Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 842: Defying fate and changing destiny

The reason why Dong Qianxue was like this was because of the scene after being rescued by Mo Xun that day.

Just imagine what it would be like for a woman to lie naked in front of a man for three whole days.

Moreover, this man, regardless of his spiritual consciousness or magical power, was almost wandering around inside her body.

In other words, everyone was seen clearly inside and out!

Dong Qianxue is now almost healed.

In addition to his cultivation returning to the early stage of pill formation, his appearance has also returned to its original state!

The once elegant, yet extremely cold and arrogant appearance was once again displayed in front of everyone.

However, Mo Xun knew that although this person had recovered his golden elixir, if there was no unforeseen chance in this life, he would probably never be able to meet the Nascent Soul.

Not only did he understand it, Dong Qianxue probably understood it as well.

Luo Xi glanced at Mo Xun from the side, and joked with a smile: "Brother Mo is so powerful, he actually hid two beauties under our noses. I wonder how many beauties there are in your treasure of the universe, concubine I really want to go in and have a look!"

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled.

I thought there was no beautiful woman, but the old man did have one!

Gu Qingqing also came forward, her tone somewhat shaky.

"If I remember correctly, I should also have a share of that tower!"

Mo Xun was immediately questioned. The two of them had agreed to share Gu Yutian's treasure that day at the foot of the Luoying Mountains, but he secretly hid the Tianyu Tower while the other party was not paying attention.

Could it be that he was discovered by this woman at that time?

He laughed dryly and said nothing. He wanted to say that if you knew that this fairy didn't like men, you wouldn't think so much.

"Next, because I need Fairy Dong's help, I called her out. You might as well get to know her first, and I will tell you in detail."

The article "The Art of Transforming the Yang of the Six Pure Ones" was obtained from Zhang Xuandong's mansion that year.

The reason why Zhang Xuan wants to hide in Liangyi Sect is for the secret formation skills of the sect.

Therefore, during the casting process, it is necessary to cooperate with an extremely complex magic circle.

In this regard, the attainments of Mo Xun and Dong Qianxue are far apart.

Since there is such a master around, he will definitely not let it go.

When I first rescued this man, it was partly because of my old friendship, but more importantly, I was motivated by utilitarianism.

I originally planned to let the other party return this favor when the Tianjian Sect was rebuilt in the future, but now I need to use it in advance.

Although Luo Xi and others are not low in cultivation, when it comes to forming formations and casting spells, they are almost all laymen.

The formation together is extremely mysterious.

Without dozens or hundreds of years of experience, it would be difficult to get started.

The reason why Mo Xun is able to cover such a wide range of topics is because he has never been short of elixirs in his cultivation journey.

Others often get all kinds of elixirs and elixirs that are hard to come by, but he treats them like food.

This greatly shortens the advancement time and ensures that he has enough energy to delve into other fields.

In addition, the extra decades in the fantasy world gave him too much time advantage over others.

And he has already thought about it, if this group of people follow him sincerely, why would he give them a chance in the future?

Every opportunity in his hands is unparalleled.

Not to mention Wuhuan Dan, which one of the Blood Dragon Fish and Jiangyun Immortal Fruit is not an earth-shattering divine item?

Even for body refining, he had a large pool full of Qilin liquid and various beast cores.

It can be said that even the Nine Star Sect has never been able to take out the treasure he has.

The "Six Purities Huayang Technique" modified by Gongyang only has a rough outline of the spell.

Many of these places require formation assistance and improvement.

Even the Rams are half-assed in this regard.

In the secret room, several people sat cross-legged in a circle.

In addition to the women in Luoxi, Mo Xun also brought Cheng Mu in.

A total of five alchemy monks, I think that’s enough!

When he said that he wanted to change people's lives against fate, everyone was shocked.

Since you want to ask for help, you naturally can't hide too much.

He had to explain it in detail, starting from fusing a wisp of consciousness into a soul, to how to perform the resurrecting technique.

As for the life experience of Gong Yang, it was not revealed in advance.

Although everyone here is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, they were all speechless after hearing such bizarre things.

Not to mention ordinary alchemy monks, not even the Yuanying Ancestor may have heard of this kind of thing.

Dong Qianxue frowned immediately after hearing some of his ideas.

At the same time, his eyes were filled with deep suspicion.

Because she had not only heard of the formation requirements mentioned by Mo Xun, but she was also very familiar with them.

In Zhang Xuan's cave, Dong Qianxue passed out early and did not know what happened afterwards. A lot of the information on the jade slips was also collected by Mo Xun in advance, but the subsequent investigation of the matter was She hosted it.

Even though most of the traces of the resurrected souls have been erased, many clues can still be deduced from the various formations left behind and the trajectory of Henry Zhang's activities within the Liang Yi Sect.

So as soon as Mo Xun spoke, she immediately recalled everything.

"Could it be that this Senior Brother Mo and Henry Zhang are originally the same group?"

She concentrated secretly and couldn't help but come to such a conclusion.

But now that she has left the Liang Yi Sect, there is no point in pursuing these old events.

Even if Mo Xun’s purpose in entering Liangyi Sect was the same as Zhang Xuan’s, so what?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Once upon a time, she was proud of her status as a disciple of Liangyi Sect. She thought she would die of old age in the sect in this life. Who knew that things in the world are unpredictable and she would end up like this!

"I don't know who is in charge of the sect now, and how many of those former brothers are still alive?"


"Fairy Dong?"


Dong Qianxue came back to her senses after Mo Xun shouted several times in a row.

"Fairy, do you think there is something wrong?"

Dong Qianxue hurriedly gathered her mind and forced a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"No, please continue, senior brother!"

Mo Xun was briefly surprised, but soon returned to the topic just now.

In this matter, he still relied on Dong Qianxue. Most of the formations that followed also needed this woman to complete, so he was naturally very concerned about every move of Fairy Dong.

After three months of busy work, several people worked together to complete all the formation deductions.

Then they refined various array equipment.

This aspect was much simpler. Mo Xun and Dong Qianxue were not mentioned. Gu Qingqing was also a good equipment refiner, so in less than half a month, they had prepared everything.

At this time, they had arrived at an isolated island in the deep sea.

This was also the place where Mo Xun carefully selected to cast spells.

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