Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 847 Great Hunyuan Soul-Suppressing Seal

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and already had the intention to take action.

But at this moment, everyone heard a sneer at the same time.

"Who do you think I am? It turns out to be you, old dragon. Why, I didn't kick you to pieces back then, and now you're here to bring bad luck to my disciples and grandsons?"

Facing this sudden sound, everyone was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, all pairs of eyes looked towards the direction of the island behind them.

Because this gratuitous sentence comes from exactly there.

But the problem is, except for the resurrected ram, there is no other person on the entire island.

But Mo Xun was sure that the voice definitely did not belong to the ram.

And what about the "disciples and disciples"?

The group only knew that someone on the island was resurrected, but the identity and background of that person were unknown, so they all focused their attention on Mo Xun.

Everyone couldn't help but guess, was Mo Xun helping some powerful senior?

And this senior happened to have an old grudge with Mo Jiao in front of him.

If you think about it this way, things seem to make sense, and it can also explain why Mo Jiao and Mo Xun knew each other, and appeared here by coincidence at such a critical moment.

In everyone's eyes, there was both inquiry and a desire for Mo Xun to make a decision quickly.

Fight or run, there has to be an explanation.

Especially before the Mo Jiao decided to take action and released the spiritual realm.

Mo Xun was also confused and didn't understand for a while.

Mo Jiao, on the other hand, seemed a little frightened.

"Who are you?"

There was laughter again on the island.

"You haven't seen me for tens of thousands of years, and you can't even recognize my voice? That old guy Jun Tianxing is really useless. I said you should be killed back then, but he insisted on suppressing you in exchange for his kindness. Your repentance ended up with you running away, but it’s okay. You met me again today. Even if it is your death day, I just happened to be resurrected. Now I am missing the medicine to repair my vitality. That dragon of yours Dan, I think it should be effective.”

Mo Xun frowned slightly. He seemed to have some impression of this name, but he just couldn't remember it for a while.

But upon hearing the words "Jun Tianxing", Mo Jiao's reaction was completely different.

There was clearly an unconcealable panic in those huge eyes.

Thinking about how majestic it was back then, it was finally suppressed by His Excellency Zangjing. It was thanks to this person.

It was originally somewhat doubtful about the identity of the person speaking, but now it is 100% sure that the guy on the island definitely knows him.

"Who are you? Since you recognize me, why are you hiding your head and not daring to show up?"

"Hahaha... You dare to call me me in front of me, but do you still remember the Great Hunyuan Town Spirit Seal?"

As he spoke, a golden light suddenly flew out from the island.

Looking at the golden light from a distance, it first looked like a spot of light. After slowly getting closer, everyone realized that it had a square shape with runes flowing on it. It looked very mysterious, a bit like a suppression seal.

After seeing this thing clearly, Mo Jiao felt as if he saw a ghost, his whole body trembled a little, and he quickly backed away.

With this retreat, he retreated directly thousands of feet away.

The huge body flew like phoenixes and dragons, and the blood clouds in the sky were churning.

Under the residual power of the momentum, Luo Xi and others had limited mana, and they felt a little unsteady when standing.

Every move of this ink dragon can be said to be transformed into a dragon, and it will definitely shake the world.

"Are you Nangong Shu?"

"Hahaha... You finally remembered it. Today is the day to take back the kindness you had in the past. Although you have never offended our Qingyan Divine Sect, you have harmed one party after all. Now Jun Tianxing is no longer here. , I must do justice to God!"

As he spoke, the seal suddenly grew in size and moved quickly towards the ink dragon.

The moment he saw the seal, Mo Xun remembered something.

Back in the Sutra Pavilion of the Moon and Star Palace, wasn't what was carved on the chest of the guarding monk a similar seal of suppression?

Of course, at this moment he probably understood something.

This so-called Nangong Shu must be Gong Yang pretending to be her.

There must be some kind of relationship between the two.

Nangong Shu must have captured the black dragon together with Jun Tianxing back then, and that led to the current scene.

But can this move bluff the opponent?

While he was thinking, Mo Jiao seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing in the world, and walked away into the distance without looking back.

"Nangong Shu, please wait for me. I will definitely settle the old and new grudges with you..."

As the sound faded away, Mo Jiao's figure slowly disappeared into the sky.

Several people couldn't help but look at each other, thinking this is the end?

A monster that was at least the ninth level peak was scared away like this?

Mo Xun was still frightened, but also felt that it was quite ridiculous.

He didn't believe that with Gong Yang's current state, he could use the seal to suppress such strange beasts.

This is probably a bluff!

Although this crisis came out of nowhere and disappeared, it was still full of doubts, but it was finally over.

And the ram, he should be awake!

Thinking of this, he immediately turned into an escape light and flew towards the island.

The others looked at each other and quickly followed.

Their thoughts were similar to Mo Xun's. Now that the senior was awake, it meant that the spell casting was successful.

Sure enough, when several people landed on the island one after another, they saw an old man in gray clothes, who looked very immortal, standing on a stone platform with his sleeves fluttering.

"You... succeeded?"

Perhaps because he had just mastered this body, Gong Yang was still a little weak at the moment, and his face was a little pale.

He smiled bitterly.

"I guess so. Although there were some twists and turns, at least I survived. But I'm talking to you, kid, how many years have passed since I asked you to do this? Why hasn't this incarnation built a foundation yet? Not to mention like you, at least you have to get me a golden elixir. How can I survive in the future if you let me?"

Mo Xun laughed dryly twice and didn't take up the topic.

"No matter what, I still have to congratulate you first."

He said this from the heart. Once Gong Yang wakes up, it means that he has fulfilled his promise that year.

The stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

At this time, a light "Huh" suddenly came from behind.

Then, Luo Xi came forward with a frown on her face, looking up and down at Gong Yang, her face full of surprise.

Mo Xun suddenly remembered that Luo Xi had also seen Gong Yang's portrait before, so she had this expression.

However, the crisis had just been resolved, and with his always cautious character, he naturally didn't want to stay here for long.

But before he could speak, Gong Yang smiled and introduced himself.


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