Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 892 Blood Sacrifice

Although she didn't know who the woman who suddenly rushed out was, the color revealed between Yunchang's eyebrows showed that she was still a virgin.

Therefore, her plan failed!

When she thought of this, Xuan Jing was going crazy!

She had been scheming for so long and was injured for this, but in the end it was such an ending.

She hurried into the cave and saw Feng Boping's body lying there, and he had no breath at all.

Speechless, even the storage bag on his body was gone.

This time it was really a bit of a steal!

Not only did it not achieve the expected effect, but Mu Congnan had to find a way to explain it, which was really hateful!

Turning his head to look at his beloved disciple, Xuan Jing was angry and helpless.

"Let's go!"

Su Yunchang wanted to ask about the specific situation of the loud noise just now, but seeing that the master was in a hurry, he could only temporarily suppress the throbbing in his heart.

But she soon realized a problem.

The master didn't seem to care much about Feng Boping's death, as if this was something that was reasonable!

An incredible thought suddenly came to her mind.

Could Feng Boping's abnormal behavior before her be related to the master?

Thinking of this, Su Yunshang shuddered uncontrollably.

But the question is, why did the master want to harm her?

Su Yunshang didn't dare to think about it any further. All of this was completely beyond her acceptance.

She would rather believe that it was just an accident!

But the master's attitude at this time seemed to verify this absurd guess.

Gu Qingqing was also shocked the moment she left the cave.

Xuan Jing saw her, and she also noticed Xuan Jing.

Under the cover of the consciousness of a Yuanying cultivator, even if the other party did nothing, it was enough to scare people.

She thought it was Tian Xuanzi, but soon realized that it was wrong.

Then, she guessed Xuan Jing's identity.

Gu Qingqing flew all the way with fear, until she was sure that the other party had not caught up, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

This day was really thrilling.

First, she conspired with Dong Qianxue and others to ambush Tianxuanzi, and then she was almost targeted by another Yuanying ancestor.

In this life, it seems that she has never been treated like this.

She secretly swore in her heart that she must also condense the Yuanying.

Damn, it's too bullying!

When Gu Qingqing came to the place where the fight took place before, Mo Xun had already disappeared. After circling around for a while, she could only turn back.

It was just that when passing by the cave, she sneaked over again out of curiosity.

However, this place was empty, and only poor Feng Boping was left inside!

Thousands of miles away, Mo Xun once again performed the Sky Fire Escape and finally intercepted Tianxuanzi who was desperately fleeing.

"This Taoist friend, how about we have another negotiation?"

Tianxuanzi panted heavily. This time, he really planned to admit defeat.

Not only was the opponent's magic power stronger than his, but his escape technique was also extremely advanced.

All along the way, no matter what means he used, he could not escape the tracking of others' consciousness.

This person seemed to be like him, and he was probably quite experienced in escaping.

Whether it was a substitute or a means of concealment, it seemed that everything was in his calculations.

Mo Xun threw out the nebula disk again, blocking all the exits around him in advance.

Without any nonsense, the Jade Sky Sword chopped out directly.

"Boy, don't kill them all!"

Mo Xun snorted coldly. This time, even if the great ancestor of the Heavenly Ghost Sect came, he would not let him go.

The sword light swept across, and a huge mana impact swept out, covering a hundred feet in an instant.

A shrill scream came from the dazzling white light, and then a black mist suddenly rose from the white light.

The next moment, the wind suddenly rose, and the ghostly aura was eerie!

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. This was the second time he encountered the ghost way in recent times.

This magical power is most likely the unique skill of the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

However, this is not surprising. After all, Tianxuanzi and Feng Yuxiu have close contacts, and it is reasonable that he privately teaches the Heavenly Ghost Sect skills.

After the white light, the thing shrouded in the black air slowly appeared in front of him.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a ghost flag!

"You forced me to do this..."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of wronged ghosts suddenly jumped out of the ghost flag. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of them.

What is strange is that these dead souls are all women, and each of them was probably beautiful in their appearance and body shape when they were alive.

An idea suddenly appeared in Mo Xun's mind.

Could it be that all these women were killed by Tianxuanzi?

According to the old Taoist's romantic and lustful character, it is really possible.

This person has killed countless young girls in the past hundred years. Those female ghosts are most likely collected by him in the ghost flag.

Such a conscienceless act is really inhumane!

In fact, Mo Xun has seen this kind of thing more than once or twice.

When the Five Elements Sect stole the Beidou Xuanjia, such a large sect still used women's essence and blood to nourish the treasure!

Even the famous and upright sects are like this, let alone the evil Tianxuanzi?

After staying in the world of immortal cultivation for a long time, people will always become numb slowly.

Just like Mo Xun now, although he feels unfair in his heart, he is more thinking about the other party's next move.

"Even if I sacrifice my flesh, I will die with you!"

But seeing those evil spirits suddenly swarmed towards the thing under the ghost banner, and after a closer look, it was Tianxuanzi.

Then, a series of shrill screams came from Tianxuanzi's mouth.

Those evil spirits were actually tearing flesh and blood from Tianxuanzi.

Just one encounter, a person who was originally fine became a bloody mess.

Seeing this shocking scene, even Mo Xun couldn't help but frown.

This is obviously a blood sacrifice to raise evil spirits!

It seems that this person and his good friend Feng Yuxiu are really from the same school!

Both of them use their own blood and flesh to feed evil spirits, but the difference is that Tianxuanzi seems to be more cruel.

In a moment, a bloody skeleton appeared in the black fog.

In the blood light, there is also a painful face of Yuanying hidden.

Although only a disgusting skeleton is left, Tianxuanzi's shrill screams still echo.

The two teeth on the head opened and closed in a terrifying way.

After devouring Tian Xuanzi's flesh and blood, the ghosts' originally illusory bodies gradually became solid, and their facial expressions also changed drastically, with their teeth and claws bared and their faces ferocious and terrifying.

Mo Xun thought he couldn't be so cruel!

How many people in the world can raise ghosts with their own flesh and blood, and in such a cruel and painful way?

To be honest, if this person had not been his enemy before and had not done anything harmful to the world, Mo Xun would really let him go just based on his courage.

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