Yes, no one can produce conclusive evidence to prove that it was Mo Xun who did it.

In fact, in the face of absolute strength, talking about evidence is a bit ridiculous.

But the key is that they don't have the strength to take down Mo Xun in one fell swoop.

Even Xia Huaiying hesitated a little.

It's not that he is afraid, but at this critical juncture, he doesn't want to cause trouble.

It's just some beast core ores, which is not a big deal.

At his level, even high-level beast cores are no longer of much use.

After a long time, Xia Huaiying finally made a decision on this matter.

"Don't alarm him first, keep a close watch during this period, and wait until the martial arts competition is over!"

When the three heard this, they immediately understood the meaning.

This grand event is related to the resource allocation of Shangwu City in the next ten years, and Mo Xun still needs to contribute!

As for what to do after the conference, it may be a bloody storm.

At this moment, Mo Xun has returned to his peaceful practice.

Because it was inconvenient to enter the green gourd during the day, he pretended to forge iron in the backyard of the shop while thinking about making a blood puppet.

He knew that what he did in the City Lord's Mansion would soon be exposed.

He was even ready to meet the City Lord head-on.

The Seventh Realm Body Refining Grandmaster was basically as powerful as the late Jindan stage.

In the world of immortal cultivation, he would naturally not be afraid, and might even be disdainful.

Although he was only in the late Jindan stage, he had many experiences of fighting with Yuanying cultivators.

But here, many of the original methods were useless.

As for why he did not leave, the reason was simple, because he was not at all tempted by the so-called Nine Peaks Blood Pool.

Refining the body in the blood pool was secondary, and the longevity blood dragon fish was his real purpose.

Of course, he dared to stay here blatantly, not without support.

Even if he could not beat him, he should have no problem running away.

Especially since he got so many beast cores this time, his soul-summoning blood formation can be upgraded again.

Then there is Huangfu Xin, he is also ready to welcome him.

But what surprised him was that after waiting until dark, no one came here except customers who bought weapons.

Although this situation was strange, Mo Xun would not worry about it.

Because next, he had more important things to do.

After closing, he did not spend the night in the shop, but took advantage of the night and went directly to a deep mountain outside the city after hiding.

Since the last time he passed by the Chiyu Gate, he opened a cave here.

In the dim light, Mo Xun's hand flashed with green light, and the whole person entered the green gourd.

After a few simple words with Yunniang, he came to a barrier in the corner, where a man with dirty clothes and a foul smell was lying.

This person was the immortal cultivator detained by Huangfu Xin.

Mo Xun sighed with his fingers and shot spiritual power into the other person's body.

Soon, the man gradually opened his eyes.

In the moment of awakening, the man suddenly screamed in excitement.

"Here... there is spiritual energy here, am I dreaming?"

But then, he immediately lay down in frustration.

"It seems that I am really dreaming. This spiritual energy cannot be absorbed at all. It must be that I think about it day and night, so this unrealistic illusion appears..."

Just when he was both happy and depressed, a strange voice came to his ears.

"It's not that you can't absorb it, but I sealed your cultivation!"

The man sat up suddenly, and when he saw Mo Xun in front of him, he immediately asked alertly: "Who are you?"

Mo Xun's mind moved, and a chair appeared behind him.

Then he sat down with a chuckle.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is your life, now it's in my hands!"

The man's eyebrows frowned immediately. He felt that this didn't seem to be a dream, but it gave him a sense of unreality.

Ten? It has been twenty years, and he has long forgotten what spiritual energy feels like, but now he can truly feel its existence.

This experience in the Tiankui Realm is like a nightmare!

Seeing the astonishment still on the other person's face, Mo Xun continued to speak: "Tell me about your situation first, what is your name, where are you from, and how did you enter this Tiankui Realm?"

The man seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "Are you the guy who can carry away treasures out of thin air in their mouths?"

Mo Xun looked at him coldly.

"Daoyou, it's better for you to answer my question first."

Hearing this long-lost "Daoyou", the man almost cried.

For how many years, he has never heard anyone say these two words.

When he caught this man, he was also shocked. The other person clearly had a golden elixir in his body, but his meridians and dantian were so exhausted that they were not even as good as those of the foundation-building cultivators. Even the golden elixir in his body was almost dim and had no luster.

If this continues, the other person's cultivation will probably be ruined.

There was some blood flowing in this person's body.

It was probably that he, like him, had been stranded here and had no choice but to cultivate his body.

Suddenly, with a thud, the man knelt down directly in front of Mo Xun.

"I am Cheng Mu, the leader of Qingxi Sect. I hope you can save me!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, as if he had never heard of this sect.

However, what surprised him was that this person could be the leader of a sect?

It seems that one cannot judge a person by his appearance.

Next, Cheng Mu told all his experiences after coming to this world like pouring beans.

First of all, this person was not swept here by the waves in the boundless sea of ​​monsters.

Instead, he accidentally entered a natural teleportation array during a fight with others.

After coming here, Cheng Mu initially experienced the trouble of losing his magic power like Mo Xun.

However, by chance, he found a kind of raw stone.

There is a faint spiritual energy residue in this stone, which has not completely dissipated due to the special environment here.

However, this kind of spiritual energy is very complex and cannot be retained in the body. Once absorbed, it must be immediately converted into magic power for use.

It was with the help of this raw stone that he could temporarily open the storage bag.

As for later, he also tried to find a way to leave this world, but after running around for several years, there was no clue.

In desperation, he could only temporarily change to cultivating the body.

But because of the lack of resources, he thought of stealing.

At first, he succeeded many times by chance by relying on the spiritual energy of the raw stone, but later he was caught by the City Lord's Mansion because of his carelessness.

He remembered that when he was caught, because he was opening a raw stone, those people may have taken a piece of the stone away out of curiosity, which led to the matter of asking Huangfu Xin to help him find the stone later.

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