Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 777 Silver Spear Blood Demon

Some stinking corpses were scattered in the cave.

The formation he had set up before was also attacked and torn to pieces.

Perhaps the only thing that could make people hold a little illusion was that there was no trace of Yunniang and Qi Ruyan.

At least there was no trace, which meant they were still alive.

He first simply buried the charred mountain people and Jiang Po's family.

The death of these people was basically caused by him.

In this matter, he must be responsible!

But at the moment, he has more important things to do.

Before leaving, he made two preparations just in case.

One was the cave formation, and the other was a few secret places. He told the two people that if they encountered any danger, they could go there to wait for him temporarily.

While thinking, he had already taken off.


Two months later, above Zhenwu City.

As soon as Mo Xun landed, he ran straight to the City Lord's Mansion with murderous intent.

"How dare you, who are you? How dare you come here and make trouble!"

The man who was coming towards him was about to make a move when Mo Xun cut off his arm with a gun and flew backwards screaming.

Mo Xun had already suppressed his anger at this moment.

If not for this, all the old and young in the mansion would definitely be doomed today.

Suddenly, a dozen people with swords and knives rushed up from all sides, but they were all seriously injured after just one encounter.

After a cup of tea, the whole city lord's mansion suddenly rang with a rapid bell.

This was obviously a signal of a powerful enemy invasion.

But Mo Xun was like entering an empty space, and anyone who stepped forward to stop him was kicked away by his gun.

After a stick of incense, hundreds of people were lying on the ground.

Most of these people were just injured, but there were also some who were blind and turned into dead souls on the spot!

Seeing this, no one dared to step forward to stop them.

When a sneaky figure tried to sneak away, Mo Xun flew up into the air and blocked the other person.

"Mo... Pavilion Master Mo!"

This person was one of the masters who participated in the siege on the Salt Lake and escaped.

Two months ago, he first went to several places agreed with Sanqing, but still could not find Yunniang.

After that, he sneaked into Zhen and Xuan cities and searched the city.

In the end, he found dozens of people who participated in kidnapping Yunniang.

But no one could tell the specific whereabouts of Yunniang.

The once weak and mute girl seemed to have evaporated from the world!

The only news that could be obtained was that the people sent out by the two cities before failed.

He came here today to settle accounts!

He waited for two months just to wait for the masters to come back.

Looking at the man trembling with fear, Mo Xun not only did not have any pity, but also exuded a suffocating coldness.

"Master Mo, please..."

He only said half of the words before a head flew out.

Mo Xun then headed for another palace without looking back.

Soon, the news that the Silver Spear Blood Demon had killed four masters in a row spread throughout the entire Zhenwu City at lightning speed.

This included the two elders of the City Lord's Mansion, the ancestor of the Liu family, and the leader of the Wuliang League.

These people were also the few remaining masters in Zhenwu City.

The matter of the Nine Peaks Blood Pool had been quietly spread a few days ago.

After all, in addition to the masters of the three cities, there were also 20 contestants.

During that battle, there were curious people secretly watching from the outside.

The name "Silver Spear Blood Demon" also started from that time.

The same scene soon played out in Xuanwu City.

Including the city lord Mo Lingyun, who eventually died under Mo Xun's gun.

So far, except for a few escaped masters, there is no high-level body refiner in the three cities!

The Silver Spear Blood Demon has also become a mysterious and terrifying taboo in the entire Tiankui Realm!

He can kill all the strong men by himself, only one person in tens of thousands of years!

After returning to Shangwu City, he went to the City Lord's Mansion again.

Mainly to find the whereabouts of Xia Huaiying.

This old guy has not been heard from since the Nine Peaks Blood Pool.

Even his wife, daughter and heir in his mansion seem to be unwilling to keep him.

Mo Xun came to his former shop quite lonely.

In two months, he has consolidated his advanced cultivation.

In body refining, he has reached the peak of the seventh realm.

As long as he absorbs the blood in the gourd, he will most likely enter the eighth realm and become a body refining master comparable to the Nascent Soul cultivator.

In immortal cultivation, he also has the strength of the peak of the Core Formation.

Once he returns to the outside world, he can prepare for the Nascent Soul.

It seemed that he had never been so smooth in his cultivation.

But why couldn't he be happy in his heart?

