I didn't expect that the little guy would not forget to collect treasures for him in that situation.

But he frowned again, picked up the storage bag on the ground, first wiped off the seal of Tianxuanzi's consciousness, and then probed into it.

After a moment, he showed an expression of "as expected".

This storage bag was just placed outside by Tianxuanzi to confuse others.

If I guessed correctly, it should be found by Chili when burning the other party's body and bones.

He vaguely remembered that Tianxuanzi seemed to be holding another storage magic weapon in his escaped Yuanying.

And that one must be the real one!

This is not difficult to understand. Not to mention Tianxuanzi, even Mo Xun rarely shows valuables in front of people when he walks outside.

Most of the treasures were placed in the green gourd.

Although he had guessed in his heart, he still felt very sorry in the face of the facts.

Not to mention how many treasures a Yuanying cultivator has, at least the puppetry he has been thinking about has been ruined again.

Under the power of that kind of self-explosion, what kind of storage magic tool could remain?

The only thing that comforted him was that there was a very strange diamond ring inside.

Mo Xun studied it for a while, and immediately showed a touch of ecstasy on his face.

This thing can perfectly conceal the breath and isolate the outside world's consciousness at the same time.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of low-level spirit stones. In terms of value, it is not as valuable as a magic weapon of a Jindan cultivator.

After feeling a little recovered, he immediately took out the green gourd.

As soon as he arrived in the outside world, he was stunned.

There was no grass growing at the end of the distance, and the mountains under his feet had completely disappeared.

On the ground, a large deep pit was blown out, like a canyon.

The air was still filled with a strong smell of scorched earth, and the mana fluctuations generated by the self-explosion did not dissipate for a long time.

Mo Xun was stunned for more than ten breaths before taking a deep breath to recover.

The self-explosion of the Yuanying can be so terrifying!

Feeling the palpitation energy that had not yet dissipated, Mo Xun felt a little scared again.

To say that Tian Xuanzi was worthy of the word "traitor".

Although his behavior was despicable, and he even showed a cowardly side on the surface, he was a character who didn't care about his life when he really started fighting.

It seems that every casual cultivator who can cultivate to this level has his own unique strengths!

After a simple perception, Mo Xun quickly found his Wulu Nebula Disk.

Then he began to slowly search for chess pieces nearby.

If one of these things was missing, it would inevitably be a troublesome matter.

Fortunately, this thing was made of Tongtian Jianmu. Although it was a little damaged, it would not be completely destroyed.

But after this incident, the spirituality would definitely be greatly damaged. Not only did it need to be refined and repaired again, but it also needed to be nurtured in the body for a long time.

This battle was really a loss.

Although he killed Tian Xuanzi, his sacrifice was also extremely heavy.

Apart from the injuries of him and Bai Ze, Xuantian True Fire and Wulu Nebula Disk were also damaged to varying degrees.

Just as he was about to leave, a beam of light came from a distance.

The person who came was Gu Qingqing who heard the noise here.

Fairy Gu looked at the spectacular battlefield ruins under her feet and felt the remaining magic power around her. She was a little stunned.

When she heard Mo Xun mention the word "self-destruction", Gu Qingqing couldn't help but shudder.

Although she didn't see the scene at that time, she could fully imagine what kind of thrill it would be.

"Are you okay?"

Mo Xun waved his hand weakly, and his face, which was pale without any blood, turned pale.

The two did not stay here for long. Such a powerful explosion would soon attract other people.

It was not until they left far away that Gu Qingqing recovered from the shock.

It's not that she hasn't heard of self-destruction before, and she has even seen it with her own eyes.

However, what she had experienced before was only a Jindan cultivator at most, but even with that kind of power, it was enough to make people tremble with fear.

Imagine the power of a Yuanying self-detonation that lasted for hundreds of years?

I hope she will never encounter such a thing in her life.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and the stinky Taoist priest finally died!

Mo Xun suddenly asked, "Why did you come here?"

Gu Qingqing first breathed a sigh of relief, and then rolled her eyes.

I thought to myself, if I didn't follow, how could I save a beauty for you?

Although it is still unclear what the relationship between the woman and Mo Xun is, from the other's expression, it is obvious that there must be an unknown secret between the two.

"Of course I came to help. By the way, did you find any treasures from the old Taoist?"

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled, thinking that helping was fake, and I am afraid that he was really thinking about the treasure.

When he turned his palm, two things suddenly appeared.

One was a black cloth banner with strange runes painted on the surface, which also gave off a spooky ghostly aura.

The other was a ring that shone with golden light.

After listening to Mo Xun's introduction, Gu Qingqing first picked up the diamond ring and looked at it curiously.

"That guy used this thing to hide his body, right?"

Mo Xun nodded gently.

"This thing is worthy of being a rare treasure. Even for me, if I don't pay close attention, it's hard to detect it with my spiritual sense."

After entering the Nascent Soul stage, there were not many things that could attract Mo Xun.

In this realm, the available external objects are gradually becoming scarce. In many cases, it is just a competition of one's magic power.

Gu Qingqing's attainments in refining equipment are not bad, so she can see the extraordinaryness of this object at a glance.

Fairy Gu held the diamond ring in her hand, and when her eyes turned, she suddenly received it in her storage bag.

Mo Xun was stunned at first, and then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"What are you laughing at? This girl is not taking yours for nothing. It can be regarded as a reward for helping you save people. If it weren't for me..."

Gu Qingqing shut up halfway.

Mo Xun blinked in surprise.

What rescue?

Who is it?

"By the way, say hello to you on behalf of your confidante!"

After that, Gu Qingqing flew away without looking back, leaving Mo Xun, who was still messy in the wind, far away.

Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin, with confusion written all over his face.

He wondered where the confidante came from?

Could it be Dong Qianxue? Or Luo Xi?

That's not right. If those two wanted to say something, why would Gu Qingqing have to relay it?

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun still couldn't figure it out, so he had to put it aside.

Women, as animals, always like to say something inexplicable and incomprehensible.

The death of Tian Xuanzi soon spread throughout the Huanyunyuan cultivation world.

A secret pursuit order issued by the Tianguimen and the Saint Maiden Palace also spread among high-level cultivators.

At this time, Mo Xun had already set foot on the Huanyun Desert to leave this place.

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