Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 814: Searching for Mountain Spirits

Luo Wangxuan put his hand on Mo Xun's shoulder and took another drink.

"Brother Mo, what do you think my girl looks like?"

Mo Xun nodded somewhat uncomfortably, and after a long time, he uttered four words.

"Fairy posture and lost appearance!"

"That's right, so Brother Mo needs to hurry up!"

Mo Xun took advantage of him to pour the wine and moved a little to the side.

This was the first time he saw someone promoting his sister like this.

"You two have not seen each other for nearly two hundred years, but you are both alone. Now you are of the same level of cultivation. Isn't it just chance that we meet again?"

Mo Xun now seemed to be unable to react in any way other than laughing.

We can only hope that Luo Xi will come back soon so that we can end this topic.

"Why, does Brother Mo already have a Taoist partner?"

Mo Xun's eyelids twitched and he quickly wanted to deny it, but before he could speak, Luo Wangxuan waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter if you have a Taoist companion. For men, it's normal to have three wives and four concubines. With my girl's cultivation and temperament, she won't be afraid of not being able to compete with other women, and she won't suffer any grievances, don't you think? "

"Brother Luo, I have misunderstood. I have made great ambitions. If I fail to achieve the great goal, I will not indulge in love between men and women. How can I have any Taoist companions? Furthermore, I have always been wandering and helpless, and now I don't even have a place to stay." None, where would there be a woman..."

Before Mo Xun finished speaking, Luo Wangxuan waved his hand to interrupt.

"Brother Mo is wrong again. Dao is Dao and human relations are human relations. There is no conflict between the two. Furthermore, what is Dao in this world? Is it Nascent Soul? Or is it above Nascent Soul? Or is it immortality? This Dao Things are really illusory. Maybe in the minds of those low-level monks, you and I are already standing on the great road with our current cultivation. In Luo's humble opinion, don't set such a seemingly lofty and ambitious plan for yourself, but in fact it is It’s so illusory that it has no boundaries. You’re just afraid that your heart will be bound when you get emotional, but don’t you know that this bond is also a state of mind that you need to perfect before you step into the supreme road?”

These words made Mo Xun nod thoughtfully.

His goal has always been to live forever, but are there really people in the world who live as long as heaven?

Or how long does it take to live forever?

A thousand years, or ten thousand years?

He seemed to suddenly realize that his seemingly lofty ideal was indeed somewhat limitless.

Just like many people’s dream is to get rich!

But how much money can you make to be considered rich?

In the eyes of a hawker, having one shop means getting rich, but when he becomes the owner of one shop, he thinks that having ten shops means getting rich. When he earns ten shops, he starts to envy those who are as rich as a city or a country. .

The Avenue of Immortality is like an endless staircase.

If he carries such a belief, he will eventually die of exhaustion on a certain step.

But the question is, shouldn’t those who practice Taoism have this kind of persistence?

He sighed softly in his heart and put the problem aside for now.

He then thought of the bonds mentioned by Luo Wangxuan.

Anyone who becomes an immortal may not dare to say that his state of mind is perfect, but he definitely lacks not much.

Thinking about it, this bond is indeed a hardship that needs to be experienced on the road to perfecting the state of mind.

In fact, when he was in Tiankui Realm, the loss of Yun Niang gave him his first taste of this place. Does this count as having experienced it?

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Luo Wangxuan thought he was touched by his words, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot and said: "As for the place you mentioned, it will be easier to solve. If Brother Mo doesn't dislike it, I will You can choose whatever you want in Bi Ling Valley, even if it is the ancestral home of Dongfu, it is not beyond negotiation. At worst, I will move to another place!"

Mo Xun felt ashamed. This brother was really worried about his sister!

Seeing that the words were getting more and more outrageous, Mo Xun hurriedly changed his mind.

"We will talk about this later. I heard that Brother Luo encountered some troubles in his cultivation. Mo is not talented, but he also has the intention to do his best. Brother Luo might as well elaborate on it."

When it comes to this topic, Luo Wangxuan can't help but sigh.

"Time is destiny!"

Luo Wangxuan stood up slowly, staggering a little drunk.

"When it comes to advanced breakthroughs, Luo has actually given up thinking about it a long time ago. It's just because he feels ashamed of his father and his ancestors who went to Yaotang. I believe that my sister-in-law has already told you about the current situation of my Luo family. , if it comes to a last resort, I can only risk my life to save my last face for Yao Luo's family. At least when I go underground, when my father asks, I can say that I did my best! The one I am worried about is my sister, who is a compatriot, so I want to try my best to find someone to rely on for her before that, so that even if she goes to Yaotang in the future, she will not be bullied. "

Mo Xun's heart moved. Hearing the meaning of these words, could it be that this person has any secret method to deal with the thirteenth level of Tianxing?

And this secret method may put one's life in danger?

Not to mention what Luo Wangxuan was like, just his feelings for his sister made Mo Xun slightly moved.

He wanted to persuade the other party to temporarily give up his position as the head of the family, but he opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Everyone’s pursuit is different!

He values ​​longevity more than anything else, but in the eyes of the other party, perhaps maintaining the ancestral legacy is the top priority.

For this, he is willing to give his life!

At this moment, Luoxi came back gracefully.

"What are you talking about?"

Mo Xun touched his nose and thought to himself, I just heard your elder brother say that you don't like men!

After staying here for one night, Mo Xun left Luojiabao early the next morning.

He only said that he would meet the companions who followed him, and did not say goodbye.

After leaving Luojiabao, he turned into a rainbow light and flew straight into the distance.

In the first illusion, the mountains and rivers he saw were all fragments of Gongyang's past memories.

This may lead to some deviations from the real situation.

In addition, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the trend of the mountains has changed a lot. It may take some effort to find out where the entrance is now.

Fortunately, the place is located at the foot of a conspicuous thousand-foot peak, and it is not covered with heavy snow like Luoying Mountain, and there is also Gongyang leading the way.

Two days later, after clearing away a patch of weeds, he finally found a familiar feeling.

According to Gongyang's instructions, he first took out the "Eight Directions Qiankun Liuhe Formation".

Then he drove the flags one by one into the surrounding rock walls according to the direction of Qiankun.

Then his feet trembled slightly, and a ray of light suddenly bloomed on the stone wall in front of him, and then with a bang, a hidden stone door cracked open.

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel happy. He didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, this place of Qiankun is still there.

But I don't know if the mountain spirit is still in it?

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