that once these were taken out, they would be equivalent to stolen goods, and it was really difficult to sell them in this city.

If you want to sell them, you have to take them to other cities.

Too much trouble!

After wandering around inside for a while, he went straight to the second treasure house.

Using the same method, after knocking out the second guard, he entered a large warehouse again.

He finally found something valuable inside.

This place was used to store various monster materials, from beast cores, beast blood, beast bones to beast skins, it can be said that there is everything, and the quantity is huge enough to shock him.

It's rich, it's rich this time!

Mo Xun smiled, if he had known it was so easy, why would he open a weapon pavilion!

Although he knew that emptying this place would cause an uproar in the entire Shangwu City, he was still not polite at all.

At worst, he would just leave the city after the incident was exposed!

Because he could not cast spells on a large scale, he could only put them into the storage bag one by one. In order to save time, he only took the animal cores and blood.

Animal skins are mainly used to refine soft armor, and animal bones are used to make weapons. These are of little value to him.

In the corner, there are piles of gold, silver and jewelry like a small mountain.

He also waved his sleeves and accepted them very unceremoniously.

These things do not belong to a certain person, but are the fat of the people within the jurisdiction of the entire Shangwu City.

Even if he goes to Nanshan Village one day, it would be good to leave some for the people in the village.

After coming out of the B-shaped treasure house, he hesitated for a while before stepping into the third treasure house.

When the fire was lit in the dim light, there was really a huge stone like a small mountain inside.

Because his spiritual sense could not penetrate, he could only put the stone into the green gourd first, and then study it slowly after he got out.

As for whether he would use this thing to trade with Huangfu Xin in the end, that was not certain.

In the huge secret room, in addition to this stone, there were many precious mineral materials.

Most of them were not valuable to Mo Xun, but there were still some, even in the outside world, they were extremely difficult to find.

Fortunately, he had studied refining equipment in the past, so he could clearly distinguish the precious level.

But his brows were secretly frowned.

Although the things in these three treasure houses were valuable, they were all ordinary things, and there was nothing he wanted.

It was not until he came to the last room that his eyes lit up.

The T-shaped treasure house was not big, and it could be said to be the smallest one, with a range of less than ten feet. However, the wooden shelves inside were filled with strange things.

Mo Xun even found some ancient magic tools that had lost their spirituality.

But most of them had decayed, and they had lost their spirituality for many years, so even if they were taken out, they could no longer be used.

However, the refining methods of some of these things were very different from what he knew, so they could be used for research.

I think these were left by ancient monks who lived tens of thousands of years ago.

These ancient monks should have been the guards of this place, that is, the group of people from Qi Ruyan's ancestors.

Mo Xun browsed through them one by one. He had no concept of the compass mentioned by Fang Fengyao. When he encountered something he didn't recognize or had a strange appearance, he would throw it directly into the green gourd and could only study it slowly after he got out.

Until he saw a round jade plate in a wooden box, he felt familiar.

This jade plate was crystal white, about four or five inches in size, with a strange groove in the middle and Yunxiao Fulong carved around it, which seemed to be the base of a jade artifact.

But the question was, why did he feel familiar with it?

In a flash, he suddenly had an idea and thought of something.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

While mumbling, he put the object away first, and then continued to search for the compass he was looking for.

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