Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "That's fine, I'm just trying to make more friends."

Qin Xuanrong lives in another residential building in the square.

There were five people in total, and they rented a small cave together.

When they arrived, two people happened to be out and had not returned. There was only a female cultivator named Zhong Xiaomei who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and a young man named Gao Liang who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. They were meditating in the cave.

"This Taoist friend's surname is Mo. He was a close friend of my father many years ago and is considered my uncle. I happened to meet him on the road before, so he came with me to have a look."

Gao Liang was a cheerful and straight-tempered person, so he immediately smiled and clasped his fists.

"It turns out to be Brother Mo. Nice to meet you!"

Zhong Xiaomei gave a subtle blessing.

"My little sister has met Senior Brother Mo!"

Mo Xun also smiled and cupped his hands, becoming somewhat interested in this combination of people.

It is actually not uncommon for casual cultivators to form groups.

But they often get together temporarily when they are performing a mission or venturing into a secret realm together.

On weekdays, most of them are loners!

It is relatively rare for a few people to stay together all year round.

After all, it is difficult for casual cultivators to be united, especially since there are high and low levels of cultivation. Once cultivation resources are obtained, due to the difference in effort, there will be distribution problems that are difficult to reconcile.

Of course, there are benefits to uniting like this.

That means you are not easily bullied!

Qin Xuanrong's current title for Mo Xun is a bit weird. He is obviously of a higher level, but he always calls him "uncle"!

This is a rather embarrassing situation in the world of immortality.

Maybe yesterday he was a nephew, today he is a junior brother, and tomorrow, he may be called a junior uncle.

Mo Xun didn't deliberately correct him. In terms of seniority, he also deserved the title of "Uncle".

"Senior Sister Qin, didn't you go to that Dan Pavilion to withdraw the elixir? Did they withdraw it for you?"

Qin Xuanrong briefly told what happened before, and both Zhong Xiaomei and Gao Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"This family is quite authentic and has not disgraced their reputation as a family of immortal cultivators."

Zhong Xiaomei held Qin Xuanrong's arm, acting like the girl next door.

Gao Liang also nodded.

"I have heard earlier that the Zong family has always emphasized benevolence and righteousness in running the family, and it is quite famous throughout the Yue Kingdom. I think this incident will not only have no impact on their credibility, but also leave an impression of fairness and selflessness to the outside world!"

Zhong Xiaomei said in agreement: "Yes, there is indeed a reason why people can inherit it for thousands of years without falling."

At this moment, a cold snort came from the distance.

"Whatever is fair and selfless is just superficial hypocrisy!"

Zhong Xiaomei quickly smiled happily: "It's Senior Brother Zuo and Senior Brother Xu who are back!"

Immediately afterwards, two men slowly walked in from the door. One was in the late stage of foundation building, and the other had already reached the fake elixir realm.

It was the fake elixir monk who suddenly spoke just now.

These two people are the other two comrades of Qin Xuanrong's team.

As soon as the fake Dan man appeared, his eyes fell on Mo Xun warily. There was not much expression on his dark face.

The man behind him was a little better. After seeing Mo Xun, he only showed curiosity.

Qin Xuanrong quickly introduced again.

This fake elixir man's name is Zuo Tianming. He looks about forty years old and has sharp triangular eyes. At first glance, he seems to be a guy with a deep inner world.

This person has the highest level of cultivation and is probably the leader of the team.

The other one is named Zhao Hu, and his cultivation level is similar to that of Qin Xuanrong.

This five-person combination, one at the peak of foundation building, two at the late stage, and two at the mid-stage, would be quite a force if they joined forces.

As long as they don't encounter pill formation, they can walk sideways in the outside world.

Zuo Tianming looked Mo Xun up and down. Despite Qin Xuanrong's introduction, the vigilance in his brows remained unabated.

"I wonder where Daoist Fellow Mo has taught Dharma in the past. Did he come alone this time or was he accompanied by other fellow Daoists?"

Mo Xun smiled lightly.

"I've always been a cosmopolitan person, and I'm used to being a loner. This time I'm just passing by to see you."

Mo Xun could naturally understand the wariness of these people, after all, he had been here before.

If you don't keep an eye out when you go out, you might be betrayed at some point.

"Since Uncle Shi has no fixed place to live, you might as well join us. It is inevitable that you will be weak if you are alone. Not only do we have someone to look after us, but we can also communicate with each other from time to time, which is of great benefit to each other's cultivation."

Qin Xuanrong then asked Zuo Tianming: "Senior Brother Zuo, what do you think?"

Zuo Tianming did not answer, but frowned slightly.

The next moment, the atmosphere became strangely silent.

Needless to say, this situation actually represents the attitude of others.

But this is easy to understand. Who would keep an ignorant person by their side for no reason?

Qin Xuanrong wanted to say more, but Mo Xun was the first to break the dullness.

"I have a lazy temperament, and I have long been accustomed to being alone over the years. I am afraid that I may not be suitable for being with others. It is a great fate to meet you today."

Mo Xun was thinking about the two weird monks from before, and immediately wanted to leave.

But before she could speak, Zhong Xiaomei hurriedly asked: "Senior Brother Zuo, why did you just say that the clan is hypocritical?"

Zuo Tianming glanced at Mo Xun, showing he was hesitant to speak.

Mo Xun was also a sensible person. Knowing that she had something to talk about next, he said again: "Miss Qin, I have other things to do. I'll come to see you next time!"

Qin Xuanrong knew that this was Mo Xun's excuse. She finally met an old friend of her father's and a lifesaver, so she wanted to repay him.

"Uncle Shi, don't be anxious. You go and sit in my secret room first. My father told me some things back then. I need to tell Uncle Shi later."

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, and seeing that Qin Xuanrong did have something to say, he nodded lightly.

"All right!"

There happened to be five secret rooms in this cave. After Mo Xun entered, he immediately noticed that someone had put a soundproofing ban on the outside.

However, this method was too clumsy in front of him.

Outside the secret room, Zuo Tianming's face suddenly darkened.

"Junior sister Qin, please don't bring outsiders here without my permission in the future!"

Qin Xuanrong's face also didn't look good.

"Senior Brother Zuo, what do you mean by this? Do you think I will harm everyone? I have already said that Uncle Mo Shi saved my family's lives back then, so I should help him out of love and reason."

Zuo Tianming snorted coldly.

"How can you be sure that this person has no evil intentions? Besides, how long has it been since then? It's been more than two hundred years ago, but according to you, this person has only advanced to one level. Do you think this is normal? ?"

Qin Xuanrong raised her eyebrows.

"What's abnormal about this? He's only a few decades older than me at most. It's not like you've never seen someone who practices slowly. Are you suspicious because of his inferior qualifications?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zuo Tianming's mouth.

"If you have inferior qualifications, how can you succeed in building a foundation before the age of thirty? Do you think this kind of person will only advance to one level in more than two hundred years?"

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