"The sword is still in your hand, one last chance!"

Mo Xun let out a long breath. He was obviously facing a delicate beauty, but it made him feel aggrieved.

He pulled off a piece of black cloth and covered his eyes, even his consciousness was closed off.

He could sense the woman's position just by his ears.

Without the interference of the illusion technique, he still didn't believe he could kill the opponent.

With the sword in hand, he jumped up again.

This time he chose a cruel and bloody method, which was to cut off the opponent's head directly.

But a moment later, he failed again.

When the sword was swung to the woman's neck, there was a sudden call in his ear that he would never forget.

"Brother, are you back?"

In an instant, his eyes, which had not shed tears for hundreds of years, actually became wet.

Under the black cloth, two lines of clear tears that had accumulated for an unknown period of time slowly slid down her cheeks.

His lips pursed slightly, and he wanted to speak, but no words came out.

The calamity of love is not only love, but also family affection!

He can cut off love for the sake of the road, but can he forget family ties?

That's what he used to do!

When he first stayed away from home, he had already made up his mind to let go of the past, but over the years, has he done it?

As he practiced day after day, he rarely recalled those days in Xiaoling Village.

But as a result, the voices and smiles of my parents, younger brother, and younger sister seemed to be deeply etched in the depths of my mind and could never fade away.

I don't know how long it took, but he finally threw away the sword in his hand.

In my ears, the woman's sly laughter came again.

"I gave you three chances to cut off my love, but you gave up. I don't need to tell you what to do next, right?"

Mo Xun gently pulled off the black cloth in front of his eyes and looked at the sea of ​​fire in the distance.

"Thank you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the blazing fire without looking back.

It is undeniable that the moment he heard this "big brother", he broke his guard!

The blazing fire made his cheeks turn red and dried up the remaining tears in the corners of his eyes.

The heat was so hot that it almost melted his clothes, but his heart was still cold.

In this round, he was willing to lose!

"Thank you for allowing me to still hear that familiar voice after so many years..."

After saying this, he decisively jumped into the sea of ​​fire.

He has been clever many times in his life.

But this time, he seemed a little tired and didn't even have the will to argue with the woman.

Since the word "love" is hard to let go of, this journey should end here!

The moment he jumped into the sea of ​​fire, it was like falling into the abyss of flames.

The body continued to fall downwards, and as far as the eye could see, there were boundless blazing flames.

The heat wave blew past, and the clothes around him instantly turned to ashes.

The hot tongue of fire licked his skin, sending a pain that penetrated deep into his soul, causing him to roar in heart-rending rage.

This kind of pain does not stop at intervals, but is continuous.

Not long after, he finally couldn't hold on and fainted under the high temperature that could almost melt steel.

After waking up, he was still falling in the abyss of flames.

Then the heat wave tortured him to death again.

Over and over again, he could neither die nor live in this torture!

"Is this the consequence of failing to transcend the tribulation?"

Under the burning pain, he could only rely on his vague consciousness to tell that he had not been completely annihilated in the human world.


In the retreat cave, Bai Ze was already anxious and restless.

It was already the seventh day, and she had used up an unknown number of the incense sticks in her hand, but Mo Xun still showed no signs of waking up.

He just sat cross-legged on the futon quietly, like a living dead.

She basically tried every method she could think of, but Mo Xun was like a stone sculpture and didn't respond at all.

Did the uncle fail?

When she thought of this possibility, the little girl seemed to have lost her backbone and couldn't help but burst into tears.

He suddenly thought of the people in Luoxi outside the mountain. After hesitating for a while, he lit the last incense and walked out of the cave.

As for Luo Xi and Gong Yang, they both looked worried at the moment.

As far as they know, the inner demon tribulation can be as short as one day, and even if it is longer, it does not exceed three days.

But after so long, there was still no news about Mo Xun. How could they not be worried?

Gu Qingqing was on the other side of Baiyue Mountain, looking intently at the highest peak.

She didn't believe that Mo Xun had fallen into the inner demon tribulation like this!

That person always gave her a sense of calmness and cunning, as if nothing in the world could trouble him.

She recalled over and over again the scenes from when the two met and later got along.

A calm smile couldn't help but appear at the corner of his mouth.

Behind her, there were nearly a hundred male and female monks sitting cross-legged.

These people were all onlookers who had come here to watch the excitement. In order to prevent them from leaking the news about the tribulation, everyone was gathered here.

But this is obviously unnecessary!

After Tian Xuanzi left, it meant that the secret could no longer be kept.

Suddenly, a pretty female cultivator walked over timidly.

As soon as he stood in front of Gu Qingqing, he knelt down with a plop.

"Junior Gu Yiyi, please let us go, senior!"

This girl was one of the first group to arrive at the foot of the mountain that day, just in time for Mo Xun to survive the thunder tribulation.

Gu Qingqing raised her eyebrows.

"Your name is Gu Yiyi?"

The girl did not dare to raise her head, and knelt on the ground tremblingly.

"That's right, I came here with a few brothers to pick the jade whiskers, and I had no intention of disturbing the senior in the mountain to survive the tribulation. My father was seriously ill, so I had to mistakenly enter the White Moon Mountain. I hope you can let us go. I am afraid that if I delay for too long, I may not even see my father for the last time."

As she spoke, the girl was already trembling and sobbing.

She was sincere and there was no trace of falsehood.

"Please rest assured, senior, I will never reveal anything about this place. You can plant a restriction on me, and I can also swear to the devil in my heart. If I violate it, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

When the word devil in my heart was mentioned, Gu Qingqing was gloomy.

After a long while, she finally asked, "What's wrong with your father?"

The girl wiped her tears.

"After my father entered the middle stage of foundation building many years ago, he began to feel dull pain in the Qihai point under his abdomen. In the early stage, the pain only occurred once every half a month, and each time it lasted only half an incense stick of time. But later, the pain became more and more frequent, and the duration became more and more severe. Now, he suffers from the pain for at least half a day every day, and sometimes he even faints. Not only that, the whole person has become older and older, and he can hardly continue to practice."

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