Luo Xi's words are true. For most Nascent Soul cultivators, it would be extremely rare for most Nascent Soul cultivators to succeed in breaking through before the end of their life span.

Even the original Purple Saint Heavenly Lord only succeeded in advancing when he was three or four hundred years old.

Nascent Soul is calculated based on a lifespan of one thousand two hundred years, which means that Mo Xun still has at least nearly a thousand years to waste.

"Mo's achievements today are largely due to the protection of all of you. I dare not forget this. As for what I promised at the beginning, I will definitely fulfill it. I may not dare to say anything else, but it will greatly improve your advancement success. Rate, there should be no problem.”

After his own personal experience, Mo Xun now indeed dared to say such words.

Although he was almost killed in the final Nascent Soul Tribulation, he was still quite satisfied with the magical effect of the Jiangyun Immortal Fruit.

It was with this fairy fruit that he could successfully complete the first two steps of conceiving a baby.

This breakthrough was successful, and while he was relieved, he could finally plan his next arrangements.

In the past six months, Baiyue Mountain has not always been peaceful.

Intermittently, several groups of people have come to visit.

Among them were those from the Heavenly Ghost Sect and those from the Holy Maiden Palace who were looking for information.

The city lords of several nearby cities also sneaked over to give gifts.

However, from that day on, Dong Qianxue activated the formation to seal off the entire Baiyue Mountain, blocking out anyone who asked to see him.

Mo Xun knew that this matter could not be hidden from the world, and of course, he did not want to hide it this time.

With his current status, he no longer has to hide his head and tail like before.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he does not meet the late-stage great monks, almost no one in this world can pose a threat to him.

Three days later, Desolate Star City!

This is a border town and the closest prosperous place to Huanyun Desert.

The city is not big, even worse than Luo'an City.

However, this is the most frequent stopover point for crossing the desert, and most people who want to go to the world of immortality on the other side will choose to pass here.

Including the little girl Bai Ze, there were ten people in the group.

The one with the lowest cultivation level among them is already in the early stage of foundation building.

If this power is placed in Huanyunyuan, it can almost go sideways.

With Mo Xun's current level of cultivation, there is almost no need to deliberately suppress it. As long as he wants to, he can converge the magic power around him at any time. In the eyes of outsiders, he is like a mortal.

They didn't plan to stay here long.

After Gu Qingqing sent out the transmission note, Gu Yiyi rushed over not long after.

It was the first time for the little girl to see Mo Xun. She was a little confused at first, but when she saw that everyone was headed by this young man, her head suddenly buzzed.

Could it be that the person in front of me is the senior who overcame the tribulation that day?

She felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. It was the first time in her life that she had such close contact with a Nascent Soul cultivator.

You must know that the entire Desolate Star City is only a city lord in the middle stage of pill formation at its highest level.

"I've met senior!"

The little girl hurriedly wanted to see the gift, but was stopped by Mo Xun.

Gu Qingqing smiled and asked, "Is your father recovering from his illness?"

The little girl replied quickly.

"Thank you for the gift of medicine last time, senior. My father has recovered now. I don't know why you seniors are here. Why don't you go to the junior's home first?"

Gu Yiyi felt somewhat uneasy.

Last time she said that as long as her father's disease was cured, she would work as a horse for others. Is she here to collect the promise?

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart!

Anyway, since I agreed, how can I go back on my word?

In fact, this matter is not a huge opportunity for her?

Being able to follow such a senior expert is much better than staying at home.

But in this case, she would have to leave her parents. How could she let it go?

"You and I have some kind of fate. It's just a few pills. It means nothing to me. If you really want to repay us, take us to the elders stationed here at the Tiangui Sect now."

Although Gu Yiyi was curious, she didn't dare to ask, so she hurriedly claimed yes.

After the last tribulation in Baiyue Mountain, the entire Huangxing City already knew that a Nascent Soul like Mo Xun was born.

Although half a year has passed, you can still hear people chatting about speculations about him when passing by Xilou Tea House.

A Nascent Soul cultivator that appears suddenly can cause a shock no matter where it is placed.

Some people speculated that he came from southern Xinjiang, and some said that he was an unborn monk.

There are also three women, Gu Qingqing, who were said to be magical by the monks who saw them take action that day.

Her beauty, mystery, and powerful powers have completely become the talk of the town.

The Tiangui Sect stationed here is an elder who is in the early stage of forming pills.

When Mo Xun came to the other party's place of stay, he just released a little bit of his spiritual consciousness, which shocked the elder in retreat.

For who knows how many years, no Nascent Soul has come to Huangxing City.

"The spirit of Tianguimenqu, my junior, has met my senior!"

Since Mo Xun decided to reveal his identity, he had no intention of hiding his cultivation.

The same goes for Gu Qingqing and others. Qu Zhiling was frightened and broke out in a cold sweat as soon as his peak Dan Formation cultivation was revealed.

With one Nascent Soul, two at the peak of the Dan Formation, and one at the mid-level of the Dan Formation, if these people got angry, they would probably trample his cave to the ground in an instant.

Without much thinking, he guessed that the young and somewhat outrageous senior in front of him was the one who had overcome the tribulation in Baiyue Mountain a few months ago.

It should be noted that not long ago, he also sent a generous gift on behalf of the Tiangui Sect!

At the same time, he also tactfully expressed the sect's intention to make friends!

"Fellow Daoist Qu, there is no need to be polite. Can we talk inside?"

Qu Zhiling hurriedly gave way.

"I am sorry for the rudeness of the junior. Please come in, senior!"

The place where Qu Zhiling practiced was not big, and everyone soon came to a flower hall.

Before they sat down, a foundation-building disciple outside the door hurried in.

"Uncle Qu, City Lord Zhao heard that a Yuanying senior was visiting this city, so he came here to pay a visit to the senior. Now he is waiting outside. I wonder..."

Qu Zhiling turned his head carefully and glanced at Mo Xun. Although he was the owner of this place, he could no longer make the decision.

"Let him wait a while before coming in!"

After Mo Xun said this, he sat down at the head of the hall without any hesitation.

The foundation-building cultivator was stunned at first, and when he saw that Qu Zhiling didn't say anything, he could only retreat in fear.

"I wonder if you have any instructions for me when you come here today?"

Qu Zhiling asked his disciples to serve tea while inviting everyone to sit down.

Even if it was a junior like Qi Ruyan who had just established his foundation, he did not dare to neglect her.

Although Mo Xun was only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, in Huanyunyuan where there were not many Nascent Souls, this was almost the ceiling.

Even the great ancestor of Tianguimen was only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul!

It was a great honor for him to condescend to come to his door.

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