Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 868 Illegitimate Child

"Senior, you are polite. It should be because I have not come far to welcome you. It is an honor for this city that you can come to our Wild Star City as a guest. Logically speaking, I should have visited Baiyue Mountain a few months ago. However, considering that my senior is consolidating his cultivation, That’s why I didn’t bother you rashly, and I hope you will forgive me, senior.”

Mo Xun smiled and waved his hand, unwilling to dwell on such an unimportant issue.

"I guess City Master Zhao is also a busy man, so you and I don't need to exchange greetings and just tell you why you're here!"

Zhao Pu didn't think there was anything wrong with Mo Xun's straight-to-the-point approach.

When talking to a high-ranking monk, it would be good if the person can bear to listen to what he has to say.

But after Zhao Pu looked around, he hesitated to speak.

Mo Xun immediately understood what he meant, and with a wave of his hand, he dismissed the people Qu Zhiling sent to serve him.

"Everyone here is my confidant, don't worry about it being leaked."

Although Zhao Pu still had some hesitation in his heart, after pondering for a moment, he still chose to speak: "I dare to ask senior, but are you looking for bad luck on Xuanzi that day?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at the other person up and down with interest.

"Yes, do you know the whereabouts of this person?"

Zhao Pu hurriedly handed over his hand.

"Although this junior doesn't know where Emperor Xuan is now, he knows one of his secrets."

"What secret?"

Zhao Pu looked behind him cautiously again, then lowered his voice and said, "Tian Xuanzi has an illegitimate son in the Holy Immortal City!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun immediately became interested.

Although he has not yet walked in Huanyunyuan, the name of Holy Immortal City is not unfamiliar to him at all.

This city is backed by the Holy Lady's Palace. Together with Fengping City, which is run by the Tiangui Sect, it is also known as the Huanyun Twin Cities. They are the two largest holy places for cultivating immortals in the local area.

Mo Xun did not rush to find out whether this matter was true or not, but asked: "Why are you telling me this?"

Zhao Pu chuckled.

"If the junior says that I have an old grudge with Xuanzi that day, would the senior believe it or not?"

Mo Xun shook his head noncommittally.

"Since you can ask that, it must not be that simple."

"In front of seniors, juniors don't dare to lie. In fact, I don't know Xuanzi that day, let alone have any grudges. There is only one reason why juniors can tell this news, and that is to be on good terms with seniors."

Compared to this so-called secret, Mo Xun was obviously more interested in the person in front of him.

If the other party says from the beginning that he wants to befriend him, he may still be very suspicious.

But with these words, he was convinced.

After all, the reason for hatred is more tenable than flattery.

But the other party chose the former!

"Is this your true intention?"

Zhao Pu nodded solemnly.


In an instant, Mo Xun had two opinions on the sudden appearance of City Lord Zhao.

Smart, speculative!

Everyone in Huanyunyuan must know by now that there must be a battle between him and Tian Xuanzi.

And this person is obviously placing a bet right now!

After a moment of silence, Mo Xuncai asked: "What do you want?"

Zhao Pu replied without thinking: "It's very simple. Senior can find his son first. As long as there is a little bit of news, this person will most likely show up."

After hearing this, Mo Xun shook his head.

"Not necessarily. At his level, he will value his life more than anything else. He is just an illegitimate child, which is not enough for him to take risks."

Zhao Pu quickly added: "If this person does not dare to show up, senior will kill his son, which can be regarded as expressing his hatred!"

In just a few words, Mo Xun had another impression of this person in his mind.

Cruel and ruthless!

"First, give me a copy of his son's specific situation!"

Zhao Pu was obviously prepared and respectfully presented a jade slip.

After Mo Xun looked at it, he took out a porcelain bottle and threw it out.

"There are three replenishing pills here, which will be somewhat helpful to your current state."

There was no surprise on Zhao Pu's face. Instead, he said calmly: "This junior does not come here to get any benefits from the senior. Regardless of whether the senior believes it or not, this is indeed the case."

A knowing smile appeared on Mo Xun's lips.

"I know, you and I have formed a good relationship today!"

"Senior, if there is any mission in the future, Zhao Pu will do his best!"


Leaving Desolate Star City, the group of people soared directly into the sky.

On the speeding car, Gu Qingqing suddenly asked: "Are you really planning to kidnap that old man's son?"

Don't ask questions without answering them.

"What do you think?"

Gu Qingqing looked at him and thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "You are not the kind of person who likes to take out your anger on others."

Mo Xun smiled.

"You think too well of me. I really won't do this, but it's not because I don't know how to express my anger, but because I think it's worthless. Let's go to Golden Maple Valley to have a look first. If we still can't find anyone this time, Think of other ways.”

From Mo Xun's point of view, killing an illegitimate child doesn't make much sense.

It's a waste of time to go all the way to the Holy Fairy City for a useless person.

At this time, Luo Xi just walked out of it.

"Brother Mo, what do you think of the intercontinental teleportation array?"

Mo Xun knew clearly that once Luo Xi knew how to return to Xihezhou, he would probably take the risk.

Even if I don't go back now, I will definitely go down that road after having a baby in the future.

"I don't know either, but this is very strange, there must be something else hidden."

Naturally, he would not say out his guess about this matter.

As for the details, we would have to wait until we get there to find out.

While they were talking, Gong Yang's laughter suddenly came from behind.

"Mo kid, stop here for a while!"

Mo Xun frowned, subconsciously stopped the flying car slowly, and asked in confusion: "Did you find anything?"

Gong Yang gently stroked his beard, looking into the distance, showing a rare serious look.

"I'm leaving!"

"Leave? Where to?"

Gong Yang said with some regret: "After you and I completed our agreement, I was going to leave, but it happened that you were about to break through, so I stayed for a few more decades. Now that you have advanced to the Nascent Soul stage, it's time for me to leave."


To be honest, this news was too sudden for Mo Xun.

He had known Gong Yang since he arrived in Xihezhou. It had been more than two hundred years since then, and the two of them were inseparable.

In Mo Xun's heart, he had probably already regarded the old man in front of him as a relative.

The other party's sudden decision made him a little unresponsive for a while.

Gong Yang patted his shoulder.

"No reason. My pursuit is different from yours. You are devoted to Taoism and immortality, but I just want to be an idle person and enjoy the prosperity of this world. Maybe it won't be long before you can hear the news that I am leading my Taoist companion to travel around the world's famous rivers."

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