Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 79: Little Brother

Seeing that Mo Xun had no intention of explaining, Su Yunyi sighed in her heart. She didn't know how the other party saved the herb. Judging from the means of transforming the creature just now, this person's current ability is no longer something she can easily guess!

Thinking of this, she was once again thankful that she didn't offend the other party to death!

"Thank you, sir!"

Mo Xun waved his hand lightly, looked at the other party's stunning face again, and suddenly there was something in his hand, which was obtained from Yue Qingfeng's storage bag.

"Give this to your child!"

Su Yunyi was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and then took it in her hand. It turned out to be a piece of emerald green, teardrop-shaped jade.

But when she raised her head and wanted to thank him, there was nothing in front of her, and no one had disappeared.

The moon began to climb up the branches. Outside Su Yunshang's boudoir, there was an independent courtyard. After the Su family reunited after a long absence, Yunshang lived here.

Mo Xun raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but he was frozen in place for a while.

After a long time, he took out the complete volume of Yanshui Xuan Gong and a few bottles of Baoxin Dan from the storage bag and quietly placed them on the windowsill.

The summer breeze blew gently.

Mo Xun looked at the moon above his head, which was a little incomplete. After a sigh, he was ready to leave.

But just as he turned around, the door creaked open, and Su Yunshang, wearing a plain and light makeup, appeared behind him.

"Where are you going?"

Mo Xun stopped and shook his head: "I don't know!"

"Will you come back?"

"I don't know!"

Su Yunshang smiled bitterly and asked unwillingly: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

After a long time, Mo Xun still answered: "I don't know!"

Su Yunshang's loneliness in her heart was only known to her at this time.


Mo Xun nodded with his back to her, took two steps, and suddenly stopped.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He knew clearly that this discomfort was related to the woman behind him, but he didn't dare to look back.

The two of them stood quietly in the night. She looked at his back with expectation, loss, and resentment in her eyes!

Mo Xun seemed to feel a tear falling from the other party.

"Ten years!"

"What do you mean?"

"If I haven't come back after ten years, I'm afraid I will never come back!"

I thought he would feel relieved after saying this, but instead of that, he was covered with a layer of shackles.

Su Yunshang smiled faintly, as if she heard the answer she wanted.

"I know!"

"If you can, please help me take care of my family!"


In Huailiu Village, the morning sun sprinkled from the east end of the village, and the diligent farmers began a day's work in the fields.

Mo Xun was standing on Xiaoling Mountain at this moment. This small hill that carried his memories for more than ten years, he started from here and changed his destiny.

Looking up, there is a family in the village that is particularly eye-catching. With red bricks and green tiles, it actually looks like a wealthy family in this small mountain village.

Mo Xun looked at the unique house in the distance and smiled.

Not long after, the door opened and a young man walked out.

He had a dark complexion and a strong body, but he was dressed quite decently.

Following the young man was a child who was stumbling and struggling to even cross the door.

"This is..."

Mo Xun stared blankly at the child with a pigtail behind his head and muttered to himself: "My younger brother is already married!"

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