He stood in front of the shop, staring blankly at the sign above his head that read "South Xinjiang Weapon Pavilion".

The shop was cold and quiet, and a thin layer of dust had fallen.

After a long time, he sighed in his heart, took off the sign, and turned around and left.

But just after a few steps, he heard someone calling him from behind.

"But is it Master Mo?"

This was a woman in her thirties, with an ordinary appearance and no blood and energy cultivation.

Mo Xun frowned slightly.

He was sure he had never seen this person.

The woman first looked around vigilantly, then walked up to him and whispered: "Master Mo, Madam Qi has been waiting for you for a long time, please follow me."

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly lit up. Qi Ruyan was still alive?

Not long after, he was taken to a remote courtyard and met Qi Ruyan, who was dressed like a peasant woman.

"Disciple greets Master!"

The two had verbally known each other as master and disciple before, but they had never seen each other greet each other so solemnly.

Mo Xun didn't want to greet her at the moment, and hurriedly asked, "Where is Yunniang?"

But Qi Ruyan's next words made Mo Xun feel lost again.

It turned out that Qi Ruyan and Yunniang had been separated at the beginning of the incident.

The woman was able to survive in the end, thanks to a warrior who was hired at a high price before.

Since then, Qi Ruyan has been hiding here.

If she hadn't heard recently that a silver-spear blood demon had appeared and slaughtered all the masters of the three cities, she would not have dared to ask someone to go to the street rashly.

However, she was so lucky that she ran into Mo Xun.

Qi Ruyan was very clear-minded, so she naturally guessed that the mysterious "Silver Spear Blood Demon" was probably her verbal master.

Looking at the woman in front of him without makeup, Mo Xun felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

Who could have expected that things would develop to this point in just one or two years.

After a long time, he spoke up and said, "I will leave this world soon. What are your plans?"

Qi Ruyan bowed her head hurriedly.

"Disciple is willing to follow the master!"

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. He did promise at the beginning that once he helped find a way to leave here, he would take the other party to the world of immortal cultivation.

Although Qi Ruyan did not help much during this period, it was still a favor.

The initial soul-calling blood formation to restore mana was enough.

As for the master-disciple relationship, let's wait until we get to the outside world.

After all, Qi Ruyan is old. Even if her face is forever, her life span is there, and her achievements in the future will be limited.

A few days later, in front of a quiet house in the mountains.

There were three people standing behind Mo Xun.

They were the skinny Cheng Mu, Huangfu Xin who was still recovering, and the elegant Qi Ruyan.

"Wait for me here for a while. Whether or not I can find Yunniang this time, I will take you away in three years at most!"

Huangfu Xin and Qi Ruyan bowed at the same time.

"I will obey your orders!"

Mo Xun shook his head without comment.

As for Cheng Mu on the side, he also clasped his fists respectfully.

"Then I'll have to trouble you, Taoist Mo!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly, then turned into a rainbow light and disappeared into the sky.

For the next period of time, he kept wandering around every corner of the Tiankui Realm, including the private armies stationed in various places by the three cities, the prisons, and the mines.

Bustling towns, or sparsely populated deep mountains and dense forests.

Even the places where the demons were rampant, he had been there before.

The former Nanshan Village and the Weapon Pavilion of Shangwu City were the places where he had agreed to meet. Every once in a while, he would go there.

Except for the fact that there was still no news about Yunniang, he had gained a lot in other aspects.

Not to mention the beast core, he even got a few beast crystals.

In addition, there was the chaotic turbid air, and he had no idea how much he had collected.

Finally, his cultivation level, after absorbing a large amount of blood, water and essence, finally entered the eighth level of body refining.

In other words, he is now on the same line as the cultivators in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

With the improvement of cultivation level, the six-zhang golden light can also extend to about two or three feet.

During this period, he also met an old acquaintance.

Cha Shan!

But that guy can only exist as his original beast body now.

The two fought in the mountains, and Mo Xun, who could only passively escape before, fought him to a draw.

This incident shocked Cha Shan beyond words!

In the end, the two of them were unable to do anything to each other, so they had to give up and leave.

Three years passed like this.

After he was sure that Yunniang could not be found, Mo Xun returned to Qi Ruyan and the others.


A dozen days later, in front of a gray fog at the edge of Tiankui Realm.

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