Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 884: Three-way division

"According to what Brother Feng Ling said, you and I will each lead the team. At that time, I will provide you with some possible hiding places of Tian Xuanzi. Brother Feng Ling only brought two disciples here this time. Our Tiangui Sect It would be a sure-fire strategy to send another Danjie elder to follow her. Fairy Xuanjing has only one beloved disciple, Fairy Yunshang, so I can send two people to be at your disposal. After all, according to what Huangfu Xin said, that person There are three alchemy cultivators behind us, so if we meet them face to face, at least we won’t be at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.”

This seems to be a very reasonable arrangement, but everyone understands its implications.

It’s nothing more than sending an overseer!

I'm afraid that the two of them will work hard and not be able to do their best!

After Master Feng Ling pondered for a moment, he nodded in agreement.

Fairy Xuanjing said with a smile: "There is no need for two. I only need one more person here. If possible, I hope it will be Feng Boping, the son of fellow Taoist Feng. I think this person is quite strong." , and also has the ambition of revenge, and most of all he hopes to find the Nascent Soul of his fellow Taoist."

Mu Congnan didn't understand Xuan Jing's true intention, so he agreed without thinking too much.

"By the way, can Brother Mu contact Tian Xuanzi directly? If that veteran can cooperate with us, why bother?"

Mu Congnan shook his head.

"This person has always acted mysteriously. Although I have some friendship with him, I am far from familiar with him. And based on my understanding of this person, if I let him act as a bait, I am afraid it will be counterproductive. This old pervert has been here since After being injured by that person for the first time, he has been unable to hide it. Either the injury was too serious or he was afraid of the other person. Maybe he has left Huanyunyuan now. "

Speaking of this, Mu Congnan also felt angry.

He had long advised Young Master Feng Yuxiu to associate with that kind of people, but he refused to listen.

On the verge of death, you still want to protect that wretched person, and you don’t know what you want?

He even hoped that Mo Xun would find Tian Xuanzi before them. It would be best to kill this person with one sword to avoid causing any trouble in the future.

After a brief discussion, the three people hurried away immediately.

Xuan Jing felt very happy during this trip. Not only did she get a treasure for nothing, but she also unknowingly made things develop in the direction she expected.

Looking at Feng Boping who was following him from the side, Xuan Jing couldn't help but have a strange smile on her lips.

This woman is worthy of being the second mistress of the Holy Maiden Palace. Even though her smile is full of ill intentions, she is full of charm.

A branch of red dew is fragrant, and the clouds and rain in Wushan are heartbroken!

As soon as his eyes flashed, how many men in the world could resist this kind of charm?

Fortunately, the Holy Lady's Palace is located in a corner, and in a place like Dongshengzhou where there are no super sects, otherwise it would have been noticed by countless people.

The most anxious person at the moment is naturally Su Yunshang.

She was now certain that the young Nascent Soul known as "Mo Xun" was the person with whom she had a ten-year appointment.

He thought this would be the end of his life, but fate just happened to pull him in front of him again.

Even though she was on her way to kill this man with her master, she still felt in a dreamlike trance.

To be honest, she really wanted to meet that person!

It’s unclear, the way is unclear!

Maybe it was the vague feelings she had when she was young and ignorant, or maybe it was the fact that the other party was the only old friend she still knew well in this world.

She also wanted to ask him, why did he only show up now after having promised it for ten years?

But she was afraid to see it.

I don’t know how to face it!

The master took her to kill the other party, but how could she witness the two of them fighting in front of her?

Her mind was in chaos, then became clear again, and then became a mess again.

The one named Huangfu Xin said that he was accompanied by three incredibly beautiful fairies, each of whom had the cultivation of pill formation.

"Will that be his Taoist companion?"

Yun Shang wanted to stop thinking, but her thoughts seemed to be out of control.

"Since he's not dead, you should be happy!"

"Is not it?"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile.

Yes, she should be happy for him!

At this moment, Xuan Jing's somewhat majestic voice rang in her ears like a morning bell that suddenly woke up the world.

"Yun Shang, what is your relationship with Mo Xun?"

Su Yunshang's heart suddenly sank. After all, the master saw it.

Xuan Jing's directness did not surprise Yun Shang. The master has always been like this.

She was extremely grateful to her master.

The master not only saved her life, but also taught her the art without reservation.

She is no longer a newcomer in the world of immortality.

The relationship between master and disciple, the relationship between father and son, I don’t know how many times I have seen it.

But she can be completely sure that her master, who has no blood relationship, will treat her better than her own flesh and blood.

Maybe the master is thinking of inheriting the mantle, but no matter what, everything he gives is from the sincerity.

"He...he is an old friend from my disciple's early years!"

Yunshang has no habit of lying, and he doesn't want to deceive his mentor.

Naturally, there was also a small thought on her part in this blunt confession, that is, the master could give up the pursuit after hearing about her relationship with Mo Xun.

She didn't expect her master to switch sides and help her, at least she could stay out of it.

But Xuan Jing's next reaction was far beyond her expectation.


These three short words made Su Yunshang confused for a moment.

Based on the master's usual style, shouldn't he ask her about her past with Mo Xun?

And what does this mean?

Did the master think that Mo Xun had offended the Heavenly Ghost Sect and would be killed sooner or later, so he didn't even want to ask?

She felt uneasy and said tentatively: "Master..."

But before she could ask, Xuan Jing stopped her.

"No need to say anything, let's talk about everything after this matter is over."

This made Yun Shang even more confused!

As for Fairy Xuan Jing, how could she tell her the real idea?

What Su Yun Shang didn't know was that this mentor who had always regarded her as his own child was already planning to cut off her love.

And the tool for cutting off love was Feng Boping, who was thinking about something next to him.

Xuan Jing had never considered dealing with Mo Xun from the beginning.


Mo Xun ran to four or five places without stopping, but still got nothing.

He only saved some poor female cultivators who were almost ruined beyond recognition.

Tian Xuanzi is even more cunning than a cunning rabbit with three burrows!

This is in line with the habits of independent cultivators. Without the support of a sect, wouldn't they leave a way out for themselves everywhere?

Fortunately, half a month later, in a place with high mountains and steep cliffs, he finally found some clues.

After Mo Xun gave a simple instruction to Dong Qianxue and others, he quietly sneaked into the mountain alone.

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