Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 790: Thousands of Years

After some inquiries, Mo Xun couldn't help but sigh secretly.

The White Feather Palace was destroyed many years ago, and there is no news about its palace owner Xia Muyao. She has not appeared again since the secret realm of the Tomb of Gods.

As for the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord, he also left the sect a few years ago and has not returned yet!

This made him a little curious. After Xia Muyao killed the old guy, she didn't tell the world?

With that woman’s character, it shouldn’t be!

Could it be that after coming out of the Xu Palace, he encountered other twists and turns and was trapped in the Demon Sea?

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart. It seemed that the line was probably broken at this point.

After that, Mo Xun went to the mountain gate of Baiyu Palace and walked around. The palace was in ruins and the buildings were empty.

I think Xia Muyao never came back after she left this place.

As for the person who destroyed the sect, you can guess who it is without even thinking!

Before leaving, he carved a few words in front of the mountain gate.

"Little Zhoutian Ziwei Mirror!"

This is a volume of skills he left for Xia Muchao. There are probably only two people in this world who understand this.

Within a few days, the group said goodbye to Xuanyuan City and headed to their last destination, Mengtian City.

Naturally, I came here to see how Ye Ping was doing.

But after searching around, I found that Hua Qingyan's shop no longer existed. Perhaps he had moved to another place knowing that he had offended Tantaihong.

Although Mo Xun didn't have much interaction with this woman, he could tell that she was a thoughtful person, so there should be a way out.

After returning from the Demon Sea, he was mainly concerned about three things.

One is the secret treasure hidden by Gu Yutian, the other is the whereabouts of Xia Muyao, and the last one is Ye Ping's current situation.

But except for the first one, the other two things were all in vain.

Of course, these were somewhat within his expectations.

The purpose of these two trips is to not leave this place without any regrets!

A few months later, outside Dongyang City!

Mo Xun will never forget this place.

Here, he spent a full forty years, and it was also here that he first achieved great success and condensed the golden elixir.

Also here, a woman died!

Perhaps sensing the change in Mo Xun's mood, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Qi Ruyan has practiced extremely hard during this period of time, and now he has reached the fifth level of Qi refining.

The speed of cultivation of dual spiritual roots is indeed far beyond what he could compare to back then.

As for Huangfu Xin, it was just a bit difficult.

Because this guy, like him, has four attributes of mixed spiritual roots!

Mo Xun shook his head with a sad expression, and after a long time, he said calmly: "Let's stay here for a few days!"

Gu Qingqing, who was behind him, saw his appearance and suddenly came up to her and asked softly: "Have you betrayed a woman here?"

Mo Xun's heart suddenly dropped, as if something suddenly grabbed him.

He wanted to say no, but there was a woman who died for him here.

This woman had never occupied any place in his heart.

It is even said that there has never been any in-depth communication between the two!

But fate brought them together.

If he had a choice, he would not embark on the road in this way.

There was a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth!

This matter is, after all, an inner demon that will never be solved!

"Xianzi Gu, if one day someone is willing to die for you, remember not to let him down. Even if you let him down after hundreds of years of practice, it's not a big deal!"

Gu Qingqing blinked curiously.

I thought that this guy definitely had a story, and it was a story about a big scumbag.

Hundreds of years are really nothing in this vast journey of cultivating immortals.

Returning to the original cave, it still looked the same. Mo Xun seemed to have lost even the courage to sigh.

What is the purpose of living a lifetime and cultivating immortals for thousands of years?

For three whole days, he sat quietly in the same position.

He said nothing and didn't know what he was thinking.

It was not until three days later that he called the local management monk and rented this cave for a thousand years.

He didn't have the financial resources back then, but now that he has it, he has nothing to pay back. He can only use these thousand years to protect a pure land for his old friend!

This transaction almost shocked the manager!

It even attracted the attention of the city's Presbyterian Church, but he saw no one.

It took a full month to seal this place with a large formation, and then we stepped into the thunder sea of ​​the past.

This is also the place where he once traveled, and now he is returning the same way.

When they saw the thunder and lightning in the sky, densely splitting down from the clouds, not to mention the two Huangfus who had not been much involved in the world of immortality, even Cheng Mu was a little stunned.

Gu Qingqing has never left the Central Territory in her life, and she has only heard of this extreme thunder sea before.

Seeing it with your own eyes is indeed spectacular.

"Brother Cheng, are you scared?"

Cheng Mu rubbed his neck and laughed dryly.

"Brother Mo is joking. In fact, there is a similar place in our place. I think that when Cheng was hunted down, he had never stepped into this kind of thunder field. But it is a pity that I am not a thunder attribute monk. Otherwise, crossing here is no different from crossing a plain."

Gu Qingqing curled her lips in disdain, thinking, isn't this nonsense?

This kind of place is simply a training holy land for thunder attribute monks, so of course it's like walking on flat ground.

Mo Xun laughed and then sacrificed the treasure car. After everyone got on the car, he jumped directly onto the roof of the car, completely exposed, and rushed into the sea of ​​thunder.

Cheng Mu looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but take a breath.

It seems that I haven't heard that Brother Mo has cultivated thunder magic?

Huangfu Xin was blankly feeling Mo Xun above him, his heart was surging, and he secretly felt that the master was the master!

The way of cultivation is unique!

On the flying car, as soon as Mo Xun stepped into the sea of ​​thunder, he started to operate the Dharma Golden Body Jue, and his whole body radiated dazzling golden light.

He wanted to expand the range of his six-foot golden body through this trip to the sea of ​​thunder.

He would naturally not miss this rare opportunity.

Lightning flashed down one after another, and Mo Xun did not resist with any magic power, just let the thick lightning arc fall on him.

With a boom, the dazzling lightning was as bright as day.

He was like a sinner who was punished by heaven in broad daylight, suffering from the baptism of thunder and lightning.

One, two... ten!

He returned to the car to rest until he could no longer bear the severe pain.

Once he recovered his breath, he jumped onto the roof again.

Over and over again, continuously!

This high-intensity training lasted for a month, two months... a year...

Everyone was shocked by Mo Xun's hard work.

They even felt that this was not training at all, but simply destroying themselves!

Because every time they saw Mo Xun coming back, he was covered in blood.

Today's chapter will be added tomorrow!

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