Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 81: Immortal Cultivation Realm

After Mo Xun heard about this man's background, he was overjoyed and naturally did not want to give up this hard-won opportunity. He immediately begged Xiao Qian to take him to Blue Moon City.

After Mo Xun's flattery, Xiao Qian waved his hand and immediately agreed.

After that, the two of them went together to Blue Moon City.

Who knew that there would be complications along the way, and they offended a Xiuxian family, who had been chasing them until now.

Of course, this disaster was also caused by Xiao Qian.

Because of this man's romantic character, he actually seduced a newlywed woman halfway, and the woman's husband was the younger generation of the Xiuxian family surnamed Ying.

When the two were in the inn, the husband of the woman came to kill them. Xiao Qian had to join forces with Mo Xun to fight hard and kill the other party, which also forced them to flee for their lives.

Fortunately, the people chasing behind were not foundation-building cultivators, otherwise, with their cultivation, they would have been waiting to die.

"Brother Xiao, how do you think they can keep following us? No matter how we disguise ourselves, we can always be discovered. If we don't solve this problem, we will run out of mana and eventually we will not be able to escape this disaster."

Xiao Qian shook his head. He was not as high-spirited as usual. After days of traveling, he was extremely exhausted both mentally and physically.

"As for tracking methods, there are countless. Even Xiao has heard of several. However, when you and I left that day, we had killed all the immortal cultivators present. The rest were all mortals. Most of them would not leave any marks on us..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Qian suddenly stopped, thought about it, and then said: "But it is not certain. What if there is a mark left by an old monster on that kid? Once he dies, it will be transferred to the murderer. Then it is possible!"

Mo Xun naturally knew what the old monster Xiao Qian was talking about was.

After traveling together for so long, he learned a lot of common sense about immortal cultivation from him, such as the division of realms.

Above Qi Refining is Foundation Building, and above that is Dan Formation and Nascent Soul.

Each level of the realm is divided into smaller realms.

Once you reach Foundation Building, even the difference in strength between smaller realms is a world of difference.

In fact, this is easy to understand. If Qi Refining is compared to a stream, then Foundation Building is a river!

However, not everyone can cultivate to the Foundation Building stage. According to Xiao Qian, if one out of ten people succeeds in Foundation Building, it is considered a great fortune.

Foundation Building is basically one point of luck and nine points of spiritual roots. The better the spiritual root attributes, the higher the success rate of Foundation Building.

Hearing this, Mo Xun's heart was directly chilled. If so, with his spiritual root qualifications, doesn't it mean that the probability of success in Foundation Building can only rely on that one point of luck?

For this reason, he was really disappointed for several days.

And only by stepping into the Foundation Building stage can one become a true immortal cultivator.

In the Qi Refining stage, except for some shallow spells, the life span is no different from that of ordinary people.

But when they reach the foundation building stage, it is common to live two or three hundred years old.

As for the Jindan stage, they can only think about it, and it is not something that people like them can achieve.

The old monsters mentioned by Xiao Qian refer to the cultivators above the Jindan stage, who are basically elders of the sect.

And the Yuanying stage, among low-level cultivators like them, is like a land immortal, and they can only be regarded as legends.

It is said that once a Yuanying stage cultivator goes out, he will bring wind and rain, often accompanied by auspicious signs.

But whether it is true or not, Xiao Qian said he has never seen it.

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