Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 911 Lingyun Battleship

The person who appeared opposite Zong Tonghai at this moment was a black-robed cultivator who looked to be in his forties or fifties.

He had a square face, a burly figure, and a three-inch long beard under his chin that was quite elegant.

His cultivation was close to the peak of the Jindan stage, and he seemed to be no less than Zong Tai.

Zong Tonghai quickly swallowed a handful of pills, and the wound on his shoulder stopped bleeding, but his face was gloomy and pale.

"Who are you?"

While speaking, Zong Tonghai suddenly threw a sound transmission talisman behind him. Although it was done very covertly, how could he escape the opponent's consciousness in front of a cultivator of this level?

But the black-robed cultivator didn't seem to have any intention of stopping him, and even laughed.

"Who is it? Hehe... Of course he's here to collect the debt!"

Mo Xun in the distance was moved, thinking that this person was probably the senior Wan mentioned by Zuo Tianming and others.

Then, he found that Qin Xuanrong and the other four had disappeared.

It seems that this matter is getting more and more interesting!

Zong Tonghai calmed down the chaotic mana in his body. After just one round, he knew that he was no match for the other party.

The strength of the person in front of him, even if not as good as the ancestor Zong Tai, is probably not far behind.

He glanced around and saw that all the disciples of the Zong family were holding magic weapons and surrounded him, especially those fellows who had reached the Jindan stage. He felt a little relieved.

Not to mention, the move just now really scared him.

"What debt do you want to collect? When has my Zong family ever owed you anything?"

The man in black snorted coldly, almost gritting his teeth and speaking slowly word by word.

"One hundred and eighty years ago, Wanji Pavilion!"

Zong Tonghai frowned at first, and after repeating it silently, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Are you a descendant of the Yin family?"

The man in black spread out his palm, and a miniature ship model appeared in the flashing light.

The ship was very delicately carved, with all the runes and magic arrays on it, and some spiritual power fluctuations were faintly flowing.

"Lingyun warship!"

Zong Tonghai's eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets.

"It seems that your Zong family has a good memory and has not forgotten the blood debt of the past!"

The man in black turned his wrist and put the ship away again.

"Just for such a thing, your Zong family inhumanely killed my entire family. Today, it's time to settle the score, right?"

After the voice fell, the man in black suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a silver thing.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an ice cone.

The ice cone suddenly turned into countless transparent ice arrows in the air and rushed straight to Zong Tonghai in the distance.

Zong Tonghai was horrified, and while retreating rapidly, he shouted at the same time: "Form a formation!"

Then, a circle of light blue formation light shield lingered around, trapping the man in black.

Those ice arrows that had not yet attacked were shot at the formation barrier one by one, and there was a sharp and dense rumble.

The next moment, a huge red blade light directly pierced through the formation and slashed towards Zong Tonghai who was fleeing in panic.

Amid screams, Zong Tonghai was blown away by the blade light.

Fortunately, there was a treasure tripod-shaped protective magic weapon covering his head, so he was not injured.

While the blade light tore the formation apart, several Jindan cultivators nearby were also backlashed and retreated one after another.

The deafening power of the magic power created a circle of ripples in the air.

When he looked again, the stone steps of the square where those people were originally standing had become a mess.

Fortunately, all the casual cultivators fled far away, otherwise, hundreds of people would have died in this one blow.

Although the black-clothed man's attack failed, his momentum was not reduced at all.

He suddenly stamped his feet and quickly made a few Taoist gestures with his hands. The ground was shaking, and suddenly black vines sprang out from the cracks in the rocks.

Those vines grew very fast, and in the blink of an eye they were as thick as an adult's arm.

Their length was even more crazy, and they went straight to the disciples of the clan who were still nearby.

Several foundation-building cultivators reacted slowly and were immediately entangled by the vines, like prey trapped by a giant snake.

Some people immediately took out swords and chopped them randomly, but it was like slashing on pig iron, and even sparks came out.

After the vines entangled people, they immediately began to tighten and contract, as if they were going to strangle the captured prey to death.

Zong Tonghai and several Jindan cultivators were better off. After dodging the vines, they began to fight back with magic weapons.

After all, they were Jindan strongmen, and their magic power and methods were much stronger than those of foundation-building cultivators.

In an instant, a melee broke out in the field.

The fire, the shadow of the knife, the sword light, all kinds of magic weapons and talismans, as well as the flying beasts and insects, the battle was so fierce that the sky was full of clouds and smoke.

Those onlookers who had not yet fled had never seen such a large-scale battle before?

Everyone was stunned and sighed at the strength of the black-clothed monk.

One against five, but he was not at a disadvantage at all.

Mo Xun was also in the crowd of spectators, watching everything happening in front of him with a cold look.

The black-clothed man's cultivation was not low, and his strength was also good. If he continued to fight like this, he would most likely win.

But the next moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

After a few breaths, a sharp shout came from the sky.

"Bold thief, dare to kill people in my Wuding Mountain, who gave you the courage?"

As the voice fell, another five Jindan monks suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

Among them, there were two early, two middle, and one late!

This late-stage cultivator is none other than Zong Yixiao, the second-in-command of the Zong family!

As for the other four people, they are probably the distinguished guests invited by the Zong family for the casual cultivator conference this time.

While they were talking, the five people had already arrived, and they couldn't help but join the battle group.

But when they were about to take action, everyone stood there in shock, their movements becoming extremely slow, as if they were stuck in a muddy swamp.

At the same time, even the monks in black and Zong Tonghai, who were fighting, stopped.

Immediately afterwards, someone realized something and screamed in shock.

"Nascent Soul Spirit Realm!"

This sound immediately caused the place to become deathly silent, and the low-level monks who were watching all shut their mouths in an instant.

Because Mo Xun finally took action!

If he didn't intervene, the man in black would definitely be unable to resist.

After a short silence, Zong Yixiao spoke first with a pale face.

"I dare to ask which senior Yuan Ying made the move. Has my clan ever offended any senior? If there is really something wrong, please ask the senior to show up. My clan, from top to bottom, will definitely give an explanation to the senior. ”

Not counting the foundation-building disciples of the sect, the eleven people in the field were all flexing their heads in panic at this moment, looking left and right, as if they wanted to find out among the surrounding crowd that person with great magic power, but who likes to hide his head and tail. Master.


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