Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 889 Get out of the way

"Are you the new Yuanying who destroyed Feng Yuxiu's body?"

Mo Xun frowned and didn't answer, as if he was still weighing something.

But when he heard this, Tian Xuanzi almost jumped up.

"Fairy Xuan Jing, are you saying that this guy destroyed old Feng's body?"

Xuan Jing's mouth corners slightly raised, with a bit of teasing and disdain in her expression.

"Not only that, this person also has great magical powers to capture Feng Yuxiu's Yuanying alive!"

"This... How is this possible?" Tian Xuanzi was stunned for a moment!

If Mo Xun had the ability to kill Feng Yuxiu, he might be able to barely accept it, but he could even capture the Yuanying alive, which was really too terrifying.

The Yuanying teleportation was performed, even the late great cultivators could not catch up.

How could he be caught so easily?

In an instant, Tian Xuanzi broke out in cold sweat.

When he looked at Mo Xun again, his eyes were no longer daunting, but fearful!

If Mo Xun really had the means to completely wipe out a Nascent Soul, then his absurd behavior a few months ago was simply courting death.

But who could have thought that a cultivator who had just advanced would be so rebellious?

Looking at the cold sword in Mo Xun's hand, he shrank his neck unconsciously.

Last time, he was cut off half of his arm by this sword.

Although the broken arm has been regenerated, deep in his heart, he has long been deeply timid.

"Fairy Xuan Jing, this man murdered the Supreme Elder of Tianguimen and is an enemy of thousands of cultivators in Huanyunyuan. As the heir of the Saint Maiden Palace, the fairy should protect the dignity of the Huanyunyuan cultivation world. I am not talented, but I am willing to follow the fairy's lead and kill this thief together."

Hearing this shameless and noisy words, Xuan Jing's face suddenly darkened.

"Shut up!"

Xuan Jing felt that it was an insult to say one more word to such a bastard.

Not to mention that she hadn't decided whether to intervene in this dispute, she would not agree with the other party's words.

A Tiangui Sect cannot represent the entire Huanyunyuan.

In her position, she would rather see all the disciples of Tiangui Sect die!


Tianxuanzi was so wronged. He felt that he had been humble enough, but who knew that the old witch would have such an attitude.

Seeing that Tianxuanzi was about to speak, Xuan Jing scolded again.

"If you speak again, I will kill you first!"

Xuan Jing was really in a bad mood now. The "opportunity" that she had carefully prepared for her disciple was messed up by this guy.

If she was not worried that Mo Xun would find Yun Shang's trace at this critical moment, she really wanted to slap this stinky Taoist priest to death.

After Xuan Jing took a deep breath, she looked at Mo Xun and spoke slowly.

"I don't want to get involved in your feud with the Heavenly Ghost Sect. As for whether you two are fighting or killing each other, please go to another place and don't disturb my quiet cultivation here. I wonder if you can give me some face?"

The other party's words seemed fair, and on the surface, it seemed that he was persuading the two to choose another place to resolve their feud.

But if you think about it carefully, isn't it just asking Mo Xun to let Tian Xuanzi go first?

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and said word by word: "I don't know you!"

Xuan Jing's eyes turned cold. This was simply a slap in the face in public.


Although she did not take charge of the Saint Maiden Palace, she was always a guest of honor wherever she went. How could she be humiliated like this?

Tian Xuanzi quickly interrupted.

"Fairy Xuan Jing, this man not only offended the Heavenly Ghost Sect, but also despised the Saint Maiden Palace. His crime is unforgivable. Fairy, why should you say more to him? With our combined strength, do you still have to be afraid of him, a Nascent Soul who has not even stabilized his realm?"

Xuan Jing was furious at Mo Xun's attitude of not accepting his toast.

"What exactly do you mean?"

If she could avoid taking action, Xuan Jing would still want to remain restrained.

According to the time calculation, Su Yunshang and Feng Boping are probably in harmony at this moment.

It won't be long before the effect of the medicine wears off, and Yunshang will kill the Feng man in anger.

Once a fight breaks out here, at such a close distance, either Mo Xun will discover Yunshang, or Yunshang will notice the movement here and rush over.

No matter which situation it is, it is not what Xuan Jing wants to see.

So at this juncture, there must be no twists and turns, otherwise who knows which direction the situation will develop?

Mo Xun slowly raised the long sword in his hand, with the tip of the sword pointing directly at the two of them.

"Get out of the way!"

Mo Xun had naturally guessed the identity of this woman.

It is said that the two palace masters of the Saint Maiden Palace are like celestial beings. The first palace master has been in seclusion for many years. Now, the second palace master is in charge of the important affairs of the palace and is walking in the outside world.

Although this woman is only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, her magic power is extremely deep. I am afraid that she is only half a step away from crossing the threshold and entering the middle stage.

But how long this half step will take is unknown.

Some people will even be trapped in the same place for their entire lives and cannot move forward.

But no matter what, Xuan Jing gave him the feeling that she was much more dangerous than Tian Xuanzi.

Looking at Mo Xun's sharp and murderous eyes, Xuan Jing laughed in anger. She said to the back: "You go first, I will help you delay for a while!"

In Xuan Jing's opinion, the two of them must not fight here.

All she could do was to let Tian Xuanzi flee to another place and completely lead the two away from here.

Tian Xuanzi was overjoyed, and before he could even say thank you, he turned into a beam of light and flew away.

But how could Mo Xun give him another chance to escape?

With the mana running in his body, the Jade Sky Sword in his hand had already slashed down.

The sword light with overwhelming momentum instantly submerged the two people on the opposite side in white light.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and vomited, and the nebula disk in his stomach flew into the sky, covering half of the sky in an instant, covering all three people.

Countless black and white chess pieces shot out at the same time, falling rapidly from the sky like raindrops.

Since this woman insisted on intervening, Mo Xun had no reason to talk nonsense.

And at the same time when the three people took action, Su Yunshang in the cave had already eliminated the medicinal properties with the help of Gu Qingqing.

Fairy Gu threw a brand new dress to the other party.

"You are lucky. You just happened to meet me passing by here. If you meet others again in the future, try to keep your eyes open and don't let this happen again."

"May I ask your name, young lady?"

Yunshang stood up weakly. She still felt like a nightmare about what happened just now.

"Gu Qingqing!"

After saying that, Fairy Gu was ready to leave.

She always thought that she was a person who did good things but didn't like to leave a name, but since she was asked, she could only tell it reluctantly.

But the next moment, the other party's attitude surprised her.

"Are you Gu Qingqing?"

Yun Shang suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning, and she stood there in shock, her eyes, which were already big, were now wide open.

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