Mo Xun still had some memories of this woman.

She had a high level of attainment in formations. He had learned several formation techniques from her. Moreover, this person was also the eldest disciple of the headmaster Sun Dian.

Mo Xun smiled and bowed.

"So you are the disciple of Fairy Dong. I am sorry. I wonder how Fairy Dong is doing now?"

The woman's name was Cui Lian'er. She was cute and lovely. She looked only about 20 years old, but she had already reached the middle stage of foundation building.

When Cui Lian'er heard this, her expression could not help but dim.

"To be honest with you, elder, my master and I have left Liangyi Sect and are now living outside the city. If you have nothing to do, can you go and see my master? I am afraid she will not have much time left!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth in surprise. After a slight pause, he said, "Please lead the way."

In fact, he and Dong Qianxue did not have a very deep relationship.

When they were in Liangyi Sect, they could only be regarded as exchanging some interests.

At the foot of the mountain not far from the city, there are frequent monks coming and going. Because the spiritual energy is not bad, many people build caves nearby.

The two slowly descended from the sky, and Cui Lian'er pointed to the front.

"This is it, please come in, senior!"

Mo Xun followed into the cave, which had probably been dug for some years. There was nothing to show for it, and it looked a bit shabby.

It was understandable that those who could open a cave here must be people with limited funds.

Halfway through, Cui Lian'er did send a sound transmission note in advance.

But when Mo Xun saw his old friend, he was a little stunned.

In the small secret room, the nose was full of the strong smell of herbs.

A woman with disheveled hair was lying on the stone bed in the corner, and she seemed to be in a coma at the moment.

This person looked old, and her hair was almost gray.

She was thin, her skin was wrinkled, and her face was pale without a trace of blood, just like a woman in her seventies or eighties.

There were several pieces of porcelain bowls scattered on the ground, as well as traces of spilled medicine soup.

When Cui Lian'er saw this scene, she hurriedly exclaimed and ran over.


Mo Xun secretly raised his eyebrows, wondering how Dong Qianxue became like this?

Watching Cui Lian'er help the old Dong Qianxue up, Mo Xun took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to grab the other's wrist.

After a trace of spiritual energy passed into her body, he nodded in understanding after a moment.

Just as he expected, this woman had already formed a golden elixir, but the golden elixir in her body was broken!

The golden elixir was broken, which was tantamount to breaking the path of cultivation!

Dong Qianxue's breath was disordered now, which was not only due to serious injuries, but also due to the decline of her lifespan.

Once the golden elixir was broken, not only would the realm fall, but the lifespan would also retreat to the foundation-building stage.

Just as Mo Xun was thinking, Cui Lian'er suddenly turned around and knelt down.

"Senior, please save my master's life for our past friendship!"

Mo Xun slowly loosened his hand. Facing Cui Lian'er's kowtow, he did not stop her. He just took out a pill and put it into Dong Qianxue's mouth.

Cui Lian'er recognized him on the road and brought him here. I think it was for this purpose.

"Get up first!"

As soon as the pill entered her mouth, Dong Qianxue quickly woke up.

She slowly opened her blurry eyes, first glanced at Cui Lian'er beside her, and then cast her cloudy eyes on Mo Xun.

" are..."

Hearing this weak question, Mo Xun knew that the other party should not have received the previous sound transmission note.

It was not until an incense stick later that Dong Qianxue's complexion improved a little.

At this point, Mo Xun also understood the cause and effect of the matter.

It turned out that a few years ago, there was an internal conflict in Liangyi Sect. The three halls and one association fought for power. Dong Qianxue was seriously injured in the turmoil and fled from the sect to come here.

After the master and apprentice came here, they had some money to buy elixirs to heal their injuries. Later, not only did they fail to heal for a long time, but they also spent all their spiritual stones.

The two of them did not know how to make elixirs, so Cui Lian'er could only find some low-level spiritual herbs and make a medicinal soup to prolong the life of the master.

However, it has been delayed for so long, and the deadline is coming.

Dong Qianxue bowed to Mo Xunyingying with the help of Cui Lian'er. Although this woman has come to this, she still tries to maintain her elegance between her eyebrows.

However, the smile on the corner of her mouth is a bit bitter.

"Thank you for your rescue, senior brother. It has been more than a hundred years since we parted that year, right?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly. It has been at least one hundred and forty or fifty years since he left Liangyi Sect.

Unexpectedly, although the two former foundation-building peers have condensed the golden elixir, the current ending is completely different!

It is really sad and emotional!

"Fairy is not feeling well, please sit down and talk!"

Cui Lian'er helped Dong Qianxue sit on the stone bed, and brought a stone bench for Mo Xun.

Mo Xun's pill can only wake Dong Qianxue up temporarily, and it is definitely impossible to cure her.

If there is still the Huntian Divine Liquid, it may have some effect.

But according to Mo Xun, it is only a little effective at most. It is not so easy to repair the golden elixir.

He has studied the alchemy for so many years, and has never seen any relevant recipes.

Except for the "Demon Spirit Illusion Alchemy Technique" of the old demon Qianji!

It was a coincidence that he came into contact with the news about the old demon Qianji during his time in Liangyi Sect. Later, in order to find the old demon's mansion, he went to Leihai and finally walked around the Central Territory.

Now that I have just come back, I encountered something like this again.

This secret technique was originally treated as a sorcery by him.

Rather than saying it is a "magic elixir", it is better to say it is a "changing elixir"!

Use seven golden elixirs of the same attribute to use secret methods to repair your broken inner elixir.

This price alone is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Moreover, this kind of repair has huge sequelae.

Because the absorption of other golden elixirs will cause the inner elixir to become mixed and lost, not to mention whether it will ruin the chance of conceiving a baby in the future, this kind of hidden danger is by no means a small problem.

Didn’t the old demon Qianji become violent because of such evil magic, and finally became a demon?

"By the way, is your master and grandmaster still okay now?"

Dong Qianxue's face showed a bit of sadness.

"It's no longer here!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth, then sighed softly.

The headmaster Sun he mentioned was the headmaster on duty who received him when he first entered the Liangyi Sect.

It seems that the civil strife in the door a few years ago affected a wide range of areas.

The Lian Dan monks actually died!

After some inquiring, I realized that the current Liangyi Sect was far from its original glory.

Fortunately, Dong Qianxue was open-minded and quickly brought the topic to Mo Xun.

"What state is senior brother in now? Although the younger sister's cultivation level has dropped greatly, her spiritual consciousness is still there. But even so, she still can't see through senior brother's cultivation level."

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