"What happened?"

Mo Xun frowned and explained: "It's just a formation, don't worry!"

With his current attainments in formation, he can probably tell whether it is naturally formed or artificially arranged.

"Then why are you not affected?"

Mo Xun replied without changing his expression: "Your cultivation is too low!"

In the darkness, Gu Qingqing looked at the other person so closely.

She didn't believe in the high or low cultivation level. This guy must have a rare treasure, so he can still use his magic power.

As she fell further and further, Gu Qingqing felt that she could no longer mobilize any magic power in her body.

The bone-chilling cold made her shiver.

Fortunately, Mo Xun helped her to build a layer of spiritual power shield in time, and she barely felt better.

After about a cup of tea, the two finally landed on the ground.

This place is at least thousands of feet above the cliff.

The surroundings are even more dark and hazy.

Mo Xun first put Gu Qingqing down, then flicked his fingers and threw several fireballs in succession.

All he saw was ice that had not melted for thousands of years, and there was no sign of melting under the blazing fire.

The Jade Sky Sword suddenly flew out of his body and rushed away.

"Let's go!"

As Mo Xun spoke, he once again embraced Gu Qingqing's waist, and his feet moved with the wind, chasing the white light in the dimness.

Gu Qingqing blinked as the strong wind blew past her ears.

"Hey, I'm a woman after all. Can you ask for my consent before you molest me?"

Mo Xun almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

When the two first met, the other party dared to sit on his lap, and now he's talking about the difference between men and women.

"Don't talk, or I'll leave you here."

Gu Qingqing snorted angrily.

I thought to myself, you should be gentler, my waist is hurt by the pinch.

Not far away, the Jade Sky Sword turned into an ice cave.

Mo Xun was somewhat speechless. This sword was not polite. When it came out of his body, it also took away a wisp of chaotic turbid air.

Otherwise, it would not be able to fly like this in this place where the magic power was blocked.

After entering the underground cold cave, Mo Xun took out a lighting magic weapon.

Passing all the way, it seemed to be passing through a passage paved with ice.

In front of an ice wall with crystal light, the Jade Sky Sword finally stopped.

"We're here!"

Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing looked at each other, and they walked to the ice wall at the same time and looked at it carefully.

I don't know how thick this ice body is, and it looks turbid from the outside.

"You step back a little, let me try."

Since the Jade Sky Sword didn't say how to open it, I think it can only be opened with brute force.

When he turned his palm, a scorching flame was ejected, which was Chi Li who had been promoted to purple flame.

The terrifying power of this second-order true fire made even Mo Xun feel a little palpitation.

As the flame burned, the ice wall slowly melted.

After a while, a gap appeared.

Gu Qingqing behind him was overwhelmed with emotion. She had also been to many secret caves, but none of them was as easy as this time.

There must be so many good things in the treasures of the great monks tens of thousands of years ago!

It's exciting to think about it!

After the last layer of ice wall melted, they thought they could reach the place, but there was a stone door in front of them.

However, seeing this thing, the two were not frustrated, but surprised.

Since there is a man-made stone door, it means that the place has been found.

The outer protective formation has not failed even after many years.

Under the guidance of the Jade Sky Sword, Mo Xun quickly broke the formation and opened the stone door.

As a pure and extremely spiritual energy rushed towards them, the two were stunned.

Until a dozen breaths later, a sharp cry suddenly came to Mo Xun's ears.

"Mine, mine, all mine, hahaha..."

Then, Gu Qingqing jumped into a pile of high-level spiritual stones like a small mountain without caring about her image.

Mo Xun roughly estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of them.

These things alone were enough to make him swallow his saliva.

Thinking back to the battle with the stone man in the Cangkuo Dojo, he almost lost his life, and only got one such spiritual stone.

And he lost most of his spiritual energy.

Even now, he only has more than a hundred on him.

If this is converted into low-level spiritual stones, it would be hundreds of millions.

Next to this spiritual stone mountain, there are nine spiritual eye springs.

This is a genuine spiritual spring with wisps of white mist on it, which is far from the dead spring he and Luo Xi saw in the Moon Star Palace.

Unexpectedly, after tens of thousands of years, this thing is still full of spirituality.

It seems that there should be a good spiritual vein under this place.

The reason why there is a lack of spiritual energy outside the mountain is probably because the spiritual energy is gathered here by the spiritual method inside.

The entire treasure cave is no less than a thousand feet in area.

Under the dazzling crystal light, it is densely packed with various treasures.

The most of them are various "swords"!

Emerald green like glass, huge like the sky, slender like branches and leaves, cold like frost, with shadows and fixed light.

Thousands of various magic swords, some long and some short, some big and some small, some made of cast iron, some condensed by jade, some just suspended in the air, emitting a faint glow, and some scattered on the ground in sets, or placed in sword boxes.

The whole cave is like a sword pool!

Mo Xun didn't know where these swords came from, but it definitely took Gu Yutian a lot of thought.

Tianjian Sect!

He muttered to himself, and only then did he realize that what he was going to help rebuild was a sword sect.

In addition to swords, there were also many jade slips of skills.

Most of these things were also related to swords.

Including swordsmanship, sword-making methods, sword formations, etc.

It seems that when Gu Yutian hid the treasure here, he had already made plans to restore the sect one day.

Mo Xun was shocked and secretly sighed.

Ore materials, formation tools, sword-making platforms, sword-testing stones, even alchemy furnaces and jade tripods, everything was there.

The only pity was that the piles of spiritual herbs and elixirs were all dried up and damaged.

He originally wanted to find some seeds in it, but almost all of them were dead.

Despite this, he still collected these first, perhaps the black soil in the gourd could give him another surprise.

You know, there are many extinct spiritual medicines in it.

There are still many magical instruments from low-level to top-level.

In addition, there are various magical treasures.

He even suspected that General Gu Yutian had moved all the assets of the Tianjian Sect here.

The things that surprised him the most were mainly the following.

First, there were thirty-six bronze puppets holding swords, which were probably used to assist in sword practice.

He had coveted this puppetry for a long time.

During the time in Tiankui Realm, he wanted to research a kind of puppet driven by blood, but he had no clue because he was working behind closed doors.

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