Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 908 The Demon Ancestor Arrives

Zongtai raised his eyebrows.

"Which point?"

Situ Zhang smiled mysteriously, as if he liked to see others anxious.

"If you join my demon sect, let alone forming a baby, even ascending to heaven in the future is possible?"

Zongtai opened his eyes wide immediately, as if he didn't believe his ears.

For many years, there has been no ascending cultivator in the entire southern border. Could it be that the demon sect has found other ways?

Situ Zhang naturally saw what he was thinking, and then said: "Of course, after ascending to heaven, you can only go to the demon world, but for me, as long as you can live forever, no matter whether you become an immortal or a demon, what difference does it make?"

Situ Zhang's words are actually not unreasonable.

Everyone's goal is to live forever, whether it is cultivating immortals or cultivating demons, perhaps in the eyes of many people, they are the same.

Zongtai fell silent for a while, not knowing whether he was weighing or judging the truth of his words.

He was even more hesitant in his heart. Could it be that Situ Peng really formed a baby because of the infusion of demonic energy?

While Zong Tai was pondering, Zong Tonghai and Zong Yixiao were also thinking about something.

Especially Zong Tonghai, although he didn't say anything, his expression showed that he was already tempted.

To be honest, if this matter is true, this condition is too tempting.

But think about it carefully, it shouldn't be that simple.

If you can ascend to heaven by becoming a demon, who would still practice immortality?

But even if you put aside the ascension, the opportunity to form a baby is enough to make countless people excited.

But the question is, is there a free lunch in the world?

Although there are not many Jindan cultivators in this world, if you count them, there are definitely not a few.

Even if there are people who are willing to give up the Taoist tradition and change from immortal to demon, there must be many people!

Then why did such a good thing fall on his family?

In other words, this opportunity will definitely not be given for nothing.

Zong Tai, who was not overwhelmed by the temptation, immediately thought of this point.

"You just said that you want my clan to do something for you. What is it?"

Situ Zhang's expression suddenly became solemn, and then he looked at Zong Tonghai and Zong Yixiao beside him, hesitant to speak.

Zong Tai waved his hand.

"They are all core members of my clan, so you can say whatever you want!"

After a slight hesitation, Situ Zhang slowly spoke.

"Due to some reasons within the Demon Lord Hall, the secret I just told you was leaked a few months ago. The Tiandao League must have known about it now. Brother Zong should know that in addition to the lotus pond, there are also two ancient teleportation arrays in the southern border. When the Demon Ancestor descends, he will come here through the teleportation array, but because the array was destroyed in the early years, no one can say which one he will come through now."

Zong Tai nodded secretly, he seemed to have guessed something.

Situ Zhang continued, "After the Tiandao League knew about this, they immediately sealed all the teleportation arrays and sent a large number of people to guard them. The purpose was to keep the Demon Ancestor out of this world."

Zong Tai heard this and immediately found a loophole. He frowned and asked, "If that's the case, why don't they destroy the teleportation array once and for all?"

Situ Zhang chuckled.

"It's not that they can't, but they don't dare!"


"This teleportation array is tens of thousands of years old, and its teleportation distance is unprecedented. The space array involved is extremely mysterious and far beyond the imagination of the cultivators in this world. Once it is destroyed by external forces, it is very likely that the space will collapse. The huge devouring force will destroy thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in an instant. Who dares to do this?"

Zong Tai was shocked and nodded in understanding.

It seems that for cultivators, that thing is not an opportunity at all, but a disaster!

It seems that the Tiandao League also realized this and kept it secret.

But the problem is that the teleportation array is not only in the southern border, but also in the territory of the Demon Dao on the other side of Lianchi Mountain.

Even in the territory of Yue State, which is now occupied by the nine sects of the Demon Dao, there is one.

Thinking of this, Zong Tai's heart suddenly jumped.

Could it be that the great battle between the gods and demons more than two hundred years ago was related to this matter?

If you think about it carefully, it may be possible.

Maybe the upper echelons of the Demon Dao knew about the appearance of the teleportation array more than two hundred years ago, so they wanted to occupy the entire southern border to prepare for the future arrival of the Demon Ancestor.

If not, why did an ancient teleportation array just happen to appear in the territory of Yue State, which is occupied by the Demon Dao?

Thinking of this, Zong Tai's eyes became sharp again.

He took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "What do you want me to do?"

Situ Zhang grinned, and under his handsome face, he actually revealed a bit of vulgarity.

"It's very simple. Once the Demon Ancestor comes, all you need to do is find a chance to sneak in and break the seal of a teleportation array!"

Zong Tai couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he heard this.

He really doesn't care about words!

Since the Tiandao League knows the pros and cons of this matter, they will definitely send heavy troops to guard it, and there may even be Yuanying cultivators in charge.

No matter how strong he is, it is difficult for him to do anything in that situation, let alone break the seal?

"I don't know if it was you, or the Demon Lord Hall, who asked me to find you, but you think too highly of my Zong family."

Situ Zhang smiled and said, "I know what Zong brother is doing, and you don't have to worry. Someone will cooperate with you. My Demon Lord Hall will not let your Zong family take risks alone."

Zong Tai fell silent again.

This matter is too important to allow him to make a decision in a hurry.

If he takes a wrong step, the entire Zong family will be doomed!

But from another perspective, he was a little tempted.

His life span is coming to an end, but he is still just a little short. If there is still no hope of breaking through, he can only force the pill to break and gamble at the end of his life.

But now, there is another opportunity in front of him.

How to choose?


I don't know how long it took, Mo Xun, who was sitting cross-legged in the secret room, suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a purple flying insect hovered above his head.

After a moment, he couldn't help but let out a long breath, and his brows immediately became solemn.

He already knew everything about the clan's secret conversation.

He now finally understood why Guan Yanran and her apprentice, who were rescued in Huanyun Desert, went to Huanyun Plain.

Presumably, the invitation of the Saint Maiden Palace and the Heavenly Ghost Sect was to discuss how to deal with the arrival of the Demon Ancestor.

And the ancient teleportation array that appeared in Huanyun Plain also needs to be sealed and guarded as soon as possible.

If it is delayed a little longer, who knows what kind of chaos will happen in the entire Dongsheng Continent?

Today, I will present one chapter first. The editor has applied for a publishing recommendation, and I need to write a recommendation of several thousand words. Although the hope is slim, it is at least an opportunity. Please bear with me! Next, we will enter the Southern Xinjiang Demonic Path chapter for a period of time. Most of the subsequent plots will also be launched with the ancient teleportation array as the introduction. Some previous holes need to be filled in one after another, including the establishment of the sect, the Yuehua Fairy, the transformation into a demon, Cheng Mu’s life experience, the whereabouts of Yunniang, etc. Of course, some new holes will be dug, and the details cannot be spoiled. Originally, this book was intended to be written all the way to the fairyland. After all, some preparations for the upper realm have been made, such as the Three Greens, the Heavenly Runes, the upper realm body refining techniques, the demon world, and the role of white soil. However, it is also possible that it will be temporarily completed after ascending in this realm, and then another book will be started to continue. The details will have to be discussed with the editor in the future. Finally, thank you all for your long-term support.

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